Hilary Mantel

Image of Hilary Mantel
What fascinates me are the turning points where history could have been different.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Back in my 20s, when I wrote 'A Place of Greater Safety,' the French Revolution novel, I thought, 'I'll always have to write historical novels because I can't do plots.' But in the six years of writing that novel, I actually learned to write, to invent things.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I dislike pastiche; it attracts attention to the language only.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
It is difficult to know how the Tudors actually spoke because we're going back before Shakespeare; much of the drama from that period is courtly, allegorical.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Psychics tap into what is collective: our regret and our sense of time going by; our common repression and anxieties.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
My childhood gave me a very powerful sense of being spooked. I didn't know whether what I was seeing were sensory images of other people's unhappiness. Perhaps that was just the way the world manifested itself to me.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I spend a lot of my time talking to the dead, but since I get paid for it, no one thinks I'm mad.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Writing comes from that territory of being invalidated. But I had a sense of purpose, too. I wanted to stop apologising for my health, and I thought I might do some good.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
When I was thin, I had no notion of what being fat is like. When I worked in a department store, I had sold clothes to women of most sizes, so I should have known; but perhaps you have to experience the state from the inside, to understand what fat is like.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
When you get fat, you get a new personality. You can't help it. Complete strangers ascribe it to you.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
When you have committed enough words to paper, you feel you have a spine stiff enough to stand up in the wind. But when you stop writing, you find that's all you are - a spine, a row of rattling vertebrae, dried out like an old quill pen.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
'Wolf Hall' attempts to duplicate not the historian's chronology but the way memory works: in leaps, loops, flashes.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I am usually protective of my work, not showing it to anyone until it has been redrafted and polished.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
'Show up at the desk' is one of the first rules of writing, but for 'Wolf Hall' I was about 30 years late.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
When narratives fracture, when words fail, I take consolation from the part of my life that always works: the stationery order. The mail-order stationery people supply every need from royal blue Quink to a dazzling variety of portable hard drives.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Sometimes I fantasize that all my furniture has been destroyed in a cataclysm, and I have to start again with only the stationery catalogue. My entire house would become an office, which would be an overt recognition of the existing state of affairs.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Writers displace their anxiety on to the tools of the trade. It's better to say that you haven't got the right pencil than to say you can't write, or to blame your computer for losing your chapter than face up to your feeling that it's better lost.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
For myself, the only way I know how to make a book is to construct it like a collage: a bit of dialogue here, a scrap of narrative, an isolated description of a common object, an elaborate running metaphor which threads between the sequences and holds different narrative lines together.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
Write a book you'd like to read. If you wouldn't read it, why would anybody else? Don't write for a perceived audience or market. It may well have vanished by the time your book's ready.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
History offers us vicarious experience. It allows the youngest student to possess the ground equally with his elders; without a knowledge of history to give him a context for present events, he is at the mercy of every social misdiagnosis handed to him.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
The old always think the world is getting worse; it is for the young, equipped with historical facts, to point out that, compared with 1509, or even 1939, life in 2009 is sweet as honey.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I didn't cry much after I was 35, but staggered stony-faced into middle age, a handkerchief still in my bag just in case.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I once stole a book. It was really just the once, and at the time I called it borrowing. It was 1970, and the book, I could see by its lack of date stamps, had been lying unappreciated on the shelves of my convent school library since its publication in 1945.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
My first career ambitions involved turning into a boy; I intended to be either a railway guard or a knight errant.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
I think I would have been a reasonably good lawyer. I have a faculty for making sense of mountains of information.
