Marquis de Sade

Image of Marquis de Sade
Happiness lies only in that which excites, and the only thing that excites is crime.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Lying
Image of Marquis de Sade
I've been to Hell. You've only read about it.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Hell
Image of Marquis de Sade
My passions, concentrated on a single point, resemble the rays of a sun assembled by a magnifying glass: they immediately set fire to whatever object they find in their way.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Passion
Image of Marquis de Sade
How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we immolate. The means to every crime is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Mean
Image of Marquis de Sade
You say that my way of thinking cannot be tolerated? What of it? The man who alters his way of thinking to suit othere is a fool. My way of thinking is the result of my reflections. It is part of my inner being,the way I am made. I do not contradict them, and would not even if I wished to. For my system, which you disapprove of is also my greatest comfort in life, the source of all my happiness -it means more to me than my life itself.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Mean
Image of Marquis de Sade
Why do you complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Fate
Image of Marquis de Sade
Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marquis de Sade
And if I were a naughty little boy, the idea is to spank me into good behavior?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Naughty
Image of Marquis de Sade
God strung up his own son like a side of veal. I shudder to think what he would do to me.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Religious
Image of Marquis de Sade
The debility to which Nature condemned women incontestably proves that her design is for man, who then more than ever enjoys his strength, to exercise it in all the violent forms that suit him best, by means of tortures, if he be so inclined, or worse.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Mean
Image of Marquis de Sade
Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Love
Image of Marquis de Sade
Every principle is a judgment, every judgment the outcome of experience, and experience is only acquired by the exercise of the senses; whence it follows that religious principles bear upon nothing whatever and are not in the slightest innate. Ignorance and fear, you will repeat to them, ignorance and fear - those are the twin bases of every religion.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Religious
Image of Marquis de Sade
Those laws, being forged for universal application, are in perpetual conflict with personal interest, just as personal interest is always in contradiction with the general interest. Good for society, our laws are very bad for the individuals whereof it is composed; for, if they one time protect the individual, they hinder, trouble, fetter him for three quarters of his life.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Law
Image of Marquis de Sade
Consider the problem from the point of view of evil, evil being almost always pleasure's true and major charm; considered thus, the crime must appear greater when perpetrated upon a being of your identical sort than when inflicted upon one which is not, and this once established, the delight automatically doubles.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Truth
Image of Marquis de Sade
The mechanism that directs government cannot be virtuous, because it is impossible to thwart every crime, to protect oneself from every criminal without being criminal too; that which directs corrupt mankind must be corrupt itself; and it will never be by means of virtue, virtue being inert and passive, that you will maintain control over vice, which is ever active: the governor must be more energetic than the governed.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Mean
Image of Marquis de Sade
Happiness is an abstraction, it is a product of the imagination, it is a way of being moved, which depends entirely on our way of seeing and feeling.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marquis de Sade
Nothing we can do outrages Nature directly. Our acts of destruction give her new vigour and feed her energy, but none of our wreckings can weaken her power.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Giving
Image of Marquis de Sade
What do I see in the God of that infamous sect if not an inconsistent and barbarous being, today the creator of a world of destruction he repents of tomorrow; what do I see there but a frail being forever unable to bring man to heel and force him to bend a knee. This creature, although emanated from him, dominates him, knows how to offend him and thereby merit torments eternally! What a weak fellow, this God!
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: God
Image of Marquis de Sade
Crime is to the passions what nervous fluid is to life: it sustains them, it supplies their strength.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Passion
Image of Marquis de Sade
Is it not a strange blindness on our part to teach publicly the techniques of warfare and to reward with medals those who prove to be the most adroit killers?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Peace
Image of Marquis de Sade
I am about to put foward some major ideas; they will be heard and pondered. If not all of them please, surely a few will; in some sort, then, I shall have contributed to the progress of our age, and shall be content.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Military
Image of Marquis de Sade
The law which attempts a man's life [capital punishment] is impractical, unjust, inadmissible. It has never repressed crime - for a second crime is every day committed at the foot of the scaffold.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Men
Image of Marquis de Sade
You are afraid of the people unrestrained-how ridiculous!
