Kid Rock

Image of Kid Rock
Surround yourself with good people. Whether they're the best or not, people are capable of learning if they've got good hearts and they're good souls.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Good
Image of Kid Rock
Being a father helps me be more responsible... you see more things than you've ever seen.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Fathers
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I am happy to make money. I want to make more money, make more music, eat Big Macs and drink Budweisers.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Money
Image of Kid Rock
There's always a Justin Bieber. Ever since I've been around, there's always been one of him. You know, you can trace it back from how old you are and the boy bands that came along then and the teen sensations and whatnot. And, you know, good for them. There's a few of them that make it out and a few of them that don't.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Teen
Image of Kid Rock
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If its marketed right, you'll buy it. But... If its real... you'll feel it.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Good
Image of Kid Rock
That's what I love from metal, and that's what I love from hip-hop. That's what I love from any music that's hard, that's got an edge to it-The attitude in it.
- Kid Rock
Collection: Attitude
Image of Kid Rock
I have been to anger management twice. After the first session the lady was like, 'Baby, you don't seem that angry at all. You seem like a really nice guy.'
- Kid Rock
Collection: Anger
Image of Kid Rock
I want as many people as possible to hear my music. I'm happy to entertain people by being a star.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I'm all about change, and I know things are going to move forward in life, and that's just how it goes.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I think I did every drug known to mankind, smoked crack, boozed, dropped acid, you name it.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I never said I wanted to be around for a long time. I always said I wanted to be here for a good time.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I love to be pushed so I can prove myself, because once again, I will.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Getting married was a ball. Being married was... a nightmare.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I have nightmares that I'm going to wake up, and everyone's driving a Prius and living in a condo, and we're all getting health insurance.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated. I'm celebrated in Detroit.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I signal with an independent label, Continuum. After that I put out a totally independent record, sold fourteen thousand of them from my basement, bought a house, started raising my kid, made a decent living.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
My good friends call me Bobby.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Playing a concert for 2 hours is pie. I would do that every minute of every day if I could. I love to perform. It's the 22 hours before the next show that kills you.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I know a lot of people who are struggling musicians; it's a hard life, and I've risked being that. The rewards are tremendous now that I've made it, I thank God every day. But I put it all on the line for it.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I think what I've learned out of this lifetime is you should be proud of where you come from.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I know every Skynyrd and about all Johnny Cash songs.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Every day I feel different about music, but what never changes is my love for it.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I've got friends who didn't vote. I want to smack them upside the head.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
A common man, even like myself, I don't know how to pay my taxes.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Europeans don't seem to have the groupie mentality.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
There's always a Justin Bieber. Ever since I've been around, there's always been one of him.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I could care less about what people think. I'm a Devil Without A Cause.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
But honestly, it's pretty weird; there are girls who'd do absolutely everything just to get a backstage pass. I don't know what it is, but really, when you're on national TV in America the girls love you. They all want you! And I'm not complaining!
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
The Majestic Theater in 1990. That was one of my first real shows where I had 300 to 400 people there.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
A lot of people told me that I'm committing musical suicide with my sound.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
And there's a feeling you get from making music that is unlike anything else in the world.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Are some women and children going to die? Yeah. But it's doing the right thing. You got money, you sit around talking about peace. People who don't have money need some help.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
As far as my street cred goes, I'll always have that, because I always hang with the kids. I'll jump right off the stage and buy them a beer. I'll be a star on stage, but I'll always hang with the kids.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
But I'm a great father. That's why I got custody.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Going out hanging out with the troops, and you know it's kind of all summed up in the TV show, I don't what else I can say about it. It's a great thing to do, something I'm definitely proud of.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I always believed it would happen and stuck to my guns.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I care less if I can't be part of your scene because I am the scene. I am everything that is.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I didn't come from a trailer park. I grew up middle class and my dad had money and my mom made my lunch. I got a car when I was sixteen. I'm proud of that.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I didn't want to go out and change anything. I just wanted to make the music that was part of my background, which was rock and blues and hip-hop.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I like to make music, I like rap music. Even if I'm white, I support that music. If I want to support it or any other white kid wants to support it more power to them.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I was the little white kid who rocked the turntables.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
I'm actually a pretty decent human being, and when I'm home I'm straight as an arrow.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
It's not that I'm Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes now, but I've got my priorities in order.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
My past is a bit checkered.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
My shows aren't about trying to save some place, because I don't feel that's the right venue for it. That's my politics right there: Don't bring politics to my shows.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
My take on rap is driven by straightforward American southern rock and blues.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
On a scale of the United States, the Hollywood influence on what comes out, that's not the majority views of across the country. What we read in Us Weekly or People magazine, or Entertainment Tonight, it's not what the majority of the country is thinking.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
Rock 'n' roll is much easier if you're white.
- Kid Rock
Image of Kid Rock
That's why I called my record Devil Without a Cause - I'm a white boy who's so sick of hearing that white kids are going to steal rap.
- Kid Rock