Kiersten White

Image of Kiersten White
I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Love
Image of Kiersten White
I get that you're scared and that you've been hurt. But doing what is easy and safe is no way to live, and a life without passion and love is so far beneath what you deserve.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Love
Image of Kiersten White
And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Love
Image of Kiersten White
Are you Evelyn Green?” “Sort of. Mostly. I mean, legally. Again, sort of.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Mean
Image of Kiersten White
...sometimes I get tired. Sometimes I get bored. And sometimes all I want, more than anything else in the world, is to go on a freaking date.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Tired
Image of Kiersten White
The only life I want is one with you.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Want
Image of Kiersten White
You cannot control faeries. Can. Not. They aren't logical or rational. They don't obey the same laws (physical, social, emotional, traffic - you name it) that we do.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Emotional
Image of Kiersten White
Planning is not my friend. Impulse is.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Planning
Image of Kiersten White
What’s the point in hating something if you aren’t proactive?
- Kiersten White
Collection: Hate
Image of Kiersten White
Lish tried to swear--which is always funny, because the computer won't translate it. It went something like this: "Bleep stupid bleep bleep faeries and their bleep bleep bleep obsessions. He had better stop bleep bleep bleep the bleep bleep rules or I will bleep bleep bleep the little bleeeeeeeeeeep.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Kiersten White
What do you think? Does this face make me look fat?
- Kiersten White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kiersten White
Eyes like streams of melting snow,” she said, and it was all I could do not to roll my melting snow eyes.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Eye
Image of Kiersten White
Boys suck. Even when they have perfect blue eyes and ridiculously cool trucks. Maybe especially then.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Eye
Image of Kiersten White
Yes, I have a driver's license." I leaned back against the wall, sighing. "Man, that must be so cool." "It ranks right up there with lockers. In fact, sometimes I put my license inside my locker, and it's so cool I worry that the whole thing might explode with the sheer coolness of it all.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Wall
Image of Kiersten White
I can’t see through clothes or anything. Just glamour skin. Except I can see through all of you, since your clothes aren’t real.” I stopped, horrified. “I mean, I don’t look—It’s hard to see you, and I like looking at your real face, but I don’t try to see anything, because—Oh gosh, this sounds terrible.” He had a funny look on his face, like he wasn’t sure what to think. “Huh. That’s never been an issue before. Maybe next time you could bring me some shorts.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Real
Image of Kiersten White
He smiled at my reaction, the stupid smile of his that was like he knew something you didn’t. And he knew something I didn’t pretty much all the time, so it was pretty much every smile on his face.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Kiersten White
I guess I can't blame him for feeling bitter. Going from being the terror of Bulgarian nights to a janitor would kinda suck
- Kiersten White
Collection: Night
Image of Kiersten White
It’s really over, isn’t it?” He laughed and pulled me into his lap. “That’s the beauty of it all. Nothing’s over. It’s just a new start.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Lap
Image of Kiersten White
You know, they say when someone keeps making excuses to say your name it means they like you.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Mean
Image of Kiersten White
You wonderful girl. I’ve missed you so much.” “Well, now that we’re both unemployed fugitives, think of how much time we’ll have to hang out!
- Kiersten White
Collection: Girl
Image of Kiersten White
I kind of wish they’d shut up,” Jack said. “Dude, true dat,” Lend answered. Jack nodded solemnly. “For serious.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Wish
Image of Kiersten White
Re-forming after the chaos,” I said, remembering Raquel’s words. “Choosing what we’ll do with how things are now, who we’ll be in this new world where the only magic left is what we make ourselves.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Magic
Image of Kiersten White
I hate the vamp jobs. They think they're so suave. It's not enough for them to slaughter and eat you like a zombie would. No, they want to be all sexy, too. And trust me: vampires? Not. Sexy.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Sexy
Image of Kiersten White
This particular type of human carries weapons slightly more lethal than your beloved pink monstrosity
- Kiersten White
Collection: Weapons
Image of Kiersten White
So, we’ve got a problem,” I said. “What?” Lend yelled. “We’ve got a problem!” I shouted. “No, I heard that. I mean, what’s the problem now?
- Kiersten White
Collection: Mean
Image of Kiersten White
...lying spread-eagled in the hall with only my ankle inside the room that kept me prisoner here. They really should have thought of that and tagged my neck or something.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Lying
Image of Kiersten White
Well, that’s interesting,” I said. “What’s interesting?” Jack called from the other room. “Something is interesting?” Lend shouted. “No! Nothing!
