Megan Alexander

Image of Megan Alexander
How to get a seat at the table: 1. Be excellent. 2. Say a prayer. 3. Be available 4. Be you
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Prayer
Image of Megan Alexander
Focus on your work. Be the best you that you can be. Develop a thick skin and let things roll off your back. And keep a sense of humor!
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Focus
Image of Megan Alexander
I feel very lucky to have served under some great bosses. The majority of them were men, but I have also had a few women. In many ways, I feel like media is pretty neutral when it comes to gender.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Men
Image of Megan Alexander
Author Brene Brown - her books inspire me to "dare greatly".
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Book
Image of Megan Alexander
Michelle Tafoya - best NFL sideline reporter - period. She is always prepared and professional.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Nfl
Image of Megan Alexander
I have had bosses that were genuinely excited when I told them I was pregnant. I feel very blessed, but I also know I need to continue to do excellent work and stay organized.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Blessed
Image of Megan Alexander
If anything, people think it's cool that I'm still working. I'm proud to be a working mama in this world.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Thinking
Image of Megan Alexander
Do good work and let that speak for itself. Don't waste time arguing with someone. Instead, show them in your work. That's easier said than done, but it really is the best solution. No one can argue with good work.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Waste
Image of Megan Alexander
My work speaks for itself.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Speak
Image of Megan Alexander
I salute all workingwomen everywhere! You inspire me to keep going!
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Inspire
Image of Megan Alexander
Do the best work you can do and try not to worry about the fact that you are a woman covering the NFL and you have never played the sport before. Just focus on the story and study, prepare and deliver the best report possible.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Sports
Image of Megan Alexander
I am sent on assignments just like guys. I have covered presidential campaigns, natural disasters, tragedies, red carpets, medical stories and more.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Guy
Image of Megan Alexander
I want to be known for good work first. A good story and good delivery is just that - period.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Stories
Image of Megan Alexander
Sure, there are times when the guys talk about playing football in school and I can't relate to that, but I can relate to being a female athlete. And as long as you are prepared, work hard and know your stuff, you will be fine.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Football
Image of Megan Alexander
Robin Roberts - what a trailblazer she has been in sports TV! One of the best in TV.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Sports
Image of Megan Alexander
I do respect the political process and those that cover politics on a regular basis. It's just not for me.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Political
Image of Megan Alexander
I get an adrenaline rush from "playing with the big boys." I consider myself a tomboy and was an athlete in high school, so I like to "talk shop" anyway. But it's fun to actually get paid to cover the NFL with all these incredible former players and sports anchors.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Sports
Image of Megan Alexander
I am pretty proud to be the Super Bowl correspondent for Inside Edition. It is the most coveted assignment, and the most watched event in our country - every year. The pomp and circumstance during Super Bowl week leading up to the game is just incredible.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Country
Image of Megan Alexander
During the game, we never sit down. Not only is there action on the field, but we also have to cover the half-time show and interview all the celebrities attending. But once it's all over, it's a pretty satisfying feeling. My team and I love delivering an exciting and all-encompassing story the next day for our viewers. We want them to see and experience all that we did.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Team
Image of Megan Alexander
As a major country music fan, the CMA awards are my favorite!
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Country
Image of Megan Alexander
Politics is quite draining. There are so many heated discussions and press conferences to cover during a convention.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Conventions
Image of Megan Alexander
MTV Awards are fun - it's MTV! You never know what's going to happen. It's a slice of pop culture in the moment, and you can't take it too seriously.
- Megan Alexander
Collection: Fun