John Cena

Image of John Cena
I hang out with a lot of the people I did when I was in high school, when I was in college, and I have a strong unit of people around me, whether it be friends or family, and if my head gets too big, they will definitely check me immediately.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
We really do have a lot of personality in WWE. You have to, to be in this job. You showcase a lot of personality.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
I think the way WWE Studios is going now - they're going away from action, doing more drama, more comedy - it will open a lot of people's eyes. Because a lot of people see big guy, big frame: action superstar. We've proven, especially with 'Legendary,' that that is not always the case.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
I was very unique as a child, dressed a certain way, acted a certain way, didn't fit in with everybody. So I immediately got picked on, especially around the age of 12 and 13, when you start going to junior high and start mingling with the older kids. To counteract that, strictly for self-defense, I wanted to get bigger.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
I'm the guy who'll drive 250 miles tonight and be at the gym tomorrow at 10 A.M., when people are still sleeping in. I'm the guy who'll fly to Australia and find a gym. Fly back and first thing I do off the plane is work out before I shower or eat.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
Seriously, I grew up a fan of Hulk Hogan, and I think I bring some of his best values to the ring... the values of a superhero. Always do your best. Never give up... I think kids want to believe in that, and they should believe in that.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
I'm a small-time white kid trying to represent hip-hop. If a hip-hop artist comes up and beats me in a battle, who did they beat? A small-town white kid who ain't never been an MC, who ain't never done nothing. Now if an MC comes to battle and they get beat by a small-town white boy, that's MC suicide.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
Pretty much my feel toward MCs is, if you really got heart, you got passion, let's get on and do something. I like doing stuff with people that's real.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
If you watch wrestling, you now know the hip-hop culture is being represented with wrestling. For the longest time, the cultures have almost been parallel.
- John Cena
Image of John Cena
A man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.
- John Cena
Collection: Wall
Image of John Cena
There are moments in life where it gets so hectic that time becomes a blur. Keep calm and never give up.
- John Cena
Collection: Life
Image of John Cena
To succeed, i have to believe every night, in my heart, that i am the best.
- John Cena
Collection: Believe
Image of John Cena
You can run I will chase you. You can hide I will find you. We're gonna fight and I'm gonna hurt you.
- John Cena
Collection: Running
Image of John Cena
A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by how well they can stand at the face of adversity.
- John Cena
Collection: Adversity
Image of John Cena
Never Quit, Never backdown.
- John Cena
Collection: Never Quit
Image of John Cena
Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!
- John Cena
Collection: Regret
Image of John Cena
Hustle, Loyalty, Respect.
- John Cena
Collection: Loyalty
Image of John Cena
When the day comes when you don’t believe in yourself there’s the door, get the hell out.
- John Cena
Collection: Believe
Image of John Cena
Kickin', ass takin' names, cashing checks, and breakin necks, the champ is here.
- John Cena
Collection: Names
Image of John Cena
You want some? Come get some!
- John Cena
Collection: Wwe
Image of John Cena
You want The Next Big Thing? Let me take my pants off!
- John Cena
Collection: Wwe
Image of John Cena
This is my life, this is my passion, this is all I got.
- John Cena
Collection: Passion
Image of John Cena
I literally wake up and try to tackle every day the best I can and do my best to try to make life as productive and positive as I can.
- John Cena
Collection: Trying
Image of John Cena
Trust me, ... I know where my heart is and my heart's right here. I'm going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes. That's no shot to anybody. Everybody's got different career paths. This is mine.
- John Cena
Collection: Heart
Image of John Cena
There's those who talk about it. And there's those who BE about it!
- John Cena
Collection: Wwe
Image of John Cena
I fear nothing and I regret less.
- John Cena
Collection: Regret
Image of John Cena
When you are surrounded by people who are much better than you, you have two choices: You can sh*t the bed, and the performance can go to hell. Or you can step up and rise to the occasion.
- John Cena
Collection: Two
Image of John Cena
I think every year, my role changes. And I am an open house for advice, for anyone to use. It's just a matter of asking questions.
- John Cena
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Cena
Nobody remembers second place.
- John Cena
Collection: Wwe
Image of John Cena
Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done.
