Libba Bray

Image of Libba Bray
Just once I’d like to meet a fella who isn’t a phony. Somebody who doesn’t wanna buy me a fur so he can show me off to his boys.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Boys
Image of Libba Bray
If there was one truth Evie had learned in her short life, it was that forgiveness was easier to seek than permission. She didn’t plan to ask for either one.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Short Life
Image of Libba Bray
Theta blew out another plume of cigarette smoke. “Not interested. Love’s messy, kiddo. Let those other girls get moony-eyed and goofy. Me? I got plans.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Girl
Image of Libba Bray
I invited myself. Thought this table needed some class.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Class
Image of Libba Bray
Agent Jones switched to the big screen and a grainy video of MoMo sitting at his enormous desk, a swivel-hipped Elvis clock ticking behind his bewigged head. 'Death to the capitalist pigs! Death to your cinnamon bun-smelling malls! Death to your power walking and automatic car windows and I'm With Stupid T-shirts! The Republic of ChaCha will never bend to your side-of-fries -drive -through-please-oh-would-you-like-ketchup-with-that corruption! MoMo B. ChaCha defies you and all you stand for, and one day, you will crumble into the sea and we will pick up the pieces and make them into sand art.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Art
Image of Libba Bray
Might. Is there any opiate more powerful than that word?
- Libba Bray
Collection: Powerful
Image of Libba Bray
In school, they would tell you that life wouldn’t come to you; you had to go out and make it your own. But when it came to love, the message for girls seemed to be this: Don’t. Don’t go after what you want. Wait. Wait to be chosen, as if only in the eye of another could one truly find value. The message was confusing and infuriating. It was a shell game with no actual pea under the rapidly moving cups.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Girl
Image of Libba Bray
The glow dies down, and she's standing at the end of my bed--the one who's been following me around leaving feather messages. I take in the torn fishnets, plaid mini-kilt, shiny, riveted breastplate with leather straps at the sides and a worn Great Temolo decal near the left shoulder. Her wings are a crazy black-and-white-checkered pattern, like they've been spray-painted at a body shop to look like hipster sneakers.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Hipster
Image of Libba Bray
Could I have a Sloe Gin Fizz, without the gin?" "What's the point of that, Miss?" the waiter said. "Tomorrow morning," Mabel said.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Morning
Image of Libba Bray
As a kid, I imagined lots of different scenarios for my life. I would be an astronaut. Maybe a cartoonist. A famous explorer or rock star. Never once did I see myself standing under the window of a house belonging to some druggie named Carbine, waiting for his yard gnome to steal his stash so I could get a cab back to a cheap motel where my friend, a neurotic, death-obsessed dwarf, was waiting for me so we could get on the road to an undefined place and a mysterious Dr. X, who would cure me of mad cow disease and stop a band of dark energy from destroying the universe.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Stars
Image of Libba Bray
You don't know me, dude," he says, not smiling this time. Gonzo examines his cards, prepping for his next move. "People always think that they know other people, but they don't. Not really. I mean, maybe they know things about them, like they won't eat doughnuts or they like action movies or whatever. But they don't know what their friends do in their rooms alone at night or what happened to them when they were kids or if they feel ****ed up for no reason at all.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Moving
Image of Libba Bray
I thought research would be more glamorous, somehow. I'd give the librarian a secret code word and he'd give me the one book I needed and whisper the necessary page numbers. Like a speakeasy. With books.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Book
Image of Libba Bray
There is nothing more terrifying than the absoluteness of one who believes he's right.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Believe
Image of Libba Bray
I'm just saying it's not all sand castles and ninjas.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Castles
Image of Libba Bray
Thou shalt not steal. I seem to recall that being one of God’s I’d rather you didn’t lest I have to smite you into ash commandments.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Ashes
Image of Libba Bray
The world is a lie...not you and me.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Lying
Image of Libba Bray
These are hard times. The world hurts. We live in fear and forget to walk with hope. But hope has not forgotten you. So ask it to dinner. It's probably hungry and would appreciate the invitation.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Hurt
Image of Libba Bray
My misery is reaching epidemic proportions.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Epidemics
Image of Libba Bray
The face staring back at me isn't beautiful but she isn't something that would scare the horses, either.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Libba Bray
How terrible it is to have no cares, no longings. I do not fit. I feel too deeply and want too much. As cages go, it is a gilded one, but I shall not live well in it or any cage for that matter.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Care
Image of Libba Bray
I am dying a thousand cruel and unusual deaths as fifty pairs of eyes take me in, size me up like something that should be hanging over a fireplace in a gentleman's den.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Eye
Image of Libba Bray
No? Part girl, part wolf? Do they lick their butter knives?
