Keanu Reeves

Image of Keanu Reeves
I had the classic 40 meltdown, I did. It's embarrassing. It was pretty funny. But then I recovered. To me, it was like a second adolescence. Hormonally, my body was changing, my mind was changing, and so my relationship to myself and the world around me came to this assault of finiteness.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Funny
Image of Keanu Reeves
What sort of girls do i like? - They are all angels.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Girl
Image of Keanu Reeves
I'm older and older. With any experience you have, you know more about yourself.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Experience
Image of Keanu Reeves
Multi-culture is the real culture of the world - the pure race doesn’t exist.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Real
Image of Keanu Reeves
There's nothing wrong with being gay, so to deny it is to make a judgment.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Gay
Image of Keanu Reeves
Tattoos are interesting, but at the same time they are also a mask - you are exhibiting your past life on your body.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Keanu Reeves
I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. ... Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Pain
Image of Keanu Reeves
You know what is a nice thought? Retirement.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Depressing
Image of Keanu Reeves
I cried over beauty, I cried over pain, and the other time I cried because I felt nothing. I can't help it. I'm just a cliché of myself.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Pain
Image of Keanu Reeves
Our dreams can teach us, instruct us, confuse us... sometimes I think they look to be considered. And in terms of like, they are an opportunity and I think they most certainly could be utilized to focus, to try and achieve - whether it's looking for someone, or influencing us, or inspiring us.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Dream
Image of Keanu Reeves
What would happen if you melted? You know, you never really hear this talked about much, but spontaneous combustion? It exists!... [people] burn from within... sometimes they'll be in a wooden chair and the chair won't burn, but there'll be nothing left of the person. Except sometimes his teeth. Or the heart. No one speaks about this, but its for real.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Real
Image of Keanu Reeves
Violence is sometimes a very practical solution but I don't think it is the ultimate solution. Owning a gun is not OK for me. But I could argue both sides. Why shouldn't people own them? I'm not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon but I think it has complications. It's probably not the wisest idea. Obviously, it has consequences. Personally, I do not own a weapon.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Thinking
Image of Keanu Reeves
Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things but yeah I can imagine that you can kind of - I think it depends on one's psychological state. I think there are some people who are on the internet and can fall in love and seem to be in a certain psychological state and other people who are - who couldn't quite do that.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Keanu Reeves
The impact of falling in love for the first time has a special place in our arhitecture.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Keanu Reeves
I like writing songs. I like the camarderie of the and. I like touring. I love playing bass. And then there's free beer.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Song
Image of Keanu Reeves
I guess I'm not really involving my imagination to that of a circumstance or happening - I'm just kind of acknowledging it as an existence.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Imagination
Image of Keanu Reeves
John Wick does different techniques. Everything is available to him. There isn't one way of working a weapon. I like the reload with the flick going outside. That movement of getting rid of the magazine is to go sideways with it.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Different
Image of Keanu Reeves
One interview would lead us to another interview, which led us to another interview. We had the questions and the idea of chonicling this moment in time. But we didn't have a movie, per se. As we started interviewing people, it started to kind of define itself.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Ideas
Image of Keanu Reeves
Abstract expression is so solid, so successful and recognizable, but there's a mystery about the artists that goes into it, a fetishism about the artists themselves and who they were.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Successful
Image of Keanu Reeves
The anti-hero or hero usually has a journey or quest so they are interesting as you find out what's going to happen, what they are looking for. What are they trying to do? Sometimes what they do is heroic or comes with a price or sacrifice or maybe the way they do things isn't so great and that's when they become anti-heroes. But the journey of an anti-hero combined with a good story done well is always worthwhile.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Hero
Image of Keanu Reeves
The serialization through the Internet or through digital portals, means of ways of communicating, and I think that's great.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Mean
Image of Keanu Reeves
