Henry Miller

Image of Henry Miller
By choosing to live above the ordinary level we create extraordinary problems for ourselves.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Ordinary
Image of Henry Miller
Even if one’s whole life were a mistake, there is always time to change.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Mistake
Image of Henry Miller
The full and joyful acceptance of the worst in oneself may be the only sure way of transforming it.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Henry Miller
Dedication is not what others expect of you, it is what you can give to others.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Dedication
Image of Henry Miller
Every day that we fail to live out the maximum of our potentialities we kill the Shakespeare, Dante, Homer, Christ which is in us.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Failing
Image of Henry Miller
Who but the artist has the power to open man up, to set free the imagination? The others - priest, teacher, saint, statesman, warrior - hold us to the path of history. They keep us chained to the rock, that the vultures may eat out our hearts. It is the artist who has the courage to go against the crowd; he is the unrecognized "hero of our time" - and of all time.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Teacher
Image of Henry Miller
Music is the can-opener of the soul.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Soul
Image of Henry Miller
We have been educated to such a fine - or dull - point that we are incapable of enjoying something new, something different, until we are first told what it's all about. We don't trust our five senses; we rely on our critics and educators, all of whom are failures in the realm of creation. In short, the blind lead the blind. It's the democratic way.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Criticism
Image of Henry Miller
The art of living is based on rhythm - on give & take, ebb & flow, light & dark, life & death. By acceptance of all aspects of life, good & bad, right & wrong, yours & mine, the static, defensive life, which is what most people are cursed with, is converted into a dance, 'the dance of life,' metamorphosis.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Miller
The only peace, the only security, is in fulfillment.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Inner Peace
Image of Henry Miller
Do not be duped by little duties. Do not be a chore man all your days.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Men
Image of Henry Miller
After all, most writing is done away from the typewriter, away from the desk. I'd say it occurs in the quiet, silent moments, while you're walking or shaving or playing a game, or whatever, or even talking to someone you're not vitally interested in.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Miller
I saw through to the last sign and symbol, but I could not read her face. I could see only the eyes shining through, huge, fleshy-like luminous beasts, as though I were swimming behind them in the electric effluvia of her incandescent vision.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Eye
Image of Henry Miller
I am positively against all this crap which is carried on first in the name of this thing, then in the name of that. I believe only in what is active, immediate, and personal.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Believe
Image of Henry Miller
There are lone figures armed only with ideas, sometimes with just one idea, who blast away whole epochs in which we are enwrapped like mummies. Some are powerful enough to resurrect the dead. Some steal on us unawares and put a spell over us which it takes centuries to throw off. Some put a curse on us, for our st idity and inertia, and then it seems as if God himself were unable to lift it.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Powerful
Image of Henry Miller
Forget the books you want to write. Think only of the book you are writing.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Book
Image of Henry Miller
And the books you write. They're not you. They're not me sitting here, this Henry Miller. They belong to someone else. It's terrible. You can never rest.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Book
Image of Henry Miller
Words, sentences, ideas, no matter how subtle or ingenious, the maddest flights of poetry, the most profound dreams, the most hallucinating visions, are but crude hieroglyphs chiseled in pain and sorrow to commemorate an event which is untransmissible.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Miller
I am living at the Villa Borghese. There is not a crumb of dirt anywhere, nor a chair misplaced. We are all alone here and we are dead.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Dirt
Image of Henry Miller
It was here in Big Sur that I first learned to say 'amen.'
- Henry Miller
Collection: Big Sur
Image of Henry Miller
How different the new order would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Order
Image of Henry Miller
People used to envy me my inspiration. I hate inspiration. It takes you over completely. I could never wait until it passed and I got rid of it.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Hate
Image of Henry Miller
The best stories I have heard were pointless, the best books those whose plot I can never remember, the best individuals those whom I never get anywhere with. Though it has been practised on me time and again I never cease to marvel how it happens that with certain individuals whom I know, within a few minutes after greeting them we are embarked on an endless voyage comparable in feeling and trajectory only to the deep middle dream which the practised dreamer slips into like a bone slips into its sockets
- Henry Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Miller
At the bottom of every frozen heart there is a drop or two of love―just enough to feed the birds.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Heart
Image of Henry Miller
There is something else to be said about this immediate, spontaneous way of working, and that is this: in such moments, one is playing at the game of creation.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Games
Image of Henry Miller
I'd rather sit down and write a letter than call someone up. I hate the telephone.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Hate
Image of Henry Miller
The more I wrote, the more I became a human being. The writing may have seemed monstrous (to some) for it was a violation, but I became a more human individual because of it. I was getting the poison out of my system.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Miller
If you are well off and can afford to spend ten or twenty-five dollars a day to hire some patient soul to listen to your troubles you can be readjusted to the crazy scheme of things and spare yourself the humiliation of becoming a Christian Scientist. You can have your ego trimmed or removed, as you wish, just like a wart or bunion.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of  in which
the auditory senses —and thus see for the first time."
