Top Confusion Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Confusion quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Richard E. Byrd
A discordant mind, black with confusion and despair, would finish me off as thoroughly as the cold.
- Richard E. Byrd
Collection: Confusion
Image of Max Ehrmann
In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
- Max Ehrmann
Collection: Confusion
Image of Jef Raskin
I am confident that we can do better than GUIs because the basic problem with them (and with the Linux and Unix interfaces) is that they ask a human being to do things that we know experimentally humans cannot do well. The question I asked myself is, given everything we know about how the human mind works, could we design a computer and computer software so that we can work with the least confusion and greatest efficiency?
- Jef Raskin
Collection: Confusion
Image of Paul Muldoon
Confusion is what we're living with - not being able to make sense of what's happening to us from day to day. Whereas making sense is what we're aiming for - making sense.
- Paul Muldoon
Collection: Confusion
Image of Anais Nin
You live out the confusions until they become clear.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Confusion
Image of Miranda Hart
Life is a series of embarrassing moments which leave you feeling alone in your confusion and shame
- Miranda Hart
Collection: Confusion
Image of Julia Glass
Here we are - despite the delays, the confusion, and the shadows en route - at last, or for the moment, where we always intended to be.
- Julia Glass
Collection: Confusion
Image of Brian Friel
Confusion is not an ignoble condition
- Brian Friel
Collection: Confusion
Image of Edward Conze
Abide not with dualism, Carefully avoid pursuing it; As soon as you have right and wrong, Confusion ensues, and Mind is lost. (172)
- Edward Conze
Collection: Confusion
Image of Charles Francis Richter
Lately there have been complaints that the use of the magnitude scale is confusing, or at least the reporting of magnitudes in the newspapers 'confuses the public.
- Charles Francis Richter
Collection: Confusion
Image of Kim Wilde
You can spend your life competing in a world that talks too loud / You can lose your own direction getting lost among the crowd / Confusion - is it any wonder that the road ahead's not clear / Well you can try too hard to find it now I realise it's here
- Kim Wilde
Collection: Confusion
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
My path has not been smooth. But the great thing about getting to be an elder is that you can look back and see the intense times of confusion and challenge, and see that if you keep walking through them, they can lead to times of great satisfaction and reward.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Confusion
Image of Mark Epstein
Meditation did not relieve me of my anxiety so much as flesh it out. It took my anxious response to the world, about which I felt a lot of confusion and shame, and let me understand it more completely. Perhaps the best way to phrase it is to say that meditation showed me that the other side of anxiety is desire. They exist in relationship to each other, not independently.
- Mark Epstein
Collection: Confusion
Image of Kelly Link
What I like about narrative in general is when there is some incongruity between the form and content. Let's say, mixing up the gothic with a coming-of-age narrative. Telling a love story that's also a monster story. Mixing up superhero tropes with your monster tropes. I like category confusion.
- Kelly Link
Collection: Confusion
Image of Maira Kalman
Washing dishes is the anecdote to confusion. I know that for a fact.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Confusion
Image of Sherry Argov
If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em.
- Sherry Argov
Collection: Confusion
Image of Joseph Fort Newton
London, with its monotonous and melancholy houses, seems like an inharmonious patchwork, as if pieced together without design. Yet it is lovable in its sprawling confusion.
- Joseph Fort Newton
Collection: Confusion
Image of Henry Clay Trumbull
Attention is our first duty whenever we want to know what is our second duty. There is no such cause of confusion and worry about what we ought to do, and how to do it, as our unwillingness to hear what God would tell us on that very point.
- Henry Clay Trumbull
Collection: Confusion
Image of Samuel Chadwick
Confusion and impotence are the inevitable results when the wisdom and resources of the world are substituted for the presence and power of the Spirit.
- Samuel Chadwick
Collection: Confusion
Image of Henry de Montherlant
We have understood nothing of life until we have understood that it is one vast confusion.
- Henry de Montherlant
Collection: Confusion
Image of Eleanor Clark
How smartly September comes in, like a racing gig, all style, no confusion.
- Eleanor Clark
Collection: Confusion
Image of Mark Van Doren
There is no appeal from the ways of the world, which must continue on its own terms or take us all down with it into chaos and confusion.
- Mark Van Doren
Collection: Confusion
Image of Nelson Goodman
Any effort... to make the obscure obvious is likely to be unappealing, for the penalty of failure is confusion while the reward of success is banality.
