Glenn Beck

Image of Glenn Beck
If we just stop producing stuff, if we stop being so capitalist, we stop taking resources from other third world countries, we'll be happy.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Country
Image of Glenn Beck
Gun-free zones don't deter criminals-they help them by providing a guarantee that they will not face any armed resistance. But they do deter the law-abiding. A faculty member with a concealed-handgun permit who breaks the campus gun ban would be fired and likely find it impossible to get admitted to another school. Bringing a firearm into a gun-free zone can have serious adverse consequences for law-abiding people. But for someone like the Virginia Tech killer, the threat of expulsion is no deterrent at all.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: School
Image of Glenn Beck
Good Old Socialism ... Raping The Pocketbooks Of The Rich To Give To The Poor.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Giving
Image of Glenn Beck
Capitalists, if you think that you can play footsies with these people, you're wrong. They will come for you and drag you into the streets and kill you.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Glenn Beck
You must see yourself as guardian, somebody who will preserve what is true and pass it on. Be a guardian. We don't need militants or revolutionaries. We need guardians. We need leaders.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Leader
Image of Glenn Beck
You got to have an enemy to fight. And when you have an enemy to fight, then you can unite the entire world behind you, and you seize power. That was Hitler's plan. His enemy: the Jew. Al Gore's enemy, the U.N.'s enemy: global warming. Then you get the scientists - eugenics. You get the scientists - global warming. Then you have to discredit the scientists who say, 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Fighting
Image of Glenn Beck
After the signing of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a woman on the street, "What have you given us, sir?" Franklin Responded, "A Republic, if you can keep it." A critical moment in history has come; our Republic is in jeopardy. Can we keep it? If the answer to that question, as I fear, is "no," then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Critical Moments
Image of Glenn Beck
The 99 percent of those people who voted for Donald Trump are not Alt-righters. They are not racists. They've never even heard of the word.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: People
Image of Glenn Beck
When you aren't drinking or using drugs or spending lots of money on fancy toys or basking in the glow of fame or working all the time or eating your way through the refrigerator, being hateful and angry is a very handy shield from the truth. It lets you focus on everyone else's shortcomings, and all the ways they have let you down. You can bemoan how all these broken people keep finding you somehow. That way you don't have to focus on what really matters -- the tough work of fiing what is broken inside you.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Drinking
Image of Glenn Beck
It's frequently said that there is 'no reason' for such 'military-style weapons' as the Bushmaster to be available to citizens. But isn't that a lot like saying there is no reason why any civilian should drive a military-style car like the Hummer?
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Military
Image of Glenn Beck
Advocating through art is known as propaganda. You should look up the name Goebbels.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Art
Image of Glenn Beck
The question is, do we have a shadow government? And, if we do, who are those intelligent minority that is -- that is guiding us through? And where are they guiding us to? If you skip past all of the puppets and the strings, if you stop looking at the puppets themselves, you have to see who's behind the puppets. Who is choosing the puppets and the players? Who's the puppet master? George Soros.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Glenn Beck
For those that think men make progress collectively, I warn you, history teaches: You couldn't be more wrong.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Men
Image of Glenn Beck
If you log onto this ( at your home, everything in your home is now theirs.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Home
Image of Glenn Beck
Defeat anger, stop using it as a shield against truth, and you will find the compassion you need to forgive the people you love.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Anger
Image of Glenn Beck
I want you [Sarah Palin] to know you have my support. But please look into protection for your family. An attempt on you could bring the republic down.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Support
Image of Glenn Beck
But are we even capable of maintaining a Republic anymore? Are there enough citizens willing to do the hard work that self-rule requires, or have we become a people who would rather be cared for, fed, clothed, housed, and told what's best for us by a parentlike state? Unfortunately, the evidence suggests the latter.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Glenn Beck
I'm a little of everything, a concerned dad, faith-based guy, businessman, entertainer and journalist. I don't have formal training as a journalist, but I think that works to my advantage.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Dad
Image of Glenn Beck
The purpose of a just government is to prevent plunder, not facilitate it.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Government
Image of Glenn Beck
Application of your faith will change your life
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Changing Your Life
Image of Glenn Beck
You know, I had a new kind of thought on Black Lives Matter and the All Lives Matter thing. And the best way to explain it is if we're all sitting around at a table having dinner, and everybody gets pie except for you and you say, my pie matters, I don't have pie, and everybody at the table looks at you and says, I know, all pie matters, it shows that the people at the table aren't really listening.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Pie
Image of Glenn Beck
I believe that Thomas Jefferson said: 'If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, what difference is it to me?'
