Madeleine Albright

Image of Madeleine Albright
Unfortunately for the Iraqi people, instead of meeting these requirements, for six years, Saddam Hussein has lied, delayed, obstructed and tried to deceive
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Lying
Image of Madeleine Albright
A great task has been completed and an even larger one remains.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Tasks
Image of Madeleine Albright
I don't think people should think of women's issues as auxiliary issues - they are central.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Thinking
Image of Madeleine Albright
The administration does not agree with those who suggest we should deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops to engage militarily in a ground war in Iraq.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: War
Image of Madeleine Albright
There are a lot of similar aspects in all the religions. The question is which side of it you hold up.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Sides
Image of Madeleine Albright
After the Cold War, to rally the American people to understand that we had to be a part of solutions. It's one thing to say that we have to run everything, it's another to say we don't want anything to do with it.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Running
Image of Madeleine Albright
US is a very religious country. Separation of church and state is part of our credo, but that it is hard to understand since our money says "In God we trust" and every President says "God bless America".
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Country
Image of Madeleine Albright
I never dreamed about one day becoming Secretary of State. It's not that I was modest; it's just that I had never seen a Secretary of State in a skirt.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Madeleine Albright
Obviously Iran is a very large problem. It's hard to decide what the number one issue [is], but that is a very threatening problem.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Iran
Image of Madeleine Albright
Often if you don't speak up, whatever you thought was stupid to say some man would say and then everyone would say 'as he said'.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Stupid
Image of Madeleine Albright
I think the jobs [at the top] are unbelievably difficult, and there is nothing easier than second-guessing people.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeleine Albright
I get up every morning and I'm grateful for everything that has happened. I go through my list about being grateful for my children and grandchildren, and for the really remarkable life that I have been able to have.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Morning
Image of Madeleine Albright
I do think that one needs to have respect for people who are older. And I really do love the idea that one can respect generations.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Thinking
Image of Madeleine Albright
What distinguishes Americans from many people in the world is our kind of endemic optimism.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: People
Image of Madeleine Albright
jewels have played a colorful part in the evolution of world affairs. Because precious stones tend to inspire both admiration and greed, leaders have found convenient excuses for seeking them and have used them to impress crowds, reward friends, deprive foes, forge alliances, and justify war. Jewels may find their highest expression in the decorative arts, but they have also earned a place in the art of the possible.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Art
Image of Madeleine Albright
I felt that America's duty was not to try to do everything itself, but to foster a sense of commitment that would bring out the best in every country.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Country
Image of Madeleine Albright
If we have to use force, it is because we are America.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: America
Image of Madeleine Albright
I have certain issues. I support women candidates, but I cannot support a woman that I don't believe in. I would prefer to vote for a man who believes in choice than a woman who is pro-life. We have to be able to make distinctions and not look as though we are not feminist enough if we don't support every woman. We need to have that kind of a choice.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Believe
Image of Madeleine Albright
The main thing is to remain oneself, under any circumstances; that was and is our common purpose.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Common Purpose
Image of Madeleine Albright
I don't actually believe in a clash of civilizations. I believe in a clash of the civilized and the noncivilized.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Believe
Image of Madeleine Albright
I am not a fatalist. I have just been reading War and Peace and Tolstoy is such a fatalist. I think people can make a difference... I am an optimist who worries a lot.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: War
Image of Madeleine Albright
Our life comes in segments, and we have to understand that we can have it all if we're not trying to do it all at once.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Trying
Image of Madeleine Albright
I really do think about the fact that every day counts. I believe that every individual counts, and so I believe that every day counts and I try not to waste it.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Believe
Image of Madeleine Albright
Armageddon is not a foreign policy.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Armageddon
Image of Madeleine Albright
Women have to work exceptionally hard.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Hard
Image of Madeleine Albright
Leaders are made by the situations they are involved in. I think that some rise to the occasion and some do not.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Thinking
Image of Madeleine Albright
You can't just think that you will get a job for no good reason... And I think that the other part is you have to work your way up, you know I did a lot of Xeroxing and getting coffee...I always did what I was asked to do. I delivered. People knew that I would get things done and get them done well. And that is a big part of our resumes, are based on being responsible and being willing to do what needed to be done.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeleine Albright
Women are more than 50% of almost every country in the world. Countries rob themselves of the resources of women if they keep them as property. It isn't that women can't find work. It's just that women don't get paid for their work and are not recognized properly. It's something that has to be on the international agenda all the time.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Country
Image of Madeleine Albright
In diplomacy, clear-cut wins and losses are rare.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Cutting
Image of Madeleine Albright
It is an unfortunate fact that in many parts of the world women are considered property. An awful lot of injustice is obviously due to that; not just women's status in the home, but all kinds of laws that are even more discriminating.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Home
Image of Madeleine Albright
The other thing that happened was that we have a tendency to project our own weaknesses onto another woman. I don't think men do that particularly.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Men
Image of Madeleine Albright
But I think there are some who believe they are actually protecting women, you know, and that it is better for women to be taken care of. I think women want to take care of themselves, and I think having a voice in how that is done is very important. And frankly, I don’t understand — I mean, I’m obviously a card-carrying Democrat — but I can’t understand why any woman would want to vote for Mitt Romney, except maybe Mrs. Romney.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Taken
Image of Madeleine Albright
When somebody is flying airplanes into buildings and killing innocent people in the name of God, it makes you question why do they have that interpretation and somebody else has another interpretation, and how many people of Muslim faith would agree with that, and what are the different aspects of different people's religions that is so divisive, rather than being unifying?
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Airplane
Image of Madeleine Albright
Really, I have to laugh because there was a whole set of stories that made me sound like the Dragon Lady, you know, ‘tough this and tough that.’ Then there is this business about ‘gooey.’ The bottom line is I am a pragmatic idealist.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Stories