Top naughty Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of naughty quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Naughty Boy
I dropped out of a degree course and I did two things. I applied to The Prince's Trust and Deal Or 'No Deal.' I had thought one of them would work because I needed a laptop and some software to be taken seriously. I got both. That was the start.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
My selfie game has had to increase by 100 million per cent!
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
There's so much love, but there's also a bit of edge - the Pakistani community is like your girlfriend being a bit miffed when you don't spend enough time with her.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
With Zayn, it was different because we were genuinely best friends doing the best friend thing. You won't see me do that with anyone else.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
One Direction's not a band, it's an economy.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
Even though 'La La La' was a massive success, you don't want to take it for granted.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
One of my many early jobs was a waiter at a hotel called The Grove. It's a luxury hotel.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
The public know that real life is not like that - it's not glossy.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
It's exciting for artists when you take them out of their comfort zone.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
Sometimes being normal is to try and sort things out with your fiancee or hang around with a friend. That is normal.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
Mum and dad don't have to work any more. I take care of them, and I always wanted to do that. Especially being the guy that was probably least likely to.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I just want to change the game, but in the purest way possible.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I was the guy that was always borrowing a fiver, who always needed petrol money.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I didn't grow up with any kind of music lessons, which is what I wanted. You've got to pay for these things. And the school I was in, music wasn't the main focus; there probably wasn't the budget. So it really had to come from within, this urgency.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
You can do so much with vegetables when you add spice.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I wanted badly to make music, but had no equipment or money.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I think it's important that anyone suffering from dementia that they get some human contact.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
Don't be afraid of being yourself.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
Musically, I've never followed the rules.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I'm not musically trained; I'm just a boy from Watford who grew up in a big Pakistani community.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I've been inspired by Bollywood, Pakistani music, qawwali for as long as I can remember - that came first.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I feel like the music should be a reflection of the culture and the world we're living in.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
If I said to my mum I'd left home, she'd probably disown me, especially as I'm the youngest.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
It's nice to be part of a wave of talent that's almost faceless.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
That's one thing I talk to about with up and coming producers or people who are just getting started - don't think there's a blueprint. I was at university and I dropped out. I ended up on a television game show where I won a lot of money and used it to start making music and building a basic studio.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I feel like some of the news we watch on TV is conspiracy theories. What if Fox News is a conspiracy theory? What if what we are actually being told in the news is the conspiracy. There's so much out there that we're being fed that we just believe, so why are we so afraid to believe in a conspiracy theory? You have to question everything.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I'm pretty at zen with my past.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I think I would have just thrived in the 70s. Because firstly, there'd be no Internet and you'd have to actually get to know people. I think the music business would have been sick in the 70s.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I used to be the shyest rider person and would never use it. Now it has to have Grey Goose and Nando's chicken wings on it.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I notice the changes in my life all the time.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I released my own album, had a hit single, met people like Annie Lennox and Stevie Nicks. I even won an Ivor Novello award.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
My first hits were behind the scenes, producing songs for Chipmunk and Wiley and working with Emeli Sande.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I want to make music to inspire people, for weddings and even funerals.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I am not a tabloid guy. I don't want to be in the papers.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
The only thing I want to be known for is my music.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
There's something very British about the word naughty.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I think people have forgotten how powerful music has been in history - and what it has been able to do.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
That's why I'm willing to try things. I want to be part of moving pop culture forward. As big a task as that is, that's what I set out to do.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I don't do many interviews. I think that's the best way to keep it. With me, personally, my focus is on making my music famous. Doing interviews and things is making yourself famous, which is not part of my plan.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Naughty Boy
I slummed it for years when I was a waiter or delivering Domino's Pizzas.
- Naughty Boy
Collection: Naughty
Image of Lora Leigh
It was that surrender he needed. That complete feminine submission to every stroke, every caress, ever naughty act. Only in that submission would the subconscious trust, the bond he needed between them, come. He wanted her to trust, to know, to instinctively understand that he was more than just her lover; he was her other half. The one she told her secrets to. The one, she made secrets with.
- Lora Leigh
Collection: Naughty
Image of Alfred Molina
I enjoy playing villains - I'm very proud that I belong to a very honorable tradition of British actors who come to Hollywood to play the bad guys. At some point in American film, I think there was the idea that the British accent had a tone to it that's a little bit naughty.
- Alfred Molina
Collection: Naughty
Image of Marquis de Sade
And if I were a naughty little boy, the idea is to spank me into good behavior?
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Naughty
Image of Gillian Jacobs
It feels kind of naughty when you're swearing on set and you know it's gonna make it in unbleeped on the show.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Naughty
Image of Jerry Lawler
Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.
- Jerry Lawler
Collection: Naughty
Image of Alex Comfort
An erection at will is the moral equivalent of a valid credit card.
- Alex Comfort
Collection: Naughty
Image of Margaret Smith
The best contraceptive is the word no - repeated frequently.
- Margaret Smith
Collection: Naughty
Image of Gianluigi Buffon
I don't watch penalties in my hotel room. I watch naughty videos
- Gianluigi Buffon
Collection: Naughty
Image of Ricky Gervais
If your boss is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Naughty