Julia Child

Image of Julia Child
Fat gives things flavor.
- Julia Child
Collection: Food
Image of Julia Child
The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.
- Julia Child
Collection: Real
Image of Julia Child
It’s fun to get together and have something good to eat at least once a day. That’s what human life is all about – enjoying things.
- Julia Child
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Child
People who are not interested in food always seem rather dry and unloving and don’t have a real gusto for life.
- Julia Child
Collection: Real
Image of Julia Child
I was going to be a great woman novelist. Then the war came along and I think it’s hard for young people today, don’t you, to realize that when World War II happened we were dying to go and help our country.
- Julia Child
Collection: Country
Image of Julia Child
My father was in real estate, banking, and land management. As family life, it was very conventional, happy, and comfortable. We weren’t wealthy, but we were well-off.
- Julia Child
Collection: Real