Manmohan Singh

Image of Manmohan Singh
I think the Chinese do have visions of being a great power. And I think it's legitimate. And I don't see that that's a danger to us.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Manmohan Singh
The emergence of India as a major global power is an idea whose time has come. This is a legitimate ambition for China. This is a legitimate ambition for India. And the challenge for the humanity is to evolve a world system in which the legitimate ambitions of both our countries can find constructive expression without threatening anybody else.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
Agribusiness and food processing are important parts of modernizing our economy, of modernizing our agriculture and moving into a phase where a more modernized agriculture helps not only farmers but also helps consumers.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Moving
Image of Manmohan Singh
[Urbanization] is the inevitable outcome of the processes of growth and the processes of modernization.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Urbanization
Image of Manmohan Singh
I do recognize that India has to be the center, the hub of activity as far as the knowledge economy is concerned.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: India
Image of Manmohan Singh
Outsourcing, information technology revolution, the access to India's human resources, India's pool of scientists. It will help American companies to become leaner, meaner, more efficient, and they become more competitive, both in the United States and in dealing with the rest of the world.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Technology
Image of Manmohan Singh
China is not I think a country which does not regulate, but there is a difference between the Chinese system and the Indian system.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
India is a functioning democracy despite its extreme poverty, India has stayed the course.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Democracy
Image of Manmohan Singh
India has, of course, aspirations of getting out of its poverty, ignorance, and disease which still afflict millions of people. But I do believe that we have something to offer to the rest of the world, including the United States.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Believe
Image of Manmohan Singh
The United States and India can work together.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Working Together
Image of Manmohan Singh
India's saving rate will go up. India's investment rate will go up. And I believe that's a plus point.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Believe
Image of Manmohan Singh
A new India which realizes its destiny in the framework of an open society, in the framework of an open economy, respecting all fundamental human freedoms great respect for pluralistic, inclusive value system. I think that's what unites India and the United States. And I do hope that working together, our two countries can write a new chapter in the history of our relationship.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
Democracies don't go to war.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: War
Image of Manmohan Singh
Nowhere else you will find a country of India's diversity, of India's complexity, one billion people trying to seek their social and economic salvation in the framework of democracy, in the framework of an open economy.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
India's infrastructure has to be modernized, has to be expanded at a rate which will I think be consistent with the growth requirements.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Manmohan Singh
All necessary steps needed to be taken to tackle terrorism will be adopted...but we will keep in mind that a particular religion or section of society does not face problems unnecessary
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Taken
Image of Manmohan Singh
India's growth rate will be accelerated, but in the process, America would also benefit.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: America
Image of Manmohan Singh
I have to do my duty, whatever task is allotted to me.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Tasks
Image of Manmohan Singh
I think the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Manmohan Singh
There was a research I think team, which conducted a survey about what Indians think of Americans, and 71 percent I believe said, well, I think all the nice things about our working together with the United States. But there are people I think that are old mind-sets, who still I think remain mired in the Cold War ideology.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: War
Image of Manmohan Singh
I sincerely hope that whatever influence the United States has in Pakistan, it will convince Pakistan that using terrorism as an instrument of state policy has no place in the world that we want to build.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: United States
Image of Manmohan Singh
I sincerely believe what happens in India has, I think, lessons, morals for the future evolution of humankind in the 21st century.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Believe
Image of Manmohan Singh
Jawaharlal Nehru wanted India to develop close ties with China and learn from its experience.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Ties
Image of Manmohan Singh
What we need is a dialogue amongst civilizations.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Civilization
Image of Manmohan Singh
Sachin Tendulkar is a guy you don't want to chat to period, because he will knuckle down- Brett Lee tells you why one must never sledge Sachin Tendulkar It is an amazing achievement to play for the country for over two decades and still continue to be the team's anchor. Sachin makes all of us so very proud
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
I have to create in India a macroeconomic environment where the employment in aggregate can go up at a handsome rate. Once that happens, people losing jobs in one sector will not mean that they will become perpetually unemployed. From one sector, they can move on to other sectors.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Manmohan Singh
I think, overall, India is today on the move. The economic reforms that our salvation lies in - operating an open society, political system, an open economy, economic system - this has widespread support.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Lying
Image of Manmohan Singh
India has remained a full, functioning democracy.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Democracy
Image of Manmohan Singh
I don't see, I think, any problems between India and the United States.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Manmohan Singh
In a country where employment opportunities are not growing fast enough, the fear of change tends to be very acute.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Country
Image of Manmohan Singh
The Chinese economy is growing at the rate of 9 percent; the Indian economy growing at the rate of 8 percent - enormous I think opportunities for two-way flow of trade, technology and investment.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Technology
Image of Manmohan Singh
I am convinced the entrepreneurial spirit of the Indian people, if allowed to express itself freely in the marketplace, India will be all right.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: People
Image of Manmohan Singh
Because the Chinese insistence on one child, I think the proportion of older, non-working age population is going to rise sharply in China.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Children
Image of Manmohan Singh
In a world in which technology is changing at such a fast pace, where demand conditions change very fast, we need to look at a more innovative mechanism to cut down on this rigmarole of many tiers of decision-making processes.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Cutting
Image of Manmohan Singh
I pray for that moment in which I think we can claim to the world that we are now in a different, new era of Indo-American relationship of trust, of working together, partnership strengthened both by our commitment to common values, and also the identity of interests.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Commitment
Image of Manmohan Singh
I should like to express our profound gratitude to the Americans of Indian origin. The way they have conducted themselves, the way they have worked hard to carve out a niche for themselves in the Silicon Valley, I think this has also given America a new idea about what India is capable of.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Manmohan Singh
The service of India means the service of those teeming millions steeped in poverty, ignorance and disease. To see that in my lifetime we can soften these harsh edges of extreme poverty and unleash a new economic and social revolution which will bring out the latent creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of our people, I think that's what I feel, I think.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Mean
Image of Manmohan Singh
If the economy is growing fast, there is call for a distributing income from the rich to the poor to to put in place social safety nets.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Safety
Image of Manmohan Singh
If the economy is not expanding, the redistribution of income becomes a zero-sum game. And therefore, all the class struggle - and it becomes much more vicious.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Zero
Image of Manmohan Singh
I have always believed that the ultimate purpose of economic policies and development policy is to meet the basic needs of our people. And for that, we need a fast-expanding economy.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: People
Image of Manmohan Singh
If certain facilities, local facilities have to be arranged, the local authorities have to come. And that makes the Indian system slow moving, Indian administrative system slow moving.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Moving
Image of Manmohan Singh
I think whatever I've done, I hope I've earned a footnote in India's long and tortuous history.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Manmohan Singh
Terrorists had the advantage of surprise.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Surprise
Image of Manmohan Singh
As the largest and most developed democracies of Asia (India and Japan), we have a mutual stake in each other's progress and prosperity.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Japan
Image of Manmohan Singh
The essence of Hinduism is that the path may be different, but the goal is the same.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Essence
Image of Manmohan Singh
I am not very good at statistics. I am also a poor thinker.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Motivational