There's a film there in competition [of Sundance Film Festival] called To The Bone. It's directed by Marti Noxon. I have a supporting role in it. It got really well received. It's a really great film.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Competition
Image of Keanu Reeves
Performing an exorcism was like changing your oil. It's a drag, but necessary.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Oil
Image of Keanu Reeves
Fame is drag. The paparazzi culture is more pervasive than it used to be. On the positive side, it’s nice not to have to worry about bills.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Nice
Image of Keanu Reeves
I don't know if that's philosophy or if that's something else, but to me it [digital filming] has an emotional feeling , that this materiality, the loss of the materiality.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Keanu Reeves
I mean really wonderful. In teaching. Personal epiphanies. About life. About different perspectives-help with different perspectives that you have. You know what I mean? Relationships to nature. Relationships with the self. With other people. With events.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Teaching
Image of Keanu Reeves
I like meeting directors. It can be helpful because sometimes when you meet filmmakers you find out if you like them and if they like you, and that is important in terms of considering a role. Choosing a role is all about whether I relate to the role and the story really. That's the criteria.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Important
Image of Keanu Reeves
The acting experience and the collaborating and creating the world, working on the piece, they're the same joys.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Creating
Image of Keanu Reeves
Our saving grace! Um, as a species [humans] we can be pretty warm and fuzzy. But maybe for this, it's the adaptability, or the heart and soul. We're not all that bad. I don't really know!
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Heart
Image of Keanu Reeves
I went with an exorcist for a bit. I just want to know really practical things, like how do you hold someone possessed by the devil.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Devil
Image of Keanu Reeves
When I think about him, I think about him as John and John Wick. I think of John Wick being the assassin part of John. I would say that guy has strong will; never gives up; he's kind; and there's honor about him. He's also a man of strength. There are even some vulnerabilities to him. Most importantly, he's good at his job.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Strong
Image of Keanu Reeves
I don't know any real jiu-jitsu or judo or anything. I do movie kung fu. With that, you can fake a punch, but you can't really fake a judo throw. You can get help from the person who you're throwing because they can kind of launch themselves.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Real
Image of Keanu Reeves
Hallelujah! Amen! Christianity is so inherent in western story-telling, you can't really get around it. But it wasn't something that drew me to it more or less.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Stories
Image of Keanu Reeves
Sometimes, with the scale of a film, it's like when I walked on the sets of "The Matrix," especially in "Reloaded," there was the city square, or in "Revolutions" with some of the machine world, you're like, "Wow, this is a big playground," which is fun to watch. But the acting experience and the collaborating and creating the world, working on the piece, they're the same joys.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Fun
Image of Keanu Reeves
Violence within the context of policing has a sense of control and power to it, whether it is dominance, getting what you want, or acting out of emotion. At the same time, it is not ultimately satisfying and [you are] trapped in the cycle.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Acting
Image of Keanu Reeves
I mean, I went to a Catholic boys school for a year, but that was to play hockey. Religion class was quite contentious for me.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Funny
Image of Keanu Reeves
For the gun work, I had more of the basic training from the previous [movie John Wick] and the weapon work I have done in the past. In the second movie [John Wick 2], it really went on into another level. I've done the three gun training, where you worked with the pistol, rifle and shotgun. So that all is in the film.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Gun
Image of Keanu Reeves
If we're talking about the science fiction or action genres, I've always tried when I could to do them in a way that's not just cookie-cutter - that they bring something fresh or original to it, have some kind of ideas to it. I've been fortunate, in some sense, to do those kinds of movies that are unique.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Unique
Image of Keanu Reeves
I did do some things different [in John Wick 2], but it's different on basically the same things. Because I have the background from the first film, it was really the first time I was doing judo and jiu-jitsu.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Firsts
Image of Keanu Reeves
I loved the role [of John Wick]. I loved the action. I loved all the new characters. The world expands into the Underworld. It's getting bigger. Yeah, it was a really great experience [in John Wick 2].
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Character