James Taylor

Image of James Taylor
People are making a lot of music and higher and higher quality. I can't say the same thing for how people are listening to music. People are hearing music through terrible speakers, little computer speakers, there's a lot to get back to in terms of hi-fi and people listening to better quality, technically better quality music.
- James Taylor
Collection: People
Image of James Taylor
Synchronized with the rising moon Even with the evening star They were true love written in stone They were never alone, they were never that far apart
- James Taylor
Collection: Stars
Image of James Taylor
It's true that I can write a song and not really be sure what the meaning of it is.
- James Taylor
Collection: Song
Image of James Taylor
I'm often surprised by classical music and musicians. I've met a large number of them because my wife works for the Boston Symphony, and I'm in that world a lot now. I'm surprised at how difficult it is for people who are classically trained to read music or to memorize music, how difficult it is for them to improvise, to just go off and play. It's sort of, it's like terra incognita. They just, (makes noise) they don't get it.
- James Taylor
Collection: Boston
Image of James Taylor
I don't find the songs; they find me. I just strum my guitar and wait for a lyric to come.
- James Taylor
Collection: Music
Image of James Taylor
In my mind I'm going to Carolina. Can't you see the sunshine, can't you just feel the moonshine? Ain't it just like a friend of mine, to hit me from behind, and I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind.
- James Taylor
Collection: Travel
Image of James Taylor
I'm always making music. I'm constantly making little musical recordings on my phone or on a little voice recorder I carry with me so I can remember these little pieces of music that eventually becomes songs.
- James Taylor
Collection: Song
Image of James Taylor
Just nine lucky soldiers had come through the night, half of them wounded and barely alive. Just nine out of twenty was headed for home, with eleven stories to tell.
- James Taylor
Collection: Home
Image of James Taylor
You can bring your enemies to their knees with the possible exception of the North Vietnamese.
- James Taylor
Collection: Revenge
Image of James Taylor
To be a musician, especially a singer-songwriter - well, you don't do that if you have a thriving social life. You do it because there's an element of alienation in your life.
- James Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of James Taylor
O, it's enough to be on your way. It's enough just to cover ground. It's enough to be moving on. Home: better build it behind your eyes. Carry it in your heart, Safe among your own.
- James Taylor
Collection: Moving
Image of James Taylor
Though the body sleeps, the heart will never rest.
- James Taylor
Collection: Heart
Image of James Taylor
I know now one thing only matters in these days... true love... love and love alone.
- James Taylor
Collection: Faith
Image of James Taylor
['Fire and Rain'] is sort of almost uncomfortably close. Almost confessional. The reason I could write a song like that at that point, and probably couldn't now, is that I didn't have any sense that anyone would hear it. I started writing the song while I was in London...and I was totally unknown.... So I assumed that they would never be heard. I could just write or say anything I wanted. Now I'm very aware, and I have to deal with my stage fright and my anxiety about people examining or judging it. The idea that people will pass judgment on it is not a useful thought.
- James Taylor
Collection: Song
Image of James Taylor
I would advise you to keep your overhead down; avoid a major drug habit; play everyday, and take it front of other people. They need to hear it, and you need them to hear it.
- James Taylor
Collection: Music
Image of James Taylor
All invisible from where we stand the connections come to pass, and though too strong to comprehend they affect us not the less.
- James Taylor
Collection: Strong
Image of James Taylor
I feel like if you let someone else create your vision, then it's not true to your band. No one can ever do as good as you want, or as good as you can yourself.
- James Taylor
Collection: Vision
Image of James Taylor
Turn away from your animal kind, try to leave your body, just to live in your mind.
- James Taylor
Collection: Philosophy
Image of James Taylor
In the old days gigging was everything. The whole of life was about gigs. Everything was about waiting for the gig and then doing the gig and going nuts and then afterwards the party and all the stuff that goes with it. And then that party continues through your twenties and thirties. I'm now 51, and it's still very much in my blood, but I'm really hard pushed... the gig is the party for me now.
- James Taylor
Collection: Party
Image of James Taylor
I've written a number of songs over the years and it's a big part of my life, this sort of tension between a longing for home and the call for the open road. It's sort of like a tug between two families. I even love to miss my home.
- James Taylor
Collection: Song
Image of James Taylor
The report falsely asserts that global warming is causing more extreme weather events, more droughts, more record high temperatures, more wildfires, warmer winters, etc., when each and every one of these false assertions is contradicted by objective, verifiable evidence.
- James Taylor
Collection: Winter
Image of James Taylor
It's the nature of human consciousness to look for trouble constantly, and we find it. We find it.
- James Taylor
Collection: Looks
Image of James Taylor
Something I do love about social media is how you can expand your idea. You can make an extension of your art as opposed to just using it for promotion.
- James Taylor
Collection: Art
Image of James Taylor
I think there's probably a God-shaped hole in everybody's being. Even if God only exists in people's minds, He's still a force.
- James Taylor
Collection: God
Image of James Taylor
I typically will work on a lyric in a three-ring binder. On the right side, I'll write the lyric, and on the left side, I put in alternate things...and things that might be alternates or improvements. I'll turn the page and do it again. I'll turn the page and do it again, or incorporate the improvements. Eventually, I end up with some material, and often it needs to be ordered.
- James Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of James Taylor
The SECRET to Love is in OPENING up your Heart
- James Taylor
Collection: Heart
Image of James Taylor
All it really needed was the proper point of view. No one's gonna bring me down.
- James Taylor
Collection: Inspirational
Image of James Taylor
There's a lot more information at hand and sometimes there's information overload and we become desensitized to it, so things start to mean less.
- James Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of James Taylor
Without a doubt, the warming of the past 100 years has been a welcome respite from a long and deadly Little Ice Age. The possibility that humans may have contributed to the recent warming does not make it any less welcome.
- James Taylor
Collection: Past
Image of James Taylor
Let us turn our thoughts today to Martin Luther King and recognize that there are ties between us, all men and women living on the Earth. Ties of hope and love, sister and brotherhood, that we are bound together in our desire to see the world become a place in which our children can grow free and strong. We are bound together by the task that stands before us and the road that lies ahead. We are bound and we are bound.
- James Taylor
Collection: Spiritual
Image of James Taylor
I told you that I love you, I was only telling a lie. I'll be long gone come the crack of dawn and I believe the word is goodbye.
- James Taylor
Collection: Goodbye
Image of James Taylor
Within my heart is carved a sculpture of your love.
- James Taylor
Collection: Romantic
Image of James Taylor
The sides are steep and the nights are long and cold down in the hole, light and love and the world above mean nothing to the mole.
- James Taylor
Collection: Philosophy