- Hilary Mantel
Image of Hilary Mantel
The word 'however' is like an imp coiled beneath your chair. It induces ink to form words you have not yet seen, and lines to march across the page and overshoot the margin. There are no endings. If you think so you are deceived as to their nature. They are all beginnings. Here is one.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hilary Mantel
It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Hilary Mantel
Every leader operates under the threat of assassination.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Leader
Image of Hilary Mantel
Feminism hasn't failed, it's just never been tried.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Feminism
Image of Hilary Mantel
The things you think are the disasters in your life are not the disasters really. Almost anything can be turned around: out of every ditch, a path, if you can only see it.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Life
Image of Hilary Mantel
If I am feeling broken, I can pick up one of [Ivy Compton-Burnett] books and the next morning I can write again. It puts my mechanism back.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Morning
Image of Hilary Mantel
Insight cannot be taken back. You cannot return to the moment you were in before.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Taken
Image of Hilary Mantel
Truth can break the gates down, truth can howl in the street; unless truth is pleasing, personable and easy to like, she is condemned to stay whimpering at the back door.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Doors
Image of Hilary Mantel
It is better not to try people, not to force them to desperation. Make them prosper; out of superfluidity, they will be generous. Full bellies breed gentle manners. The pinch of famine makes monsters.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: People
Image of Hilary Mantel
When people begin to talk about "our island story" my hackles rise. It is deluded and conservative.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Islands
Image of Hilary Mantel
The writer I adore is Ivy Compton-Burnett.I couldn't get more than a few pages in when I first read her. In many ways, she is very clumsy and her plots are rubbish. But we don't read her for that. There are pages and pages of dialogue. What it requires is real effort and attention.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Real
Image of Hilary Mantel
You can have a silence full of words. A lute retains, in its bowl, the notes it has played. The viol, in its strings, holds a concord. A shriveled petal can hold its scent, a prayer can rattle with curses; an empty house, when the owners have gone out, can still be loud with ghosts.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Prayer
Image of Hilary Mantel
You can be merry with the king, you can share a joke with him. But as Thomas More used to say, it's like sporting with a tamed lion. You tousle its mane and pull its ears, but all the time you're thinking, those claws, those claws, those claws.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Kings
Image of Hilary Mantel
I do myself think that history is a set of skills rather than a narrative.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hilary Mantel
A statute is written to entrap meaning, a poem to escape it.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Statutes
Image of Hilary Mantel
You're only young once, they say, but doesn't it go on for a long time? More years than you can bear.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Years
Image of Hilary Mantel
Some of these things are true and some of them lies. But they are all good stories.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Lying
Image of Hilary Mantel
The fate of peoples is made like this, two men in small rooms. Forget the coronations, the conclaves of cardinals, the pomp and processions. This is how the world changes: a counter pushed across a table, a pen stroke that alters the force of a phrase, a woman's sigh as she passes and leaves on the air a trail of orange flower or rose water; her hand pulling close the bed curtain, the discreet sigh of flesh against flesh.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Flower
Image of Hilary Mantel
Sometimes peace looks like war, you cannot tell them apart.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: War
Image of Hilary Mantel
I believe this was [Margaret Thatcher] estimate of the voter: "These people are so stupid that they will vote for me because they think I know how to run the household."
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Running
Image of Hilary Mantel
Over the city lies the sweet, rotting odor of yesterday's unrecollected sins.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Sweet
Image of Hilary Mantel
Some readers read a book as if it were an instruction manual, expecting to understand everything first time, but of course when you write, you put into every sentence an overflow of meaning, and you create in every sentence as many resonances and double meanings and ambiguities as you can possibly pack in there, so that people can read it again and get something new each time.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Book
Image of Hilary Mantel
I used to think that when I set out that doing the research was enough! But then the gaps would emerge that could only be filled by the imagination. And imagination only comes when you privilege the subconscious, when you make delay and procrastination work for you.
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Procrastination
Image of Hilary Mantel
It was a very funny conference. I knew [Christopher Hitchens] before that. He had always been a good angel to me. He once stole a phrase from me that came out of his mouth on television. I saw his eyes move sideways. I thought, It's alright, you can have it! The conference was light on women. Salman Rushdie showed up, they were doing their own thing. I didn't feel neglected!
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Moving