- John Cena
Collection: Keys
Image of John Cena
CeNation. In Austin, TX, preparing to perfrom for members of our military. In that vein, I would like to let the Rough Riders Platoon know that even though they are going through a difficult time, with brave soliders making the ultimate sacrifice, to keep their heads up, hearts strong, and know that all of them are in my thoughts. Never Give Up.
- John Cena
Collection: Strong
Image of John Cena
I think that any sort of hindsight, especially in this wrestling industry, is a waste of time, and time is extremely valuable. I don't control that. People ask me to do something, and it is our job, as entertainers, to do the best that we can to accomplish that goal. What I get upset about in this business is that so many people talk about the "what if," instead of the "what is." The "what is" is more important. If someone were to go back 15 years and say, "You should have done this," it's too late. I was told to do "X," and I was trying to do "X" the best way that I could.
- John Cena
Collection: Wrestling
Image of John Cena
You learn to laugh at yourself and you also lean on comedy as a crutch to kind of take the edge off because comedians often are self-deprecating and they cross lines that they shouldn't. Stuff like that brings a smile to my face every once in a while when needed.
- John Cena
Collection: Self
Image of John Cena
- John Cena
Collection: Men
Image of John Cena
I would say luck and preparation. I didn't dominate WWE when I first started, it was a slow process. I wasn't labelled the golden child from day one, it's been a very long road.
- John Cena
Collection: Children
Image of John Cena
I think we all have experiences when we were young where we either had an interaction with someone we admired or you know, had a vision of how they were and found out that they weren't necessarily that and that it tends to be a big let down sometimes.
- John Cena
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Cena
There's no way I can tag team with Randy Orton; he just wears too much baby oil!
- John Cena
Collection: Baby
Image of John Cena
What I want to do is, I want to put together a nice list of those guys who I really did admire when I was growing up, listening to names like Lord Finesse.
- John Cena
Collection: Growing Up
Image of John Cena
The last time the three of us were in the ring together, it was pretty awesome. Vickie, we had a sweet, sexy, passionate make-out session. Dolph you remember! You were there! You were cool with it.
- John Cena
Collection: Sexy
Image of John Cena
The thing that's helped me from wrestling is sometimes when you do live television, things change immediately, so you can be immersed in one story and then the story shifts. Ultimately, if you just get the point of what you're trying to accomplish, if you know the story, then you can put forth a good product.
- John Cena
Collection: Wrestling
Image of John Cena
I remember back to my days as a teenager. When you get your feelings hurt, you feel that moment of embarrassment. You think: "No one wants to talk to me ever again. It's all over." I reassure people that's totally not the case. These bullies are just hateful people doing hateful things. Sometimes, it's a lesson in tough love, but you keep positive, smile in the face of hateful adversity and move on. It makes you a stronger person.
- John Cena
Collection: Hurt
Image of John Cena
I learn from everybody I work with, and you learn, every single day. I can learn from anyone. Being fortunate enough to perform in front of a changing live audience, every night, you learn from everybody. Everyone has an opinion and they'll let you know.
- John Cena
Collection: Night
Image of John Cena
I'm just surrounded by awesome funny folks and really creative people. I'm learning, every day. There's not a day that I step on set that I don't have fun. It's a pretty good deal.
- John Cena
Collection: Fun
Image of John Cena
What, Sheamus? Oh no, I can see him...he's pretty pale......What? oh no, he's even whiter than that. He's like a jar of mayonaisse with eyeballs and a ketchup haircut.
- John Cena
Collection: Wwe
Image of John Cena
Easy, Curious George! Get your grubby hands off of that wheel!
- John Cena
Collection: Hands
Image of John Cena
Lita on the other hand, she's rated NC-17, which means No Cold sores in 17 days.
- John Cena
Collection: Mean
Image of John Cena
This must be Monday Night RAW, we just got a Wendy's chant.
- John Cena
Collection: Monday
Image of John Cena
Fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy, that's great.
- John Cena
Collection: Funny
Image of John Cena
I was very unique as a child, dressed a certain way, acted a certain way, didnt fit in with everybody. So I immediately got picked on, especially around the age of 12 and 13, when you start going to junior high and start mingling with the older kids. To counteract that, strictly for self-defense, I wanted to get bigger.
- John Cena
Collection: Children