- Libba Bray
Collection: Girl
Image of Libba Bray
When the music is over, she keeps her head down till she finds her seat again, and I wonder how many times each day she dies a little.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Each Day
Image of Libba Bray
How I'd love to get away from here and be someone else for a while in a place where no one knows or expects certain things from me.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Certain
Image of Libba Bray
Warning: If you are insufferable, do not walk here. We shall eat you down to the marrow.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Warning
Image of Libba Bray
Tonight, she went into the woods, and I fear she shall live in the woods of my soul for the rest of my days.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Soul
Image of Libba Bray
It's possible to pretend I'm someone other than who I am, and if I pretend long enough, I can believe it.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Believe
Image of Libba Bray
He plants his feet stubbornly, adopting what he must think is an heroic post. He's just begging for a pigeon to fly by and relieve itself.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Thinking
Image of Libba Bray
I know I've done the right thing but I couldn't feel worse about it, and I suppose that is part of what it is to lead.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Done
Image of Libba Bray
We're all damaged somehow."-A Great and Terrible Beauty
- Libba Bray
Collection: Terrible
Image of Libba Bray
The sun has blessed you," Sarita used to say. "Look how he has left his kisses on your face for all to see and be jealous." "The sun loves you more," I said, rubbing my hands over her dry arms, the color of an aged wine gourd, and she laughed. But this is not India and we are not prized for our freckles here. The sun is not allowed to show his love.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Blessed
Image of Libba Bray
I had thought Felicity dangerous a moment ago, when she felt powerful. I was wrong. Wounded and powerless, she is more dangerous than I could imagine.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Powerful
Image of Libba Bray
Around us the night creatures have their say. We are surrounded by a symphony of crickets and frogs. Neither of us feels the need to speak, and I suppose that is one of the qualities I find comforting in Kartik. We can be alone together.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Night
Image of Libba Bray
I am no longer content to be the scared, obedient schoolgirl. Who are you, a stranger, to tell me what I can and cannot do?
- Libba Bray
Collection: Scared
Image of Libba Bray
Eve didn't choose to eat the apple. She was tempted by the serpent." "Yes," I argue, thoughts coming out half-formed. "But...she didn't have to take a bite. She chose to.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Apples
Image of Libba Bray
All things are possible.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Wall
Image of Libba Bray
When I dream, I dream of him.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Dream
Image of Libba Bray
We've barley stepped into the bright glow of the realms when everything goes dark.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Dark
Image of Libba Bray
You must remember, my dear lady, the most important rule of any successful illusion: First, the people must want to believe in it.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Believe
Image of Libba Bray
I feel like I swallowed a Magritte. Like on the inside, I'm made of clouds and floating eyes, green apples, and slowly rising men in bowler hats.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Eye
Image of Libba Bray
My personal motto is: WWWWD?: What Would Wonder Woman Do?
- Libba Bray
Collection: Wonder Woman
Image of Libba Bray
Im a techno moron. I need help just to plug in my video camera.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Cameras
Image of Libba Bray
It occurs to me that cricket is not the true sport in London - gossip is.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Sports
Image of Libba Bray
Life don’t come to you, Memphis. You gotta take it. We have to take it. Because ain’t nobody handing it to us.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Memphis
Image of Libba Bray
Any librarian or scholar will tell you: Close is not the same as accurate.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Librarian
Image of Libba Bray
Books are, at their heart, dangerous. Yes, dangerous. Because they challenge us: our prejudices, our blind spots. They open us to new ideas, new ways of seeing. They make us hurt in all the right ways. They can push down the barricades of ‘them’ & widen the circle of ‘us.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Hurt
Image of Libba Bray
In each of us lie good and bad, light and dark, art and pain, choice and regret, cruelty and sacrifice. We’re each of us our own chiaroscuro, our own bit of illusion fighting to emerge into something solid, something real. We’ve got to forgive ourselves that. I must remember to forgive myself. Because there is a lot of grey to work with. No one can live in the light all the time.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Art
Image of Libba Bray
A guy's gotta live, you know, gotta make his way and find his meaning in life and love, and to do that he needs coffee, he needs coffee and coffee and coffee.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Libba Bray
People think boundaries and borders build nations. Nonsense-words do. Beliefs, declarations, constitutions-words. Stories. Myths. Lies. Promises. History
- Libba Bray
Collection: Lying