Maria Shriver

Image of Maria Shriver
Investing in women, helping women to achieve their dreams, sending young girls to college. Trying to train young girls to be leaders. Sponsoring the Minerva Awards. All of these programs didn't exist before that help women day in and day out.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Girl
Image of Maria Shriver
We need this city to actually live up to its name-The City of Angels. We need to spread our wings. We need to show that we are more than red carpets, we are more than Hollywood, that we are a city ourselves of open arms. We are a city of generosity and compassion.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Angel
Image of Maria Shriver
I'm only asking you to stop every so often and turn off your mobile device, put down the Angry Birds and the Words with Friends and take a moment. Stop to look up and look around. Pause and check in with yourself - and spend a moment there.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Maria Shriver
The big thing is that if you don't try something, you'll always wonder. What could that have been like? What if...?
- Maria Shriver
Collection: What If
Image of Maria Shriver
There are so many places, particularly right now. Go and volunteer at a food bank. If you play the piano, go play the piano in an Alzheimer's home. Or read in an Alzheimer's home. Help a military family with babysitting. The opportunities are endless. People often think 'They want me?' or 'I can be of help?' What we try to say here is 'Be who you are.'Feel that, live it and pass it on.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Military
Image of Maria Shriver
Motherhood: 24/7 on the frontlines of humanity. Are you man enough to try it?
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Motherhood
Image of Maria Shriver
I was raised by a formidable woman. She always pushed me to be competitive in a man's world. That's maybe one of the attractions to journalism in the beginning. It was a male profession, and I was comfortable in that.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Men
Image of Maria Shriver
Having children-the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings-is the biggest job anyone can embark on. You have to take a leap of faith and ask lots of people for their help and guidance.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Maria Shriver
What we heard loud and clear is that the Battle Between the Sexes is over. It was a draw. Now we're engaged in Negotiation Between the Sexes.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Sex
Image of Maria Shriver
Comparing how you feel on the inside (bad) to the way someone else looks on the outside (great) is a losing proposition. It's an impossible standard.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Looks
Image of Maria Shriver
I’m trying to get away from roles. I used to identify myself strictly in terms of my role, but when your roles fall away, part of you falls with them.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Fall
Image of Maria Shriver
Creating the Minerva Awards. I really have enjoyed that. I have to say that I moaned and groaned about this job but the way I have it now, I enjoy everything about it... I enjoy giving people service opportunities.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Shriver
I liked that Larry King didn't know who Minerva was.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Kings
Image of Maria Shriver
Whether that's speaking up in your job or asking for a promotion or saying, 'I think I can do that.' Using your voice in ways that might initially scare you. That can be being an architect of change.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Shriver
I don't think you have to go out and become Secretary of State or be Bono but I think it's to let people know that whatever they do in their life that that's good.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maria Shriver
God puts mentors in your path. They may not look like you, sound like you, or be what you expect. But they always know more that you.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Mentor
Image of Maria Shriver
The Shriver Report presents an accurate and detailed portrait of American women and families at this transformational moment in our history.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Portraits
Image of Maria Shriver
I see bright kids trapped in public schools that are just warehousing them. As an educator this makes me scared. As Secretary of State, this makes me terrified.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: School
Image of Maria Shriver
I like meeting people and I like being able to help.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: People
Image of Maria Shriver
So many people don't know who's on the State Seal and they don't know, not just in California but the United States of America, things they look at every day and they say, 'Wow! I didn't know that.'
- Maria Shriver
Collection: California
Image of Maria Shriver
In this day and age it's really stupid to be stupid about financial matters. It doesn't do you any good to make money if you don't know what to do with it other than spend it.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Stupid