James Hetfield

Image of James Hetfield
If I hadn't of had music in my life, it's quite possible I'd be dead and I'd much rather be alive.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Alive
Image of James Hetfield
Every time I'd go out drinking I was looking for something new. But it was the same every time. I'd wake up in some bed with some person, I had a hangover and a show to do. And the truth is, it was the same every time. But now life is... pretty interesting without the alcohol.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Drinking
Image of James Hetfield
Metallica is the world to me - it always has been, and that's not going to change. I'm married to Metallica.
- James Hetfield
Collection: World
Image of James Hetfield
Deceit, Deceive, Decide just what you believe... I see faith in your eyes, Never you hear the discouraging lies. I hear faith in your cries... Broken is the promise, Betrayal... The healing hand held back by the deepened nail... Follow the god that failed.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Betrayal
Image of James Hetfield
When you're an actor and you walk into a theatre where your movie is playing, you're kinda proud. "Look at my skill!"
- James Hetfield
Collection: Skills
Image of James Hetfield
I'm not generally a big solo guy, because I'm not into showing off that way.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Guy
Image of James Hetfield
The fans like the idea we do what we want. It's not an act. Screw the record company and the beaten path. Without MTV or radio, we still have a huge underground following.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Mtv
Image of James Hetfield
There was so much good and different music back then and you'd just keep moving through it and discovering more new stuff. I went through my Black Sabbath phase before I even started playing guitar.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Moving
Image of James Hetfield
We'd record a song that people liked and wanted to hear on the radio, and the radio wouldn't play it because it was too long. Or they wanted to edit it, which we wouldn't allow.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Song
Image of James Hetfield
Send me money, send me green, and Heaven you will meet. Make your contribution and you'll get a better seat.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Heaven
Image of James Hetfield
The band? No way! There ain't no band. The band is not 'the band' right now. It's just three guys.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Guy
Image of James Hetfield
My vocals are bad, I can't sing, hey man, I wouldn't ask you to do a drum roll if your arm was falling off.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Fall
Image of James Hetfield
My whole life was duality: Here's my life at home, here's my life on the road.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Home
Image of James Hetfield
We like to set off bombs.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Bombs
Image of James Hetfield
Any time somebody is into your band that's a good thing. And if they're in a really cool, really popular band, that's a better thing.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Band
Image of James Hetfield
It's good to listen to lots of different stuff, just whatever you like. The first two records I ever bought were Alice Cooper, Killer and Jethro Tull, Aqualung. That's two weird records to begin with, but I think they hold up well.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Hetfield
Aqualung is one that my brother turned me onto. It wasn't that hard-rocking, but Martin Barre had a really good sound. He knew what he was doing.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Brother
Image of James Hetfield
Rehab is like college for your head.
- James Hetfield
Collection: College
Image of James Hetfield
Trios aren't really geared for slide unless you're gonna play chords, or play that simple George Thorogood style. It gets pretty thin when you play single note lines.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Simple
Image of James Hetfield
I love playing the melodic stuff. I love adding textures and colors.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Color
Image of James Hetfield
We discovered how much money influences certain things work in United States. How things might seem okay on the outside, but internally, they're corrupt.
- James Hetfield
Collection: United States
Image of James Hetfield
I don't remember doing anything else; I don't remember not living in the studio. I'm itching for people to hear this album because I'm sick of hearing it myself.
- James Hetfield
Collection: People
Image of James Hetfield
I think it's very cool for the drummer to be set free from having to worry about holding down the beat every once in a while, though it's a little constricting.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Hetfield
No secret that I enjoy motor sports and cars in particular, building cars, building custom cars. Part of that scene. I love the flow of the cars and I love the art part of them. I love the sleekness and the uniqueness of each car that you can dream up.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Sports
Image of James Hetfield
People always complain about something. If you face yourself and stand up strong, you’re OK. You can’t go wrong.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Strong
Image of James Hetfield
It’s all fun and games ’till someone loses an eye, then it’s just fun you can’t see.
- James Hetfield
Collection: Fun