Mickey Rourke

Image of Mickey Rourke
I don't have many Hollywood friends anyway; I thought with my ability I didn't need to make those kind of relationships, but maybe I should have done. Might have made my life easier!
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
You want to earn respect in your old age. You want to walk into a restaurant and have people say: 'There's Mickey Rourke. He was great in 'The Wrestler.' You don't want them jumping out of windows.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I spent so long studying really hard to become a fine actor, but threw it all away because I got the adulation and the fame so easily.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I grew up in a gym in Miami, the one where Muhammad Ali trained. I had 142 amateur fights and lost three.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I behaved worse than anybody for 15 years, and you have to pay the price for that. I used to blame other people, then therapy made me realise I had to change.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
A reputation is really hard to live down.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I spent a lot of years trying to beat the system and, in the end, the system kicked my behind good.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
Once you've been somebody, really, you have a career and you're a nobody anymore, and you're getting older, you're living what's called a state of shame.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
Wrestling and boxing is like Ping-Pong and rugby. There's no connection.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
My dogs are more important than my family.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
Being out of work for 13 to 15 years is no walk in the park.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I try to find the right director who won't compromise his or anyone else's integrity, and yet be political enough to give the studio what they want, yet put up a fight to maintain that integrity.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I didn't have a childhood, really, because I worked my whole life and... other reasons. So when I had some success, I went ballistic. That was my childhood, and the party kept going on.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I'm the worst surfer in California. My balance is off from boxing.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I love the first Godfather movie, part one. And two.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
People need medicine and they need therapists.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
When you lose everything, and I mean everything, you sit there in this empty room in the dark, and the only person who can get you out is you.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I used to love playing football in high school. I played with the same guys for 10 years.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
There's always going to be a war going on inside of me. That's just, I think, my make-up.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I'd just as soon do a big-budget movie as an independent one.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
Sometimes the independent movies can get a little too arty-farty. You watch the IFC Channel and you want to throw up. You don't always have to take things so serious, you know.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I never knew my father, and I'd hate to repeat that kind of cycle with my own children, because I'd also want to be there for them no matter what.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
The ladies love me and I love the ladies!
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
In Hollywood, you're always playing roles... It's like going through the motions. But in real life, it's like, you gotta take care of business. It's not just the movies.
- Mickey Rourke
Image of Mickey Rourke
I'm an old broken down piece of meat and I deserve to be all alone . . .
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Broken
Image of Mickey Rourke
Hey, baby, nobody suffers like the poor.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Baby
Image of Mickey Rourke
Actors should shut up about politics. They tend to be ill-informed finger-pointers who just cosy up to some flavour of-the-month liberal.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Actors
Image of Mickey Rourke
I couldn't direct traffic. It's hard enough just acting.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Acting
Image of Mickey Rourke
Women are much stronger than men. When a woman says enough is enough, which means enough is enough. Man will always lie at her feet in the hope of return. I was lying. And somehow happy.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Lying
Image of Mickey Rourke
I've been with a lot of women, but who's counting? It's nothing I'm proud of. It's a physical need. Sometimes afterwards I just want to blow my brains out, it's so meaningless.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Blow
Image of Mickey Rourke
Change for me was really hard because I had built myself up to be a certain kind of man my whole life, as men are where I come from. I thought I got to handle things different that's gonna make me feel like a real pussy. For me it was hard to turn the other cheek. Even though it's a stronger choice. It was very hard to make the change, but I had to in order to survive. Otherwise they would have won.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Trust
Image of Mickey Rourke
I get a call, and it's Howard Bingham, and he's got the champ on the line.Muhammad Ali didn't remember me from being a kid, but he was going, "Yeah, you're in bed, and you want your mama with you . . ." It really helped so much. He spent 15 or 20 minutes on the phone with me. That's a memory that I'll always cherish.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Memories
Image of Mickey Rourke
I thought my talent would transcend my outspokenness. I was wrong.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Talent
Image of Mickey Rourke
I had achieved so much success in my career and then had this spectacular fall from grace that left me unemployed and living in a town, Los Angeles, that is built on envy. Once you fall, people don't really root for you to come back again. I'd go to restaurants where I always had the best table and half the time they wouldn't even let me pay. And then when I stopped making movies, the same places wouldn't even give me a lousy table, never mind the best one!
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Fall
Image of Mickey Rourke
Wrestlers are all pretty busted-up by the ends of their careers.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Careers
Image of Mickey Rourke
People ask me about that all the time. They say, "Did you ever think of directing?" And I say, "It's completely out of the question."
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mickey Rourke
The two sports are as different as Ping-Pong and rugby. In boxing, you don’t know what’s going to happen. In wrestling, it’s already prearranged. But the thing I didn’t know about wrestling is that you really get hurt. Because, you know, you’re wrestling in front of a live audience, and you end up doing things like jumps or slams, and 40 percent of the time you don’t land right.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Sports
Image of Mickey Rourke
[The tension] between the Christians and Muslims goes back to the Crusades, doesn't it? It's too easy to blame everything on one guy. These are unpredictable, dangerous times, and I don't think that anyone really knows quite what to do.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Christian
Image of Mickey Rourke
When I did Sean Penn’s movie, I think I was living in, like, a $500-a-month room, and someone called me up or bumped into me and asked me if I’d come up to work for a day. That sort of got me going a little bit. But it wasn’t until Sin City [2005] that I kind of got back into the game.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mickey Rourke
I wanted to change my name to Romeo Florentino. Romeo Florentino - that's a good fighter's name.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Names
Image of Mickey Rourke
Boxers are very isolated - or isolated within their own camps.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Boxers
Image of Mickey Rourke
I started having some memory-loss issues. I took a neurological exam, and they said, "Well, you should stop fighting now." And I kept begging them for one more fight, one more fight, and the doctor said to me, "How much are they going to pay you?" I was supposed to fight three more times, and one would have been for a cruiser belt. So I said, "I just need to fight three more times." He said, "Listen, you can't even get hit in the head one more time, your neuro is so bad."
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Memories
Image of Mickey Rourke
By the end of the shoot [of Wrestler], my trainer was pushing me up three flights of stairs to my house and holding my arm like I was an old cripple. I had three MRIs in the first two months of working on the film. I felt like it really was over by the time we started shooting the movie.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Two
Image of Mickey Rourke
Since I knew wrestling was all choreographed, I thought, Oh, they don't get hurt at all. But I walked away with a renewed respect for the sport. Because I was very ignorant before - I knew nothing about it.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Sports
Image of Mickey Rourke
All I am hoping for is to be able to work-I think my best work is still ahead of me-I think all that I have been through in the last several years have only made me a better, more interesting actor.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mickey Rourke
Julian Schnabel painted a picture that he dedicated to my character in Rumble Fish. It was called The Motorcycle Boy. I remember when he brought it over to me at the Mayflower Hotel [in New York] years ago. This is when you and I knew each other.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: New York
Image of Mickey Rourke
In order to understand the stock market we have to realize that, like anything enormous and inert, it's fundamentally stable, and, like anything emotion-driven, it's volatile as hell. Got that? Me neither.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Order
Image of Mickey Rourke
It's always been the case that you have the really rich, and the really poor. But hey, look, all the great empires have their periods where they rule the world, and then they crumble.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Looks
Image of Mickey Rourke
When I was like 12 or 13,Muhammad Ali gave me a pair of his trunks that were white satin with gold stripes. They were full of blood, and my mother threw them away. I think it's the first time I ever cursed at my mother.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Mother