Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
When I was a boy I was my father.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Father
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Recipe For Happiness Khaborovsk Or Anyplace' One grand boulevard with trees with one grand cafe in sun with strong black coffee in very small cups. One not necessarily very beautiful man or woman who loves you. One fine day.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
My country tears of thee.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Country
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I have a feeling I'm falling on rare occasions but most of the time I have my feet on the ground I can't help it if the ground itself is falling.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Fall
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Communism wasn't a word that I thought of when I went to Cuba. The original Fidelistas were not Communists. They were graduate students at the university and law students. After the Fidelistas took over, they went to Washington and tried to get support from the U.S. government, which turned them down. They were in a desperate political and economic situation, so they took the offer from the Soviet Union. Communism was a matter of necessity.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Government
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
We'd like to just write nothing but lyric poetry. The trouble is, the individual is going along intent on his own personal gratifications and love affairs and financial affairs and everything else. But loping alongside him is this fascist lout who keeps trying to take over. And if you keep ignoring him, he gets bigger and bigger, so every once in a while the free individual has to turn away from his private pursuits and give this fascist lout a few clouts, and beat him down to size.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poetry can change the world, just like any art can change the world, by changing consciousness. Of course this was the great slogan of the nineteen sixites hippies’ revolution—enlarge the area of consciousness, which quite often was done by psychedelic means.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Art
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
T.S. Eliot's influence was enormous on my generation. Much more than Ezra Pound. I actually had to put T.S. Eliot books out of the house because my poetry was so influenced. Everything I wrote sounded like Eliot.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Book
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
A lot of manuscripts that come in, you wonder by what outrageous fantasy the author believes that this should be pressed into print.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Believe
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
the poet like an acrobat climbs on rime to a high wire of his own making.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Wire
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Almost every truly creative being alienated & expatriated in his own country
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Country
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
When you're young, everything seems like a romance. At 96, I can still feel romantic about publishing young unknown writers.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Romance
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
This is all very nice, because the ideas that Jack and the Beat generation stood for are needed today more than ever. But I'm not so interested in nostalgia. I'm interested in the future.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Nice
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
[in the true mad north] of introspection, where 'falcons of the inner eye' dive and die, glimpsing in their dying fall, all life's memory of existence.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Memories
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
See it was like this when we waltz into this place. A couple of papish cats is doing an Aztec two-step And I says Dad let's cut but then this dame comes up behind me see and says you and me could really exist Wow I says Only the next day she has bad teeth and really hates poetry.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Couple
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
For even bad poetry has relevance for what it does not say for what it leaves out.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Doe
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Western Civilization has been in a state of decline since the Edwardian age, say 1910. That was the height of Greco-Roman European civilization. Then there was the First World War. That was the beginning of the end. That civilization has been in a decline ever since. But from the American triumphalist point of view our wonderful electronic revolution is really the forefront of an ongoing wonderful civilization.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: War
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I certainly was surprised to be named Poet Laureate of this far-out city on the left side of the world, and I gratefully accept, for as I told the Mayor, "How could I refuse?" I'd rather be Poet Laureate of San Francisco than anywhere because this city has always been a poetic center, a frontier for free poetic life, with perhaps more poets and more poetry readers than any city in the world.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Cities
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I arrived in San Francisco in January 1951. After the Second World War, the population was so uprooted. Soldiers came back home for brief periods and took off again. So the population was very fluid, and suddenly it was as if the continent tilted west. The whole population slid west. It took 10 years for America to coalesce into a new culture. And the new culture happened in San Francisco, not New York.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: New York
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I didn’t know that painters and writers retired. They’re like soldiers – they just fade away.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Paperbacks weren't considered real books in the book trade. Up till then it was just murder mysteries, potboilers, 25-cent pocket books sold in newsstands. When the New York publishers started publishing quality paperbacks, there was no place to buy them.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: New York
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
When you’re young, everything seems like a romance. At 96, I can still feel romantic about publishing young unknown writers.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Romance
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I’m reading a book about Romaine Brooks, a wonderful painter from early in the last century.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Reading