- Kiersten White
Collection: Interesting
Image of Kiersten White
If he wakes up, I swear I’ll do anything. I’ll open gates, I’ll help all the paranormals, I’ll never judge people wearing Crocs again. Just let him wake up. Please.
- Kiersten White
Collection: People
Image of Kiersten White
Ah, stupid, you know I love you, too.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Kiersten White
I still had an irrational desire to do an interpretive dance about rainbows, but it was a small price to pay for being healed.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Rainbow
Image of Kiersten White
Bleep if I was going to stage a rescue in a freaking pantsuit.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Rescue
Image of Kiersten White
He's just a little unbalanced and lonely." He put his arms around my waist, frowning. "Can't he be lonely and unbalanced around someone else's girlfriend?" "I'll suggest it.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Lonely
Image of Kiersten White
Now, now, you aren't afraid of monsters in the dark, are you?" I caught a flash of her eyes, winking wickedly at me. "No," I said, shivering. After all, I was one of them.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Eye
Image of Kiersten White
Can I take a rain check? Weekends are busy for me." He shrugged, his perma smile back in all its dimpled glory. "You'd probably figure out a way to nearly get killed, anyway.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Rain
Image of Kiersten White
Fun-run" indeed,what a misnomer. That'd be like saying "calm gremlin" or "pleasant hag." Or 'entertaining history textbook.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Running
Image of Kiersten White
I—What on earth just happened?” “Well, nothing on Earth, obviously.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Earth
Image of Kiersten White
Say what you will about zombies and their hygeine issues,at least they kill you fast.College acceptance boards? They like to draw out the torment as long as possible.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Kiersten White
Evie? Evie! Ouch!" Jack yanked his hand out of mine,shaking it and glaring at me. "I need these fingers later.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Hands
Image of Kiersten White
You're scaring me," Jack's voice finally cut through, and I opened my eyes, barely able to see him. "okay, good, yes, breathe. Breathing helps one stay alive,I've found.What on earth is so bad about a stupid school saying no?" "My life"-I gasped-"is over.It's over. Everything." He frowned dubiously. "Who would want to go to a place called Georgetown, anyhow? Ridiculous. Now,I could understand your devastation if it had a distinguished name like, say, Jacktown, but as it is,you're overreacting. Why do you want to go to more school? I went once for a few hours and nearly lost my mind.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Kiersten White
Leave it to a boy to make the Faerie Realms look like a dump.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Boys
Image of Kiersten White
I had just lot my best friend, barely escaped having my life sucked out by a psychotic burning girl, committed treason and nearly gotten the guy I liked killed by a crazy faerie. What were hairy legs compared to that?
- Kiersten White
Collection: Girl
Image of Kiersten White
I've got a nine iron that says otherwise.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Iron
Image of Kiersten White
Jack furiously chopped vegetables. "Captain Dependable! Wait, we vetoed that one. The Divine Door Maker? Too much? Hmm...Handsome Hero, but maybe I should move away from alliteration. Something sleek. Our Lord and Master Jack.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Moving
Image of Kiersten White
Jack shook his head. "Not one of my many talents, sadly. But if you have a cherry stem I can show you a really cool one.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Talent
Image of Kiersten White
Something smashed to the ground. Jack looked at me, all the mugs forgotten. "I'm not going to let anyone kill you." He grinned. "If I don't get to, no one should.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Forgotten
Image of Kiersten White
We've got a problem!" I shouted. "No, I heard that. I mean, what's the problem now?" "I have the solution!" Jack interrupted. "What?" I sat up, all ears. "Bells!" "What?" Lend and I asked at the same time. "Get her a kitty collar with bells on it. That way you can hear her coming and get someplace where you won't be hurt by collapsing immediately into sleep.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Hurt
Image of Kiersten White
Don't go alone," Lend said, his voice tight with concern. "I'll take Jack." "Oh, wonderful, take the other psychotic guy in your life to go find the first one.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Voice
Image of Kiersten White
Maybe I shouldn’t mouth off to the elemental I kinda hoped was my future mother-in-law.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Mother
Image of Kiersten White
Jack was mid-jump when I burst into my room. I snatched his ankle,flipping him horizontal.He crashed down hard to my bed and rolled off onto the floor. And laughed. "Let's do that again! But this time I'll jump even higher." "No! No,you won't! What are you going here?" He sat up on the floor and shrugged. "I was bored." "I don't care! I'm not your babysitter!" His blue eyes twinkled.Honestly, whose eyes actually twinkle? Then his face crumpled,his lower lip jutting out.He blinked his ridiculously long eyelashes at me. "I thought we were friends." "Oh,knock it off.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Eye
Image of Kiersten White
I so owed Arianna, that undead little genius.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Genius