Jenny McCarthy

Image of Jenny McCarthy
The University of Google is where I got my degree from.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Google
Image of Jenny McCarthy
The idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism's 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the US vaccine schedule.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Years
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Almost everyone has or will experience getting dumped in their lifetime. Unless, of course, you're a nun. Jesus can't dump nuns.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jenny McCarthy
What are friends for? They are the ultimate reflection of yourself. Always surround yourself with people who inspire you and return the favor by giving them the best of you.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Reflection
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Following bio-medical treatment - which is basically changing the diet, giving vitamins and supplements and detoxing the body from metals or candida - and he recovered. And the reason the medical community has such a hard time with this is because we are treating and healing a vaccine injury ... this is truly a revolution.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Healing
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Marriage is a pretty amazing thing when you think about it. For two people to live together for so long under the same roof is a big accomplishment. Fifty-year anniversaries are becoming extinct, yet again proving that long marriages deserve awards and praise. Sometimes I see old people in restaurants sitting together eating their meals and I watch them. Sometimes it makes me sad. They don't even talk. Is it because they have nothing else to say, or can they simply read each other's mind by now?
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Marriage
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Because they've either conveniently forgotten with time or they're trying to be supportive, most mothers won't tell you how hard pregnancy (and then childbirth) can be. Let me tell you, it is. It's brutal sometimes! But, if I did it, ANYONE can do it. I mean, I always knew I was meant to do something really BIG in life, and now I know that this was it. Screw winning an Academy Award someday ... I GAVE BIRTH
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Mother
Image of Jenny McCarthy
A talk show is difficult because the formula is always the same: there's a host and there's guests. Really what you can change is only so much. So, I don't have any pre-interviews, which forces real conversation.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Real
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I can't even begin to tell you how many casting couches I was attacked on. Not just by casting people, but by stars. And when I wouldn't give them my number, they'd say, "Who the hell do you think you are? You will never make it in this town. I'll make sure of it."
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Jenny McCarthy
People are also dying from vaccinations. Evan, my son, died in front of me for two minutes. You ask any mother in the autism community if we'll take the flu, the measles, over autism and day of the week. I think they need to wake up and stop hurting our kids.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Mother
Image of Jenny McCarthy
The reason why [the medical community] is reluctant to talk about it is because there's such a huge business in pharmaceuticals.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Autism
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to lose weight. It wasn't until I joined Weight Watchers that I was finally able to do it. I went to meetings and my son came with me. The best thing was that I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight. Slow and steady, I was getting my pre-pregnancy body back.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Jenny McCarthy
All those girls who were mean to me[in high school], I pay them back by going through the drive-through window and asking for my burger. That feels really great.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Girl
Image of Jenny McCarthy
My tricks are, I get Botox in my forehead-I just have my doctor do a little shot there. if you overdo, it looks bad. I believe in just a little bit. It allows you to keep that mobility in your face. It's a great little secret.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Without a doubt in my mind, I believe that vaccinations triggered Evan's autism.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Waking your kids up for school the first day after a break is almost as much fun as birthing them was.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Fun
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I deserve to be happy and I think a lot of people stay in relationships for wrong reasons and instead of just looking at each other and just saying, 'you know, it's like sands of the hourglass, we learned our lessons, we can end in war or we can end in peace.'
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Breakup
Image of Jenny McCarthy
The first time I punched in my name and saw how many sites there were, I thought, that's scary. I got too involved where I got worried and panicked and tried to stop it. But you know what, if I just let it go and not worry about it, then it will be fine. Because it's all about how it makes me feel and I was letting it get to me.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Names
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I don't think I ever said, "I want to be an actress." But for Halloween, I dressed up as a movie star from when I was seven to when I was twelve. The costume was always a long dress, with makeup, and my hair curled, and jewelry on. And the movie star was always Jenny McCarthy. So right there you could see a little pattern.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Seven years I worked at the Polish deli. It's a very slow deli. So I sat around a lot on my stool at the cashier. And I'd sign my autograph on all the bags I'd put the milk in. Just everyday, practice my autograph. And the manager of the store would take some of them and tape them against the wall. And he'd say, "Some day, I'm telling you, it will be worth something." And I'm like 13, going, "Really?!" And when I go back there, he still has them on the wall. It's very cute.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Cute
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Sometimes I think marriage licenses should be like driver's licenses. They expire after a number of years, and in order to keep going you have to renew. Wouldn't that be kind of genius? It would force you both to look at the relationship, and if it's not working, the marriage would expire so you could go on your merry way, or on the positive side of it, you could look at each other and say we really want to renew. What a way to keep it fresh!!
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny McCarthy
No I don't have a sex tape and I'm kind of upset that I don't. You know why? 'Cause I'm really good.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Sex
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I went to an all-girls Catholic school. And all the nuns just breathed down our necks "abstinence." And that's not the right thing to do. It does not work. Kids will not listen to that. They're going to experiment no matter what, so you have to be honest. You have to say, "You know what, if you're gonna do it, at least think about the consequences and get protection.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Girl
Image of Jenny McCarthy
Just keep trying, and your dreams will come true. But you have to give it all your time, effort, and soul.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I love Botox, I absolutely love it. I get it minimally so I can still move my face. But I really do think it's a savior.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Moving
Image of Jenny McCarthy
I'm so scared girls look at my breast implants and think, 'To get boys, you need big boobs.' I tell them, 'Don't get it done. Those fears go away. You develop other insecurities, but breasts aren't one of them.' I want to get them half-size.
- Jenny McCarthy
Collection: Girl