Kid Rock

Image of Kid Rock
Why does anything ever happen? Some things happen and some don't.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
You know, when I started I liked Big Macs and Budweiser and I still like Big Macs and Budweiser.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
You've got to work hard for your success and you've got to have a steady presence. That's the secret.
- Kid Rock
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I do not believe that artists or actors and people should be out there like voicing their full-blown opinions on politics because, let's face it, at the end of the day, I'm not that smart of a guy.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I play Rock 'n' Roll, that's what I do.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I've never done songs with people just for the sake of the great combination. I've always done songs with friends.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Detroit: Cars and rock 'n' roll. Not a bad combo.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I know I'm not the best. I'm not the best singer, I'm not the best songwriter, I'm not the best player.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I've paid for more pianos in hotel lobbies than you can imagine.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I bought a book of Mark Twain quotes. That's about my speed. I'll read a couple quotes and put it down.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
People in north Michigan are not different at all from people in southern Alabama. Trust me, someone who's spent a lot of time in both places. They're all hardworking, simple people.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Live for the moments you can't put into words
- Kid Rock
Collection: Live In The Moment
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Beyonce, to me, doesn't have a f--king 'Purple Rain', but she's the biggest thing on Earth. How can you be that big without at least one 'Sweet Home Alabama' or 'Old Time Rock & Roll'? People are like, 'Beyonce's hot. Got a nice f--king ass.' I'm like, 'Cool, I like skinny white chicks with big t--s.' Doesn't really f--king do much for me.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Sweet
Image of Kid Rock
If I was president of the good old U.S.A., I'd turn the churches into strip clubs and watch the whole world pray.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Hilarious
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You get what you put in and people get what they deserve.
- Kid Rock
Collection: People
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I do believe in standing up for what you believe in and your family and your friends.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Believe
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I hold the Key to my Own Success! (You do too!)
- Kid Rock
Collection: Keys
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One thing that will make you quit smoking is sitting across from Keith Richards all night. I don't mind being ugly, but I sure don't want to look like that.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Night
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I pissed on my diploma, smell the aroma.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Education
Image of Kid Rock
Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whiskey and wine.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Wine
Image of Kid Rock
Whatever your craft is, be a master of it. Being half assed at something, people will eventually see through.
- Kid Rock
Collection: People
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I'm no saint but I do believe in what is right.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Believe
Image of Kid Rock
I've been to your mountains, I've been to your sea-side, and everywhere I went somebody's wanted a free ride.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Sea
Image of Kid Rock
I've just really been into melody and lyrics and songwriting. Writing a rap, to me, is easy. I could write a rap like that. But writing songs and melodies and s**t that's hopefully going to stick around for 30, 40 years is f**king hard...If you have good songs and you're talented, people will eventually come to your shows, people will buy your music.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Song
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You're not going to get anything politically correct out of me.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Politically Correct
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I am scared of being broke and famous. I think that would be the biggest curse.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Thinking
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Of course I want people to show up to the concerts and I am sure for that to decline would be a difficult thing.
- Kid Rock
Collection: People
Image of Kid Rock
The personal antics have overshadowed the music. I never wanted that but I knew what I was getting into when I got into everything I got into.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Antics
Image of Kid Rock
I have always touched on different genres whether it has been hip-hop, country and the rock element.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Country
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I don't make music to prove all the critics wrong. I do it to prove all my fans right.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Fans
Image of Kid Rock
I get a feeling of peace from a low so high, as I sit in my chair and watch life go by.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Kid Rock
I don't sit in my room and hide the whole time. I think people know my spirit is real.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Real
Image of Kid Rock
I got into rock and roll to piss my parents off and the establishment around me.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Rocks
Image of Kid Rock
When I started out I thought I might make a little money, get some girls, get a taste of the rock 'n' roll life. It's gone way beyond that.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Girl
Image of Kid Rock
I think more and more people are starting to understand that you can't believe half of everything you read or what you see. There are so many information outlets that are available that it's almost too much, there is so much misinformation out there.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Believe
Image of Kid Rock
I don't rock for Cancer. I rock for cash, and the topless dancers.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Peace
Image of Kid Rock
I really believe it's the old cliché, the more you give the more you receive. I'm living proof of that.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Believe
Image of Kid Rock
Rap's the occupation, but one day watch I'll be Pimp of the Nation.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Future
Image of Kid Rock
I always say getting married was a ball. I had a blast getting married. Loved it so much I got married six or seven times or whatever it was.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Balls
Image of Kid Rock
I have a couple of guys to do my laundry. Just because I'm lazy and rich.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Couple
Image of Kid Rock
Girls are always like, 'Oh, you're much better-looking in person than in pictures.' I'm kinda like, 'Er, thank you? I think? As in, I'm not as ugly as you thought?'
- Kid Rock
Collection: Girl
Image of Kid Rock
I just feel fortune just to have been lucky enough, and worked hard enough, and blessed.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Blessed
Image of Kid Rock
I could write a book on the things I've done drunk.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Book
Image of Kid Rock
The best formula for revenge is success.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Revenge
Image of Kid Rock
I was the little white kid who rocked the turntables
- Kid Rock
Collection: Kids
Image of Kid Rock
I've been meeting with Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino for years, trying to figure out how to fix the concert industry. We're all so overpaid. It's ridiculous. People stopped going to concerts because they can't afford them. The Rolling Stones are charging $650 per ticket! That just makes me speechless. I love the Stones, but I won't be attending.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Years
Image of Kid Rock
I remember coming home from school one time and saying very calmly to my mum, 'I'm not going any more. It's a waste of time. I gotta get going with this music thing. School's getting in the way.' It freaked her out.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Home
Image of Kid Rock
I'm not worried about headlines affecting my family, especially my son. He knows who I am. Whatever these things he is reading, he has a different perspective than the rest of the world just as a lot of my friends do.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Reading
Image of Kid Rock
I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously...
- Kid Rock
Collection: Space