Kim Wilde

Image of Kim Wilde
My parents have a wonderful marriage, for many years. But I can't commit myself for such a long time.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Marriage
Image of Kim Wilde
My father has taught me all the tricks of the boys at an early age, which has made me very careful.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
You need a bit more to be a pop star than just a good voice.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I signed up for the musical Tommy in the West End, where I met my husband.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Sex does not exist for me at all. I haven't had a boyfriend for a long time. There were only three or four in my life up until now anyway.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I got to show off in front of my husband, who married me as I was stepping out of the business, so he had no idea that I could strut my stuff on the stage.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprises me any more.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
My tears of love are a waste of time if I turn away.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
People want performers, personality and drama, and you got that in the .
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Real talent will get through whatever the obstacles.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
The record company really pissed me off when they told me to lose weight. I couldn't be bothered with looking a certain way. So I left the business. I don't regret it.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Performing, I can take it or leave it. Horticulture is far more challenging. I'm absolutely fascinated by it.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Careers don't seem to be built up in the same way as they were in the 80s.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I still tune in to the radio and listen to pop music and enjoy it as much as I ever have.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I was very, very fortunate. I knew that. I've always known that.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I didn't spend much time in America, which probably was a mistake. To someone else, having a number one in America would be enough to get them touring.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Dad is my best mate and I can tell Mum absolutely anything. I really appreciate Mum and Dad. Why are we so close? Young parents, I think. The rock business keeps their minds young.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
When you're together with someone for some time, you will automatically depend on them as if they were a crutch. And then it ends.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
When I was 15, I was naive, looked like a grey mouse and felt second choice.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I do know what my family has done for me, but they do need to give me some space to let me be myself. There would be some things I would handle differently.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I want to conquer the world and it seems like my own family is putting a stop to that.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
I don't take myself seriously any more. Sometimes I just garden in my knickers and platform shoes.
- Kim Wilde
Image of Kim Wilde
Being blonde now doesn't mean Marilyn Monroe vulnerability. Blonde in the Eighties means being in control.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Mean
Image of Kim Wilde
Don't let your dreams escape / The future's ours to shape
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Dream
Image of Kim Wilde
You're full of insecurities in your 20s - most of the time your heart's being broken, you're having a difficult time finding out who the hell you are, and I was trying to do that in the full glare of the public.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Heart
Image of Kim Wilde
I don't mind being laughed at: that's something I really don't mind, and I think that's kept me sane. My ability to laugh at myself and allow others to laugh at me has been my saving grace.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kim Wilde
My whole career was launched in such sort of poptastic style with 'Kids In America', and I liked - and like - being poptastic. Songs big on melody, high on energy, lots of attitude... what's wrong with that?
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Song
Image of Kim Wilde
You can spend your life competing in a world that talks too loud / You can lose your own direction getting lost among the crowd / Confusion - is it any wonder that the road ahead's not clear / Well you can try too hard to find it now I realise it's here
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Confusion
Image of Kim Wilde
In the day I can smile though I wanna die / Hold on, hold on / I can keep it together for a little while / and be strong, so strong / But when the sun goes down and I'm all alone / I haven't the strength to fight / That's when my tears give in to the night
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Strong
Image of Kim Wilde
I think that not being loved by your parents or not having a brother or not being liked at school or even wearing glasses can be a lot worse than having a famous father.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Brother
Image of Kim Wilde
Is our time up and on to the next fire / Got my fingers burnt and cut into the wire.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Cutting
Image of Kim Wilde
And while we destroy / Our children will grow / Not missing the things they'll never know / A crime against them / Against you and me / A crime against all humanity
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Children
Image of Kim Wilde
My tears of love are a waste of time if I turn away
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Love
Image of Kim Wilde
There is sadness and confusion in our hearts / And the world prepares to fight / as it tears itself apart, it isn't fair
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Heart
Image of Kim Wilde
The big labels have less of a stranglehold on artists and how they record and where they go.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Artist
Image of Kim Wilde
Gardening is not something to get on your high horse about or be overwhelmed by. Either you enjoy it or you don't.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Horse
Image of Kim Wilde
Snap your fingers and somebody runs / You don't care how they feel just as long as they come / Got your head in the stars now you've come this far / Just who do you think you are?
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Running
Image of Kim Wilde
They're still building and testing / But what can we do / Condemning the seas and the land and the trees to a tomb
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Sea
Image of Kim Wilde
You can't close your eyes to the lies perpetrated by dangerous fools / 'cos they're handing out rules
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Lying
Image of Kim Wilde
When love's the culmination of everything you feel, then it's the only thing that's precious, it's the only thing that's real.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Real
Image of Kim Wilde
I'm spending nights just dreaming / And playing the music loud / They're banging on the ceiling / They're praying that I'll soon be out.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Dream
Image of Kim Wilde
I'd got married and wanted to have kids, so had kids, brought them up, did other things, and slowly got back into music. And it feels great, having one foot in the present, writing and covering interesting songs, and having one foot in the past.
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Song