- Nelson Goodman
Collection: Confusion
Image of Jeff Hawkins
Complexity is not a cause of confusion. It is a result of it.
- Jeff Hawkins
Collection: Confusion
Image of Thubten Chodron
We are fortunate now to become aware of the contents of our mind. With that knowledge we will be able to change the aspects that lead to confusion and misery in our lives.
- Thubten Chodron
Collection: Confusion
Image of Milton H. Erickson
Enlightenment is always preceded by confusion.
- Milton H. Erickson
Collection: Confusion
Image of Raymond Smullyan
Metaphysical problems about "mind" versus "matter" arise only from epistemological confusions.
- Raymond Smullyan
Collection: Confusion
Image of Eric Clapton
Music became a healer for me. And I learned to listen with all my being. I found that it could wipe away all fear and confusion.
- Eric Clapton
Collection: Confusion
Image of Abdus Salam
I'm afraid there's a big confusion in the world between nuclear power and nuclear arms.
- Abdus Salam
Collection: Confusion
Image of Ronnie James Dio
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
- Ronnie James Dio
Collection: Confusion
Image of William Macneile Dixon
The facts of the present won't sit still for a portrait. They are constantly vibrating, full of clutter and confusion.
- William Macneile Dixon
Collection: Confusion
Image of Joel-Peter Witkin
To me extreme things are like miracles. There is nothing as boring as a person who is just okay. But I could easily live in a world populated with these disjunctive, bizarre things... I operate out of confusion, towards clarity.
- Joel-Peter Witkin
Collection: Confusion
Image of Joel-Peter Witkin
I operate out of confusion, towards clarity.
- Joel-Peter Witkin
Collection: Confusion
Image of Nino Cerruti
The consumer is both culprit and victim of the confusion on quality.
- Nino Cerruti
Collection: Confusion
Image of Harrison Owen
Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony, and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended.
- Harrison Owen
Collection: Confusion
Image of Carlo Rovelli
The new coherent picture is not yet available. With all their immense empirical success, G(eneral)R(elativity) and Q(uantum)M(echanics) have left us with an understanding of the physical world which is unclear and badly fragmented. At the foundations of physics there is today confusion and incoherence.
- Carlo Rovelli
Collection: Confusion
Image of Anthony Lawlor
A place of solitude offers a retreat from the opposing forces and diverse demands of living, an entry into a state of peace and unity. Mind and body can retire from confusion and conflict to a sanctuary of clarity and harmony
- Anthony Lawlor
Collection: Confusion
Image of Gordon Stein
Because of the confusion surrounding the term "agnosticism," it would seem better to use the very similar term "rationalism" in its place when referring to the original Huxleyan meaning of the term. The use of "rationalist" for "agnostic" would also seem to be less ambiguous.
- Gordon Stein
Collection: Confusion
Image of Mike Watt
You know there was always a confusion that punk was a style of music.
- Mike Watt
Collection: Confusion
Image of Sylvia Boorstein
Concentration and mindfulness are the internal ways in which the mind restores itself from being out of balance and lost in confusion to a condition of ease, clarity, and wisdom. No external action needs to happen.
- Sylvia Boorstein
Collection: Confusion
Image of Donald Davidson
Terminological infelicities have a way of breeding conceptual confusion.
- Donald Davidson
Collection: Confusion
Image of Giulio Andreotti
Clericalism: the habitual confusion between that which is of Caesar, and that of God.
- Giulio Andreotti
Collection: Confusion
Image of Anna Kamienska
I’ve learned to value failed conversations, missed connections, confusions. What remains is what’s unsaid, what’s underneath. Understanding on another level of being.
- Anna Kamienska
Collection: Confusion
Image of Jean Decety
The ability to experience and understand what others feel without confusion between oneself and others.
- Jean Decety
Collection: Confusion
Image of Marlene Dumas
My best works are erotic displays of mental confusions.. with intrusions of irrelevant information.
- Marlene Dumas
Collection: Confusion
Image of Syd Field
Confusion is the first step toward clarity
- Syd Field
Collection: Confusion
Image of Brian Greene
Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding.
- Brian Greene
Collection: Confusion
Image of Douglas Crockford
Good architecture is necessary to give programs enough structure to be able to grow large without collapsing into a puddle of confusion.
- Douglas Crockford
Collection: Confusion