Henry Ford

Image of Henry Ford
Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can't are both right.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Motivational
Image of Henry Ford
One who fears failure limits his activities.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Fear
Image of Henry Ford
When I can't handle events, I let them handle themselves.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Events
Image of Henry Ford
An underpaid man is a customer reduced in purchasing power. He cannot buy. Business depression is caused by weakened purchasing power. Purchasing power is weakened by uncertainty or insufficiency of income. The cure of business depression is through purchasing power, and the source of purchasing power is wages.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Men
Image of Henry Ford
If governments would only understand that if people are left alone they'll work out their own salvation.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Government
Image of Henry Ford
Money doesn't change men. It merely unmasks them.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Men
Image of Henry Ford
Greed is merely a species of nearsightedness.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Greed
Image of Henry Ford
Burdening people with debt is an old deal not a new deal.
- Henry Ford
Collection: People
Image of Henry Ford
Borrowing for expansion is one thing; borrowing to make up for mismanagement and waste is quite another.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Expansion
Image of Henry Ford
There's no such thing as no chance.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Challenges
Image of Henry Ford
Business is never as healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching for what it gets.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Business
Image of Henry Ford
In my mind nothing is more abhorrent than a life of ease. None of us has any right to ease. There is no place in civilization for the idler.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Civilization
Image of Henry Ford
We do not make changes for the sake of making them, but we never fail to make a change when once it is demonstrated that the new way is better than the old way.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Sake
Image of Henry Ford
There are two extremes to be avoided: one is the attitude of contempt toward education, the other is the tragic snobbery of assuming that marching through an educational system is a sure cure for ignorance and mediocrity.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Henry Ford
The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Care
Image of Henry Ford
A customer votes everyday with his dollar. Our job is make sure he votes for us.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Ford
What we call evil, it seems to me, is simply ignorance bumping its head in the dark.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Henry Ford
If people understood how the economic system works, there'd be a revolution in a minute.
- Henry Ford
Collection: People
Image of Henry Ford
To lift farm drudgery off flesh and blood and lay it on steel and motors has been my most constant ambition
- Henry Ford
Collection: Ambition
Image of Henry Ford
Do you want to know the cause of war? It is capitalism, greed, the dirty hunger for dollars. Take away the capitalist and you will sweep war from the earth.
- Henry Ford
Collection: War
Image of Henry Ford
If it is 'anti-Semitism' to say that communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it; but to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like Americanism. Communism all over the world, not in Russia only, is Jewish.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Russia
Image of Henry Ford
My opposition to war is not based upon pacifist or non-resistant principles. It may be that the present state of civilization is such that certain international questions cannot be discussed; it may be that they have to be fought out. But the fighting never settles the question. It only gets the participants around to a frame of mind where they will agree to discuss what they were fighting about.
- Henry Ford
Collection: War
Image of Henry Ford
When Henry Ford decided to produce his famous V-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design for the engine. The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece. Ford replied,''Produce it anyway.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Block
Image of Henry Ford
The question who ought to be boss is like who ought to be the tenor in the quartet? Obviously, the man who can sing tunor.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Funny
Image of Henry Ford
A nation that knows how to work will never suffer.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Suffering
Image of Henry Ford
The whole key of the profitable everyday living will be to discover out what's one's future to try and do, and after that do it.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Keys
Image of Henry Ford
I believe we are reincarnated. You, I, we reincarnate over and over. We live many lives, and store up much experience. Some are older souls than others and so they know more. It seems to be an intuitive "gift." It is really hard-won experience.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Believe
Image of Henry Ford
As we serve our jobs we serve the world.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Ford
When I see an Alfa Romeo go by, I tip my hat.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Alfa Romeo
Image of Henry Ford
The average man won't really do a day's work unless he is caught and cannot get out of it. There is plenty of work to do if people would do it.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Men
Image of Henry Ford
Since we do not take a man on his past history, we do not refuse him because of his past history. I never met a man who was thoroughly bad. There is always some good in him if he gets a chance.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Past
Image of Henry Ford
You must know all there is to know in your particular field and keep on the alert for new knowledge. The least difference in knowledge between you and another man may spell his success and your failure.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Henry Ford
Always demanding the best of oneself, living with honor, devoting one's talents and gifts to the benefits of others - these are the measures of success that endure when material things have passed away.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Life
Image of Henry Ford
When bankers get into business they usually destroy it.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Bankers
Image of Henry Ford
Auto racing began 5 minutes after the second car was built.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Nascar Racing
Image of Henry Ford
To live a great life, you must believe in yourself. Let these quotes help you to create a mindset for believing in yourself... Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can't are both right.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Believe
Image of Henry Ford
The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts.
- Henry Ford
Collection: World Government
Image of Henry Ford
There are two ways of making yourself stand out from the crowd. One is by having a job so big you can go home before the bell rings if you want to. The other is by finding so much to do that you must stay after the others have gone. The one who enjoys the former once took advantage of the latter.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Ford
Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible. The moment one gets into the 'expert' state of mind a great number of things become impossible.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Thinking
Image of Henry Ford
I invented nothing new, I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom there was centuries of work.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Men
Image of Henry Ford
There are three things that grow more precious with age; old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Book
Image of Henry Ford
Money doesn't make us anyway it just unmasks us.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Motivational
Image of Henry Ford
The more you think, the more time you have.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Time
Image of Henry Ford
You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Henry Ford
The man who has the largest capacity for work and thought is the man who is bound to succeed.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Success
Image of Henry Ford
If you think of standardization as the best that you know today, but which is to be improved tomorrow; you get somewhere.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Thinking
Image of Henry Ford
You don't have to hold a position to be a leader.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Leader
Image of Henry Ford
This company doesn't pay anybody. Only customers can do that. The company merely handles the money.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Motivational
Image of Henry Ford
It is always possible to do a thing better the second time.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Positive