James Lileks

Image of James Lileks
We always ask where the time went. We never ask where it's coming from.
- James Lileks
Collection: Asks
Image of James Lileks
Modern death is a matter of bright rooms and hard machines. Live long enough, and you might be filed away in a nursing home, your history scoured away, your life winnowed down to a few items on the table and some pictures of people who don't come around enough. When you are about to pass on, there is no quiet to attend you: busy fuss and professional zeal strive to bring you back, nail you to the soft cross of the rented bed.
- James Lileks
Collection: Death
Image of James Lileks
Genius flames and dies, but amiable competence can live forever.
- James Lileks
Collection: Flames
Image of James Lileks
If the "rich" were swarming into poor neighborhoods and beating the poor until they coughed up the dimes they swallowed for safekeeping, yes, this would be a transfer of income from the poor to the rich. But allowing taxpayers to keep more of their money does not qualify as taking it from the poor - unless you believe that the poor have a moral claim to the money other people earn.
- James Lileks
Collection: Believe
Image of James Lileks
I don't believe in the very concept of "first thing in the morning." I'm a "third thing in the afternoon" fellow.
- James Lileks
Collection: Morning
Image of James Lileks
The worst thing about depression isn't the sense that you're accentuating the negative, it's that you're seeing things the way they really are, stripped of the illusions you use every day to divert yourself from the Yawning Maw of Futility. It's the wind that blows off the snow and reveals the stone.
- James Lileks
Collection: Blow
Image of James Lileks
All you need to know about Arafat was that he insisted on wearing a pistol when he addressed the UN General Assembly. And all you need to know about the UN, I suppose, is that they let him.
- James Lileks
Collection: Needs
Image of James Lileks
I'll start drinking tea over coffee when the big hand is on Never and the little hand is on Ain't Gonna Happen.
- James Lileks
Collection: Drinking
Image of James Lileks
The newspaper is a lecture. The Web is a conversation.
- James Lileks
Collection: Lectures
Image of James Lileks
There are three stages to a man's life. 1. He laughs at Clark Griswold. 2. He sympathizes deeply with Clark Griswold. 3. He laughs at Clark Griswold.
- James Lileks
Collection: Men
Image of James Lileks
I’ll feel that horrible feeling in my stomach you get when you’ve gone over to the Dark Side. But I’ll be fine. That’s the good thing about the Dark Side. Eventually, your eyes adjust.
- James Lileks
Collection: Eye
Image of James Lileks
Quietly scuttling Columbus Day sales doesn't mean they are opposed to 15th century Iberian seafarers; it just means They don't want protestors on the sales floor throwing blood on the Calvin Klein hosiery in the name of the anti-imperialistic cause.
- James Lileks
Collection: Mean
Image of James Lileks
Calculus destroys self-esteem on contact.
- James Lileks
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of James Lileks
I want to believe in intelligent design, and hence I am suspicious of anything that seems to confirm my desire to believe.
- James Lileks
Collection: Believe
Image of James Lileks
When your opponent sets up a straw man, set it on fire and kick the cinders around the stage. Don't worry about losing the Strawperson- American community vote.
- James Lileks
Collection: Men
Image of James Lileks
The al-Qaida cell broken up near Buffalo, N.Y., contains some citizens who also found themselves in Afghanistan, training for the Great All-Around Satan Smiting. Treason? Oh, of course not. They were on a religious pilgrimage and got lost. Happens all the time. I knew a kid who went to Lutheran Bible Camp and turned up six years later in a Christian Identity compound with a shaved head and a Hitler mustache.
- James Lileks
Collection: Christian
Image of James Lileks
What unnerves so many liberals about talk radio? Simple: It's the unapologetic nature of the conversation, the unwavering sense of certainty. Where's the nuance? The shades of gray? We all know truth is a fragile butterfly dancing in and out of shadow and light, and these guys act as though truth is a rhino charging across a sunlit veldt.
- James Lileks
Collection: Butterfly
Image of James Lileks
It takes a particularly rarified variety of idiot to look at a Jew-hating fascist with a small mustache - and decide that his opponent is the Nazi.
- James Lileks
Collection: Hate
Image of James Lileks
Yay Condi Rice. I want her to go to Saudi Arabia, and I want her first words upon getting off the plane to be 'I'll drive.'
- James Lileks
Collection: Arabia
Image of James Lileks
I've always wondered if there was a Hezbollah version of minesweeper where you get points for blowing up on your first move.
- James Lileks
Collection: Moving
Image of James Lileks
Look. Every partisan in every party has to learn one thing: Sometimes your people are wrong. To paraphrase an old retort, saying "My party, right or wrong" is like saying "My Kennedy, drunk or sober." Credibility is earned, and standing up and saying "Fie!" now and then reinforces your truthfulness.