- in which
Collection: You Develop The Tactile
Image of Henry Miller
The word which gives the key to the national vice is waste. And people who are wasteful are not wise, neither can they remain young and vigorous. In order to transmute energy to higher and more subtle levels one must first conserve it.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Wise
Image of Henry Miller
I read to be taken out of myself, to become ecstatic.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Taken
Image of Henry Miller
What are our conductors giving us year after year? Only fresh corpses. Over these beautifully embalmed sonatas, toccatas, symphonies and operas the public dance the jitterbug. Night and day without let the radio drowns us in a hog-wash of the most nauseating, sentimental ditties. From the churches comes the melancholy dirge of the dead Christ, a music which is no more sacred than a rotten turnip.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Night
Image of Henry Miller
New York has a trip-hammer vitality which drives you insane with restlessness if you have no inner stabilizer.
- Henry Miller
Collection: New York
Image of Henry Miller
I had no more need of God than He had of me, and if there were one, I often said to myself, I would meet Him calmly and spit in His face.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Needs
Image of Henry Miller
It is now the fall of my second year in Paris. I was sent here for a reason I have not yet been able to fathom. I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. A year ago, six months ago, i thought I was an artist. I no longer think about it. I am. There are no more books to be written, thank God.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Book
Image of Henry Miller
There is only one thing which interests me vitally now, and that is the recording of all that which is omitted in books
- Henry Miller
Collection: Book
Image of Henry Miller
Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Life Is
Image of Henry Miller
I didn't have to think up so much as a comma or a semicolon; it was all given, straight from the celestial recording room. Weary, I would beg for a break, an intermission, time enough, let's say, to go to the toilet or take a breath of fresh air on the balcony. Nothing doing!
- Henry Miller
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Henry Miller
A world without hope, but no despair
- Henry Miller
Collection: Despair
Image of Henry Miller
To know Paris is to know a great deal.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Paris
Image of Henry Miller
I will never again go to people under false pretenses even if it is to give them the Holy Bible. I will never again sell anything, even if I have to starve. I am going home now and I will sit down and really write about people.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Integrity
Image of Henry Miller
Fame is an illusive thing - here today, gone tomorrow. The fickle, shallow mob raises its heroes to the pinnacle of approval today and hurls them into oblivion tomorrow at the slightest whim; cheers today, hisses tomorrow; utter forgetfulness in a few months.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Cheer
Image of Henry Miller
There are moments when the elixir of life rises to such over−brimming splendor that the soul spills over. In the seraphic smile of the Madonnas the soul is seen to flood the psyche. The moon of the face becomes full; the equation is perfect. A minute, a half−minute, a second later, the miracle has passed. Something intangible , something inexplicable, was given out-and received.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Moon
Image of Henry Miller
The city grows like a cancer; I must grow like a sun. The city eats deeper and deeper into the red; it is an insatiable white louse which must die eventually of inanition. I am going to starve the white louse which is eating me up. I am going to die as a city in order to become again a man. Therefore I close my ears, my eyes, my mouth.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Cancer
Image of Henry Miller
And there is a time, glorious too in its own way, when one scarcely exists, when one is a complete void. I mean, when boredom seems the very stuff of life.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Miller
The word civilization to my mind is coupled with death. When I use the word, I see civilization as a crippling, thwarting thing, a stultifying thing. For me it was always so. I don't believe in the golden ages, you see... civilization is the arteriosclerosis of culture.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Believe
Image of Henry Miller
Those interested in celestial navigation are advised to first obtain a rudimentary knowledge of integral calculus, phlebotomy, astral physics and related subjects. The use of liquor is strictly forbidden on interplanetary flights.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Use
Image of Henry Miller
Everyman, when he gets quiet, when he becomes desperately honest with himself, is capable of uttering profound truths.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Profound
Image of Henry Miller
You start out with the sublime and you end up in an alley jerking away for dear life.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Sublime