Larry Wall

Image of Larry Wall
Odd that we think definitions are definitive.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Thinking
Image of Larry Wall
And don't tell me there isn't one bit of difference between null and space, because that's exactly how much difference there is.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Differences
Image of Larry Wall
A journey of a thousand miles continues with the second step.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Journey
Image of Larry Wall
When they first built the University of California at Irvine they just put the buildings in. They did not put any sidewalks, they just planted grass. The next year, they came back and put the sidewalks where the trails were in the grass. Perl is just that kind of language. It is not designed from first principles. Perl is those sidewalks in the grass.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Years
Image of Larry Wall
I've decided I don't want to be a manager. Every time you try to be responsive to your employees, they say you're being reactive and not proactive. And when you try to be proactive, they accuse you of being capricious and arbitrary. So I don't wanna be a manager.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Trying
Image of Larry Wall
Unix is like a toll road on which you have to stop every 50 feet to pay another nickel. But hey! You only feel 5 cents poorer each time.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Feet
Image of Larry Wall
Are you perchance running on a 64-bit machine?
- Larry Wall
Collection: Running
Image of Larry Wall
Let us be charitable, and call it a misleading feature.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Charitable
Image of Larry Wall
Being famous has its benefits, but fame isn't one of them.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Life
Image of Larry Wall
You can prove anything by mentioning another computer language.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Language
Image of Larry Wall
It's there as a sop to former Ada programmers.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Ada
Image of Larry Wall
It should be illegal to yell 'Y2K' in a crowded economy.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Economy
Image of Larry Wall
Although the Perl Slogan is There's More Than One Way to Do It, I hesitate to make 10 ways to do something.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Way
Image of Larry Wall
The whole intent of Perl 5's module system was to encourage the growth of Perl culture rather than the Perl core.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Growth
Image of Larry Wall
Perl should remain fast and intuitive (to the extent that it is :-)
- Larry Wall
Collection: Should
Image of Larry Wall
Many computer scientists have fallen into the trap of trying to define languages like George Orwell's Newspeak, in which it is impossible to think bad thoughts. What they end up doing is killing the creativity of programming.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Creativity
Image of Larry Wall
I'm definitely a night owl. I get going about the time my wife crashes and goes to bed. And in some sense, I've had to learn to be more of a cat napper in recent years because Perl development, Perl design and development, has become a worldwide phenomenon - not just mailing lists, but RSC channels, Twitter even. This all happens 24 hours a day. And people come up with questions at any time of the day or night.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Cat
Image of Larry Wall
That which hits the fan tends to get flung in all directions.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Fans
Image of Larry Wall
If someone stinks, view it as a reason to help them, not a reason to avoid them.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Views
Image of Larry Wall
Let's say the docs present a simplified view of reality.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Reality
Image of Larry Wall
Basically there's just so much stuff flowing past on the internet now, you have to let most of it go. And I've grown accustomed to the process of not worrying too much about the stuff I'm not getting to, because the important stuff will come back around.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Past
Image of Larry Wall
I'm a great believer in visual distinctions.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Distinction
Image of Larry Wall
You need to go and find someone to teach you the rudiments of irrational discourse.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Needs
Image of Larry Wall
Obviously I was either onto something, or on something.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Funny
Image of Larry Wall
So many computer languages try to force you into one way of thinking and Perl is very much the opposite of that approach. It's kind of like a, well, sometimes Perl has been called the Swiss army chainsaw of the internet, but it's more like a Swiss army machine shop. It really gives you a lot of tools, some of which are dangerous, but it lets you get your job done very quickly.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Wall
Not that I have anything much against redundancy. But I said that already.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Said
Image of Larry Wall
You can’t change the past. You can’t even change the future, in the sense that you can only change the present one moment at a time, stubbornly, until the future unwinds itself into the stories of our lives.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Past
Image of Larry Wall
Psychotics are consistently inconsistent. The essence of sanity is to be inconsistently inconsistent.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Essence
Image of Larry Wall
The problem with being consistent is that there are lots of ways to be consistent, and they're all inconsistent with each other.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Way
Image of Larry Wall
There's some entertainment value in watching people juggle nitroglycerin.
- Larry Wall
Collection: People
Image of Larry Wall
Part of language design is perturbing the proposed feature in various directions to see how it might generalize in the future.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Design
Image of Larry Wall
Symmetry is overrated. Overrated is symmetry.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Symmetry
Image of Larry Wall
It's easier to make up sayings people like to hear than sayings they like to heed.
- Larry Wall
Collection: People
Image of Larry Wall
When in doubt, parenthesize. At the very least it will let some poor schmuck bounce on the % key in vi.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Keys
Image of Larry Wall
The purpose of most computer languages is to lengthen your resume by a word and a comma.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Purpose
Image of Larry Wall
We're really serious about reinventing everything that needs reinventing.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Needs
Image of Larry Wall
A Perl program is correct if it gets the job done before your boss fires you.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Wall
Guilty as charged. Perl is happily ugly, and happily derivative.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Ugly
Image of Larry Wall
Perl programming is an *empirical* science!
- Larry Wall
Collection: Programming
Image of Larry Wall
You want it in one line? Does it have to fit in 80 columns?
- Larry Wall
Collection: Doe
Image of Larry Wall
There's often more than one correct thing. There's often more than one right thing. There's often more than one obvious thing.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Obvious Things
Image of Larry Wall
To Perl , or not to Perl, that is the kvetching.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Perl
Image of Larry Wall
Almost nothing in Perl serves a single purpose.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Purpose
Image of Larry Wall
The camel has evolved to be relatively self-sufficient. On the other hand, the camel has not evolved to smell good. Neither has Perl.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Self
Image of Larry Wall
At many levels, Perl is a 'diagonal' language.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Levels
Image of Larry Wall
Perhaps I'm missing the gene for making enemies.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Missing
Image of Larry Wall
I think I'm likely to be certified before Perl is.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Thinking
Image of Larry Wall
[Boxed] Multiple bouncing balls in a box are a metaphor for community. Notice how the escaping balls explode. This is what happens to people who move from Perl to Ruby.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Moving
Image of Larry Wall
If you consistently take an antagonistic approach, however, people are going to start thinking you're from New York.
- Larry Wall
Collection: New York