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: People
Image of Marquis de Sade
Certain souls may seem harsh to others, but it is just a way, beknownst only to them, of caring and feeling more deeply.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Caring
Image of Marquis de Sade
It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Ideas
Image of Marquis de Sade
What you call disorder is nothing else than one of the laws of the order you comprehend not and which you have erroneously named disorder because its effects, though good for Nature, run counter to your convenience or jar your opinions.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Running
Image of Marquis de Sade
I don't know what the heart is, not I: I only use the word to denote the mind's frailties.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Heart
Image of Marquis de Sade
The impossibility of outraging nature is the greatest anguish man can know.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Men
Image of Marquis de Sade
For mortal men there is but one hell, and that is the folly and wickedness and spite of his fellows; but once his life is over, there's an end to it: his annihilation is final and entire, of him nothing survives.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Men
Image of Marquis de Sade
It is certain that stealing nourishes courage, strength, skill, tact, in a word, all the virtues useful to a republican system and consequently to our own. Lay partiality aside, and answer me: is theft, whose effect is to distribute wealth more evenly, to be branded as a wrong in our day, under our government which aims at equality? Plainly, the answer is no.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Government
Image of Marquis de Sade
Humane sentiments are baseless, mad, and improper; they are incredibly feeble; never do they withstand the gainsaying passions, never do they resist bare necessity.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Passion
Image of Marquis de Sade
Are your convictions so fragile that mine cannot stand in opposition to them? Is your God so illusory that the presence of my Devil reveals his insufficiency?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Devil
Image of Marquis de Sade
Never may an act of possession be exercised upon a free being; the exclusive possession of a woman is no less unjust than the possession of slaves; all men are born free, all have equal rights: never should we lose sight of those principles; according to which never may there be granted to one sex the legitimate right to lay monopolizing hands upon the other, and never may one of the sexes, or classes, arbitrarily possess the other.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Sex
Image of Marquis de Sade
It has, moreover, been proven that horror, nastiness, and the frightful are what give pleasure when one fornicates. Beauty is a simple thing; ugliness is the exceptional thing. And fiery imaginations, no doubt, always prefer the extraordinary thing to the simple thing.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Beauty
Image of Marquis de Sade
If the objects who serve us feel ecstacy, they are much more often concerned with themselves than with us, and our own enjoyment is consequently impaired. The idea of seeing another person experience the same pleasure reduces one to a kind of equality which spoils the unutterable charms that come from despotism.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Happiness
Image of Marquis de Sade
Behold, my love, behold all that I simultaneously do: scandal, seduction, bad example, incest, adultery, sodomy! Oh, Satan! one and unique God of my soul, inspire thou in me something yet more, present further perversions to my smoking heart, and then shalt thou see how I shall plunge myself into them all!
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Heart
Image of Marquis de Sade
Beauty belongs to the sphere of the simple, the ordinary, whilst ugliness is something extraordinary, and there is no question but that every ardent imagination prefers in lubricity, the extraordinary to the commonplace
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Simple
Image of Marquis de Sade
Love Is Stronger Than Pride
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Love
Image of Marquis de Sade
Nature has endowed each of us with a capacity for kindly feelings: let us not squander them on others.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Feelings
Image of Marquis de Sade
Certain souls seem hard because they are capable of strong feelings, and they sometimes go to rather extreme lengths; their apparent unconcern and cruelty are but ways, known only to themselves, of feeling more strongly than others.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Change
Image of Marquis de Sade
It requires only two things to win credit for a miracle: a mountebank and a number of silly women.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Atheist
Image of Marquis de Sade
Chimerical and empty being, your name alone has caused more blood to flow on the face of the earth than any political war ever will. Return to the nothingness from which the mad hope and ridiculous fright of men dared call you forth to their misfortune. You only appeared as a torment for the human race. What crimes would have been spared the world, if they had choked the first imbecile who thought of speaking of you.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: War
Image of Marquis de Sade
The primary and most beautiful of nature's qualities is motion
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marquis de Sade
Get it into your head once and for all, my simple and very fainthearted fellow, that what fools call humanness is nothing but a weakness born of fear and egoism; that this chimerical virtue, enslaving only weak men, is unknown to those whose character is formed by stoicism, courage, and philosophy.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Marquis de Sade
Virtue can procure only an imaginary happiness; true felicity lies only in the senses, and virtue gratifies none of them.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Lying
Image of Marquis de Sade
There are thorns everywhere, but along the path of vice, roses bloom above them.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Rose
Image of Marquis de Sade
Sexual pleasure is, I agree, a passion to which all others are subordinate but in which they all unite.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Sex
Image of Marquis de Sade
Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marquis de Sade
The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Men