- James Lileks
Collection: Party
Image of James Lileks
Wait until France gets a hard shot in the nose. Wait until France reacts with some nasty work. They'll get a golf-clap from the chattering class over here and a you-go-girl from Red America. France could nuke an Algerian terrorist camp and the rest of the world would tut-tut for a day, then ask if the missiles France used were for sale. And of course the answer would be oui.
- James Lileks
Collection: Girl
Image of James Lileks
I regret that after 30 years of writing columns in this market, including ten with this newspaper that I love very much, this local conversation has come to an end. However, I believe that if the newspapers of the country pool their resources, we can send an Arnold-Schwartzenegger-style robot back in time to kill the inventor of the Internet, and then our future will be much brighter.
- James Lileks
Collection: Country
Image of James Lileks
The (campaign) ads all have the same tone - the voice is hushed and amazed when talking about The Enemy, as if you should worry how this amoral, power-mad, extremist puppy-strangler clawed his way out of hell and landed in your district. And the voice is happy and relieved when talking about The Most Noble Candidate, as though he's Santa, Will Rogers and Lincoln all rolled into one.
- James Lileks
Collection: Talking
Image of James Lileks
And I don't want posture lessons from a country that spent the last 20 years flopping on its back and grabbing its ankles when Saddam showed up waving stacks of Francs in exchange for bang-sticks.
- James Lileks
Collection: Country
Image of James Lileks
The mind forever turns on the lathe of its own contradictions.
- James Lileks
Collection: Forever
Image of James Lileks
If you think the ’80s were dumber than the ’70s, either you weren’t there or you weren’t paying attention.
- James Lileks
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Lileks
From Day One the very existence of [Camp Bravo] has been a popcorn hull in the tender gums of the hard left.
- James Lileks
Collection: Gum
Image of James Lileks
There's too much political hay to be made undercutting the war, and the consequences be damned. If they want to defeat the war to defeat Bush, well, noted. If they truly believe that the United States is in the same group as the Nazis, the Soviets and Pol Pot, then they've shown they have no perspective, no judgment, no sense of nuance, shall we say. And the idea that such comparisons might be picked up in the Middle East and broadcast with glee is irrelevant; they're parochial to a fault, and care little for anything beyond their reputation and power in Washington.
- James Lileks
Collection: War
Image of James Lileks
Contempt for the things people choose of their own free will is, at its heart, contempt for free will.
- James Lileks
Collection: Heart
Image of James Lileks
Ah, if only the best place for storing embryonic stem cells was Yucca Flat.
- James Lileks
Collection: Cells
Image of James Lileks
The same people who accuse America of coddling dictators are sputtering with bilious fury because we actually deposed one.
- James Lileks
Collection: America
Image of James Lileks
So now we're after a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a guy-and-gal thing. To the founders, this would have been like an amendment requiring the sun to rise in the east; it would fall under the category of obvious truths that the Constitution need not address.
- James Lileks
Collection: Fall
Image of James Lileks
The International Criminal Court, like most international institutions, is a wonderful idea. A noble idea. All it needs to work is planetary government, worldwide democracy and the triumph of reason over tribal loyalties, political doctrines and individual ambition. In other words, it requires that we all live in the world described by the "Star Trek" television shows.
- James Lileks
Collection: Loyalty
Image of James Lileks
The popular Arab imagination is a pliant and inventive thing; it can explain any defeat. It is a compass that always points toward the Jew.
- James Lileks
Collection: Imagination
Image of James Lileks
You can imagine what the advisers are telling Junior Assad: "Your statues are much stronger than Saddam's. His were hollow, and bolted in place with inferior metal; yours are solid, and are anchored to a depth of three feet. Let the American tanks come! Their gears will strip and their engines whine in defeat as they attempt to pull down your statues!
- James Lileks
Collection: Feet
Image of James Lileks
When liberal celebs stammer out a litany of shopworn bleats about the administration's attempt to turn America into a theocratic prison state, people can't help but notice that these buskers and mummers seem unmoved by the horrors of actual prison states. (Saddam commissioned a copy of the Quran written in his own blood - but John Ashcroft is the real religious nut, don't you know.)
- James Lileks
Collection: Religious
Image of James Lileks
If Mother had to be told not to shove the entire brick of Ivory up Junior's hindquarters, constipation is the least of his problems.
- James Lileks
Collection: Mother
Image of James Lileks
The not-quite-sort-of lie works here too - often an ad will announce that "Congressman Johnson voted for a bill that gave tax breaks to companies like Enron." True - although the bill allowed all companies to accelerate depreciation of copying machines. Yes, Enron benefited, but Enron also benefited from the revolution of the Earth around the sun. Hardly an argument to freeze the planet in one spot.
- James Lileks
Collection: Lying
Image of James Lileks
A Children’s Museum, however, is more of a Funatorium. You are encouraged to touch things, which is poor training for subsequent museum visitation.
- James Lileks
Collection: Children