Julia Child

Image of Julia Child
I think the inner person is the most important.... I would like to see an invention that keeps the mind alert. That's what is important.
- Julia Child
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Child
I would happily die with a bottle of white Burgundy in my mouth.
- Julia Child
Collection: White
Image of Julia Child
Fine #‎ wine is a living liquid ... Its life comprises youth, maturity, old age, and death.
- Julia Child
Collection: Wine
Image of Julia Child
Good french cooking cannot be produced by a zombie cook.
- Julia Child
Collection: Cooking
Image of Julia Child
No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize.
- Julia Child
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Julia Child
To be a good cook you have to have a love of the good, a love of hard work, and a love of creating.
- Julia Child
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Julia Child
It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions.
- Julia Child
Collection: Civilization
Image of Julia Child
Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.
- Julia Child
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Julia Child
You must have discipline to have fun.
- Julia Child
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Julia Child
As you get older, you shouldn't waste time drinking bad wine.
- Julia Child
Collection: Drinking
Image of Julia Child
I’m awfully sorry for people who are taken in by all of today’s dietary mumbo jumbo. They are not getting any enjoyment out of their food.
- Julia Child
Collection: Sorry
Image of Julia Child
...no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.
- Julia Child
Collection: Cooking
Image of Julia Child
Anything that says 'healthy' I say away from... Giving up butter, for instance, means that in about two years you will be covered in dandruff.
- Julia Child
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Julia Child
I don't use the word gourmet. The word doesn't mean anything anymore. 'Gourmet' makes it sound like someone is putting sherry wine in the corn-flake casserole.
- Julia Child
Collection: Wine
Image of Julia Child
I never feel lonely in the kitchen. Food is very friendly.
- Julia Child
Collection: Lonely
Image of Julia Child
The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It's doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile.
- Julia Child
Collection: Believe
Image of Julia Child
Always start out with a larger pot than what you think you need.
- Julia Child
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Child
The more you know, the more you can create. There's no end to imagination in the kitchen.
- Julia Child
Collection: Imagination
Image of Julia Child
You are the butter to my bread,and the breath to my life
- Julia Child
Collection: Marriage
Image of Julia Child
Fake food -- I mean those patented substances chemically flavored and mechanically bulked out to kill the appetite and deceive the gut -- is unnatural, almost immoral, a bane to good eating and good cooking.
- Julia Child
Collection: Mean
Image of Julia Child
You'll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.
- Julia Child
Collection: Education
Image of Julia Child
I think careful cooking is love, don't you?
- Julia Child
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Child
It's fun to get together and have something good to eat at least once a day. That's what human life is all about - enjoying things.
- Julia Child
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Child
One of the important requirements for learning how to cook is that you also learn how to eat.
- Julia Child
Collection: Important
Image of Julia Child
If you're afraid of butter, use cream.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
If you're not ready to fail, you're not going to learn how to cook.
- Julia Child
Collection: Failing
Image of Julia Child
A cookbook is only as good as its poorest recipe.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
We ought to enjoy our food, we ought to take time and care and prepare it correctly, and we ought to have fun doing it and make it a communal event.
- Julia Child
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Child
Just speak very loudly and quickly, and state your position with utter conviction, as the French do, and you'll have a marvelous time!
- Julia Child
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Julia Child
Once you have mastered a technique, you barely have to look at a recipe again
- Julia Child
Collection: Technique
Image of Julia Child
A passionate interest in what you do is the secret of enjoying life...whether it is helping old people or children, or making cheese or growing earthworms.
- Julia Child
Collection: Children
Image of Julia Child
In spite of food fads, fitness programs, and health concerns, we must never lose sight of a beautifully conceived meal.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
Cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing, or wood carving, or music. And cooking draws upon your every talent--science, mathematics, energy, history, experience--and the more experience you have, the less likely are your experiments to end in drivel and disaster. The more you know, the more you can create.
- Julia Child
Collection: Creativity
Image of Julia Child
Noodles are not only amusing but delicious.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
Any disaster is a learning process.
- Julia Child
Collection: Failure
Image of Julia Child
Food like love is a deeply emotional matter.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
When you flip anything, you really you just have to have the courage of your convictions.
- Julia Child
Collection: Flip
Image of Julia Child
Cooking well doesn't mean cooking fancy.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
One of the secrets, and pleasures, of cooking is to learn to correct something if it goes awry; and one of the lessons is to grin and bear it if it cannot be fixed.
- Julia Child
Collection: Cooking
Image of Julia Child
I always give my bird a generous butter massage before I put it in the oven. Why? Because I think the chicken likes it -- and, more important, I like to give it.
- Julia Child
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Child
Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake.
- Julia Child
Collection: Drama
Image of Julia Child
The egg can be your best friend if you just give it the right break
- Julia Child
Collection: Eggs
Image of Julia Child
There are reasons, and then there are excuses.
- Julia Child
Collection: Excuse
Image of Julia Child
Never apologize for your cooking.
- Julia Child
Collection: Cooking
Image of Julia Child
A house without a cat is like a day without sunshine, a pie without fromage, a dinner without wine.
- Julia Child
Collection: Wine
Image of Julia Child
Noncooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet.
- Julia Child
Collection: Work
Image of Julia Child
Too much trouble,' 'Too expensive,' or 'Who will know the difference' are death knells for good food. ... Cooking is not a particularly difficult art, and the more you cook and learn about cooking, the more sense it makes.
- Julia Child
Collection: Art
Image of Julia Child
Of course I made many boo-boos. At first this broke my heart, but then I came to understand that learning how to fix one's mistakes, or live with them, was an important part of becoming a cook.
- Julia Child
Collection: Mistake
Image of Julia Child
Be a fearless cook! Try out new ideas and new recipes, but always buy the freshest and finest ingredients, whatever they may be. Furnish your kitchen with the most solid and workmanlike equipment you can find. Keep your knives ever sharp and - toujours bon appetit!
- Julia Child
Collection: Knives