Karl Barth

Image of Karl Barth
Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.
- Karl Barth
Collection: God
Image of Karl Barth
Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Thankful
Image of Karl Barth
Jesus does not give recipes that show the way to God as other teachers of religion do. He is himself the way.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Religion
Image of Karl Barth
It is always the case that when the Christian looks back, he is looking at the forgiveness of sins.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Karl Barth
Whether the angels play only Bach praising God, I am not quite sure. I am sure, however, that en famille they play Mozart.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Men have never been good, they are not good and they never will be good.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
It may be that when the angels go about their task praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Religion is the possibility of the removal of every ground of confidence except confidence in God alone.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Faith is never identical with piety.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Faith in God's revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Conscience is the perfect interpreter of life.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
In the Church of Jesus Christ there can and should be no non-theologians.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
What God chooses for us children of men is always the best.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
No one can be saved - in virtue of what he can do. Everyone can be saved - in virtue of what God can do.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Man can certainly flee from God... but he cannot escape him. He can certainly hate God and be hateful to God, but he cannot change into its opposite the eternal love of God which triumphs even in his hate.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Jews have God's promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.
- Karl Barth
Image of Karl Barth
To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Prayer
Image of Karl Barth
I have read many books, but the Bible reads me.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Book
Image of Karl Barth
When we speak of our virtues we are competitors, when we confess our sins we become brothers.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Brother
Image of Karl Barth
Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Gratitude evokes grace like the voice and echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Faith
Image of Karl Barth
Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Newspapers
Image of Karl Barth
What happened on that day (of Easter) became, was and remained the centre around which everything else moves. For everything lasts its time, but the love of God - which was at work and was expressed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead - lasts forever. Because this event took place, there is no reason to despair, and even when we read the newspaper with all its confusing and frightening news, there is every reason to hope.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Jesus
Image of Karl Barth
We must read the Bible through the eyes of shipwrecked people for whom everything has gone overboard.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Eye
Image of Karl Barth
Prayer without study would be empty. Study without prayer would be blind.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Prayer
Image of Karl Barth
Faith is not an art. Faith is not an achievement. Faith is not a good work of which some may boast while others can excuse themselves with a shrug of the shoulders for not being capable of it. It is a decisive insight of faith itself that all of us are incapable of faith in ourselves, whether we think of its preparation, beginning, continuation, or completion.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Barth
When we are at our wits' end for an answer, then the Holy Spirit can give us an answer. But how can He give us an answer when we are still well supplied with all sorts of answers of our own?
- Karl Barth
Collection: Giving
Image of Karl Barth
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so?
- Karl Barth
Collection: Jesus
Image of Karl Barth
Radically and basically, all sin is simply ingratitude.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Sin
Image of Karl Barth
Grace creates liberated laughter. The grace of God...is beautiful, and it radiates joy and awakens humor.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karl Barth
The person who knows only his side of the argument knows little of that.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Littles
Image of Karl Barth
On the basis of the eternal will of God we have to think of EVERY HUMAN BEING, even the oddest, most villainous or miserable, as one to whom Jesus Christ is Brother and God is Father; and we have to deal with him on this assumption. If the other person knows that already, then we have to strengthen him in the knowledge. If he does no know it yet or no longer knows it, our business is to transmit this knowledge to him.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Brother
Image of Karl Barth
Theology is not a private subject for theologians only. Nor is it a private subject for professors. Fortunately, there have always been pastors who have understood more about theology than most professors. Nor is theology a private subject of study for pastors. Fortunately, there have repeatedly been congregation members, and often whole congregations, who have pursued theology energetically while their pastors were theological infants or barbarians. Theology is a matter for the Church.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Church
Image of Karl Barth
Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Barth
All sin has its being and origin in the fact that man wants to be his own judge. And in wanting to be that, and thinking and acting accordingly, he and his whole world is in conflict with God. It is an unreconciled world, and therefore a suffering world, a world given up to destruction.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Men
Image of Karl Barth
One drop of eternity is of greater weight than a vast ocean of finite things.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Powerful
Image of Karl Barth
The theologian who labours without joy is not a theologian at all.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Joy
Image of Karl Barth
Our position is such that we can be rescued from eternal death and translated into life only by total and unceasing substitution, the substitution which God Himself undertakes on our behalf.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Behalf
Image of Karl Barth
There is a notion that complete impartiality is the most fitting and indeed the normal disposition for true exegesis , because it guarantees complete absence of prejudice. For a short time, around 1910, this idea threatened to achieve almost a canonical status in Protestant theology. But now, we can quite calmly describe it as merely comical.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Ideas
Image of Karl Barth
The Spirit bears witness. Ecstasy and enlightenment, inspiration and intuition are not necessary. Happy is the man who is worthy of these; but woe unto us if we wait for such experiences; woe unto us if we do not perceive that these things are of secondary importance.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Happiness
Image of Karl Barth
For the millions that suffer unjustly, the Confessing Church does not yet have a heart.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Heart
Image of Karl Barth
With an ear open to your musical dialectic, one can be young and become old, can work and rest, be content and sad: in short, one can live.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Musical
Image of Karl Barth
The statement that 'God is dead' comes from Nietzsche and has recently been trumpeted abroad by some German and American theologians. But the good Lord has not died of this; He who dwells in the heaven laughs at them.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Atheist
Image of Karl Barth
Humor is the opposite of all self-admiration and self-praise.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Self
Image of Karl Barth
A being is free only when it can determine and limit its activity.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Limits
Image of Karl Barth
'joy' in Phillippians is a defiant 'Nevertheless!' that Paul sets like a full stop against the Philippians' anxiety.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Joy
Image of Karl Barth
No act of man can claim to be more than an attempt, not even science.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Men
Image of Karl Barth
I haven't even read everything I wrote.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Havens
Image of Karl Barth
What is offered to man's apprehension in any specific revelation of Christ is the living God himself.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Christian