Kathy Griffin

Image of Kathy Griffin
Well, the coffeehouse audiences never know what they're going to get, and all the comics are different, as opposed to when you go to a club, and they're pretty much all telling jokes with set-ups and punchlines. Coffeehouse audiences are the most forgiving: They really listen, which is the best part.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I prefer being known for my stand-up because I write it. I love being an actor, and saying other people's words is great. But then, when I do stand-up, I love getting my own point of view out there.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I apologize in my real life all the time. I say ridiculous things, I make mistakes constantly. But when I'm on stage, I'm at a microphone... it's a joke!
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I have a no-apology policy.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I'll be honest, there's a part of me that does think I'm held to a different standard than my contemporaries and peers, and it's a little frustrating.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I'm not an artist. I tell inappropriate stories and jokes and I try to make people laugh.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I grew up in Chicago and was a huge fan of 'The Second City', so when I moved to L.A., I was looking for anything that resembled that... then I started 'The Groundlings', so I went to a show and it was very much like 'Second City'. I was so impressed that that same night I went backstage and I went up to the funniest person there.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I feel more people can relate to the D-list than the A-list.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I have a no-apology policy. No apologies for jokes. I apologize in my real life all the time. I say ridiculous things, I make mistakes constantly. But when I'm on stage, I'm at a microphone... it's a joke!
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
To give up my job as a temp and actually make a living doing comedy, it was staggering.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I am an outsider looking in, absolutely. You're not going to see me at the Academy Awards 'Vanity Fair' party any time soon. I'm not somebody who, no matter where I go, there are paparazzi or any of that nonsense. But I have a little window into that world, and I can enter it and dance around. I want to be the audience's ticket into the party.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I constantly say things that I regret. I mortify myself constantly.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I identify with the regular person, because that is who I am.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I'm a female in comedy, so of course I want there to be more women on 'SNL', and women of color.
- Kathy Griffin
Image of Kathy Griffin
I can criticize your religion all I want, and you can criticize mine. I don't like this whole climate of, 'You can't ever say anything bad about the group I'm in, cause every group is untouchable.' We can all criticize each other and engage in debate all we want.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Say Anything
Image of Kathy Griffin
I was raised right — I talk about people behind their backs. It's called manners.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: People
Image of Kathy Griffin
There's one thing that's really great about waking up early, and it's not jogging or greeting the day - it's just that that's when they make doughnuts.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Funny
Image of Kathy Griffin
I did feel very sexy and desirable. Those prisoners looked at me like no man ever did. I don't care how many people they killed.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Sexy
Image of Kathy Griffin
Life is adventure. Travel is adventure at a different address.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Adventure
Image of Kathy Griffin
When I see you, I smile. When I touch you, I feel you. When I kiss you, I love you!
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: I Love You
Image of Kathy Griffin
I have a no-apology policy. No apologies for jokes. I apologize in my real life all the time. I say ridiculous things, I make mistakes constantly. But when I'm on stage, I'm at a microphone it's a joke!
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Real
Image of Kathy Griffin
I believe fully in making fun of children. I believe very strongly that you should never make fun of an embryo or your ovaries. I am a big believer on breaking those rules. It's a case-by-case basis. But the thing is, there's so many ways to make a joke about something that is sort of maybe verboten or something.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Children
Image of Kathy Griffin
Phoenix is great. I love Phoenix, .. I love Scottsdale. I love the James Hotel. I have a Kathy Griffin suite. I love -what's that place called? AZ 88. I had never had a cheese crisp, so I went to - oh, can't remember. We went to the State Fair, where I was all about the deep-fried Twinkie. I ate every deep-fried thing - oh, it was heavenly. I ate until I got sick.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Phoenix
Image of Kathy Griffin
I certainly immerse myself in as many crazy Hollywood events as I can because you never know where you can pick up material.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kathy Griffin
Always and Forever is a Grandmothers love
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Kathy Griffin
I am what you call a non-believer. I don't even want to say I'm an atheist because frankly I don't want to join their club either. But the point is, I am a fallen catholic, I'm not religious, and that's all well and good.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Religious
Image of Kathy Griffin
I was a soccer cheerleader. It doesn't get nerdier than that. I was fired from the soccer cheerleading squad after one year, which I believe to this day is unprecedented. You have to understand, no one went to the soccer games. In fact, I believe part of my duties as a cheerleader was to bake brownies for the team.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Soccer
Image of Kathy Griffin
When my pals in high school were starting to drink, it always looked unappealing to me. I would be at a big party and see one of the popular girls or football players completely wasted and puking and acting a fool, and think to myself, there is nothing cool about that. I never wanted to be that out of control.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Girl
Image of Kathy Griffin
Do you remember a little phenom called step aerobics? If you do, then you know how crazy it was to take two ninety-minute classes in a row. It’s incredible that I didn’t die from a blunt injury to the back of my head from slipping on my own pool of sweat.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kathy Griffin
Why would you want to keep the bluebird houses mounted in a place that you now know is unsafe for them? Bluebirds are not ornaments for pictures, they are living things that deserve your best effort if you are going to be a landlord to them. There is no magic spell that will protect those bluebirds--they have to depend on you or they are doomed.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Best Effort
Image of Kathy Griffin
No one teaches you how to do this. How do you let go of someone who you love so much?
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Kathy Griffin
I do feel I'm kind of a magnet for crazy, and if there isn't enough crazy, I will insert myself in a situation that I feel has comedy potential.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kathy Griffin
If there is a gay army, I am their warrior princess.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Princess
Image of Kathy Griffin
Most people unfamiliar with the men in a new town might search for love until they find it. I picked out some guy on my second day in LA, who worked at the local bicycle shop, and handed my virginity to him. “You can fill a tire? Sounds good to me. Let's call it a date.” Needless to say he wasn't Mr. Right.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Men
Image of Kathy Griffin
I prefer big Oprah. I know Oprah wants to be skinny Oprah, but her head is too gigantic to fit on a skinny body. She has to accept that, like Kirstie Alley, she was meant to be... ahm... voluptuous!
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Body
Image of Kathy Griffin
I love doing [stand-up]. I love making people laugh no matter how. Whether it's a commercial, or a TV show, or a reality show, or a talk show, or a special, or a book. However I can make people laugh, that's what I want to do.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Book
Image of Kathy Griffin
It was sweaty Whitney (Houston) in Central Park. She knew that park pretty well. Every bush!
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Central Park
Image of Kathy Griffin
I'm saying that she (Whitney Houston) looks great for a singer... the way Courtney Love is a singer.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Love Is
Image of Kathy Griffin
When I’m going to see a comedian, I don’t want to see them hold back, and when I’m reading a book, I don’t want to hear an abridged version.
- Kathy Griffin
Collection: Reading