John Ray

Image of John Ray
He that counts all cost will never put plough in the earth.
- John Ray
Collection: Cost
Image of John Ray
He that uses many words for explaining any subject, doth, like the cuttlefish, hide himself for the most part in his own ink.
- John Ray
Collection: Writing
Image of John Ray
Lean liberty is better than fat slavery
- John Ray
Collection: Liberty
Image of John Ray
A maid that laughs is half taken.
- John Ray
Collection: Taken
Image of John Ray
They love too much that die for love.
- John Ray
Collection: Cynical
Image of John Ray
Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.
- John Ray
Collection: Love
Image of John Ray
A talkative person runs himself upon great inconvenience by blabbing out his own and others' secrets.
- John Ray
Collection: Running
Image of John Ray
My personal credo as a libertarian conservative: I think all attempts to reform your fellow-citizens or tell them how to live their lives are arrogant and tyrannical. THAT'S why I oppose Leftism. I want people to be free to manage their own lives. Reform is just authoritarianism. People are not playthings for anybody's theories or obsessions.
- John Ray
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Ray
Fish must swim thrice--once is the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach.
- John Ray
Collection: Wine
Image of John Ray
Every animal is providentially directed to the use of its proper weapon.
- John Ray
Collection: Animal
Image of John Ray
He that preaches war is the devil's chaplain.
- John Ray
Collection: War
Image of John Ray
A wonder then it must needs be,-that there should be any Man found so stupid and forsaken of reason as to persuade himself, that this most beautiful and adorned world was or could be produced by the fortuitous concourse of atoms.
- John Ray
Collection: Beautiful
Image of John Ray
Little children, little sorrows; big children, big sorrows.
- John Ray
Collection: Children
Image of John Ray
In a thousand pound of Law there's not an ounce of love.
- John Ray
Collection: Law
Image of John Ray
He dances well to whom Fortune pipes.
- John Ray
Collection: Ballet
Image of John Ray
The more you rub a cat on the rump, the higher she sets her tail.
- John Ray
Collection: Cat
Image of John Ray
A light-heel'd mother makes a heavy-heel'd daughter.
- John Ray
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Ray
Though thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul.
- John Ray
Collection: Soul
Image of John Ray
The use of butterflies is to adorn the world and delight the eyes of men, to brighten the countryside, serving like so many golden spangles to decorate the fields.
- John Ray
Collection: Butterfly
Image of John Ray
To go like a cat upon a hot bakestone.
- John Ray
Collection: Cat
Image of John Ray
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant.
- John Ray
Collection: Party
Image of John Ray
Adversity makes men wise but not rich.
- John Ray
Collection: Wise
Image of John Ray
They that make laws must not break them.
- John Ray
Collection: Law
Image of John Ray
Guilt is always jealous
- John Ray
Collection: Jealousy
Image of John Ray
I love thee like puddings; if thou wert pie I'd eat thee.
- John Ray
Collection: Love Is
Image of John Ray
Listeners ne'er hear good of themselves.
- John Ray
Collection: Listeners
Image of John Ray
Children, when they are little, they make parents fools; when great, mad.
- John Ray
Collection: Children
Image of John Ray
Manners make often fortunes.
- John Ray
Collection: Manners
Image of John Ray
Every man praises his own wares.
- John Ray
Collection: Men
Image of John Ray
That which is evil is soon learned.
- John Ray
Collection: Evil
Image of John Ray
A child may have too much of his mother's blessing.
- John Ray
Collection: Mother