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Believe
Image of Glenn Beck
...the people who talk most about the need to regulate guns are also usually the same people who know the least about them. Ask these gun prohibitionists about the Second Amendment and they'll usually mention hunting or sport shooting.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Sports
Image of Glenn Beck
When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Stupid
Image of Glenn Beck
If the average citizen thinks God has nothing to do with government, who then creates our rights and what makes them inalienable?
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Glenn Beck
Thanks is part to our education system, we tend to think that we're smarter than the stupid guys in funny wigs who came before us. But that's because we are mistaking technology, progress, and access to information for intelligence. We think that because we know how to use iPhones (but not build them), browse the Internet (but not understand how it works), and use Google (but not really know anything), our educational system is working just great. By the same token, we think that those dumb aristocrats who used horses to get around and didn't have electricity were neanderthals.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Horse
Image of Glenn Beck
I mean, I'm not a, you know, a fraidy cat. I mean, I am truly concerned in this country that we are moving towards fascism.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Country
Image of Glenn Beck
I think the president is a racist.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Glenn Beck
If you go to Cass Sunstein, what net neutrality means is now if you go to, you will have Arianna Huffington, a little box pop up with her showing that Bill O’Reilly is wrong on this or here’s an opposing view of Bill O’Reilly.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Glenn Beck
Reformed rabbis are generally political in nature. It's almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way, to where it is just - radicalized Islam is less about religion than it is about politics. When you look at the Reform Judaism, it is more about politics.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Political
Image of Glenn Beck
We have the State Department working together with Google, MTV, MSNBC, Facebook, all of these - all of these giant corporations. Google now has two executives that we know of that were charged to help this revolution.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Mtv
Image of Glenn Beck
For those of you in the administration, who are coming after me ... remember, you've broken three [of the 10 Commandments], let's not make it four; thou shalt not kill.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Remember You
Image of Glenn Beck
They want a race war. We must be peaceful people. They are gonna poke and poke and poke, and our government is going to stand by and let them do it. We must be - we must take the role of Martin Luther King, because I do not believe that Martin Luther King believed in, "Kill all white babies."
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Baby
Image of Glenn Beck
In my view, the right to bear arms is in the Constitution for three main reasons: self-protection, community protection, and protection from tyrrany.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Self
Image of Glenn Beck
I don't belong to anything anymore and I want to feel like I belong to something.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Want
Image of Glenn Beck
No matter what Donald Trump says, he has deep socialist leanings. He's a nationalist and a populist. And throughout history, whenever you combine those three things it never ends well.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Matter
Image of Glenn Beck
I think it's been time for a new party. I think it's time for two new parties. If you watch the Democratic convention, that has become a socialist party now.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Party
Image of Glenn Beck
People like me took Donald Trump literally, but never seriously. But his supporters took him seriously and not literally.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: People
Image of Glenn Beck
I would like a practical president, but I would like to be able to have his practicality based on principles, and not just who - I mean the room with.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Glenn Beck
Hopefully, Donald Trump's a very practical man.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Men
Image of Glenn Beck
I don't agree with the Black Lives Matter organizers. They are stated as anti-capitalists. And it's much more than just the police to them. It's about changing society entirely.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Police
Image of Glenn Beck
I've kind of come to a place to where I don't really condemn anyone for what their conscience tells them to do because I'm not happy with my choice that I'm making personally on, you know, not voting for somebody that I think can win.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Glenn Beck
It is remarkable to me that both parties are so out of touch with the American people, both Democrats, Republicans and Independents, we all feel the same way.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Party
Image of Glenn Beck
I feel like the world of Blade Runner makes more sense than this one.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Blade Runner
Image of Glenn Beck
We're living in such a fantasy world where nothing makes sense anymore.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: World
Image of Glenn Beck
If you watch tonight's show, I believe you know that I believe we're heading into deep and treacherous waters.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Believe
Image of Glenn Beck
That's what the tactics are, Nazi tactics. Nazi tactics are progressive tactics first.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Tactics
Image of Glenn Beck
They [Democrats in Congress] believe in communism. They believe and have called for a revolution. You're going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Believe
Image of Glenn Beck
I want you to understand clearly, I am not a journalist - be very clear on that. I am an opinion maker.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Want