Georgette Heyer

Image of Georgette Heyer
I liked that young man, did not you? There was something particularly pleasing about his manners, which I thought very easy and frank. He has an air of honest manliness, too, which, in these days of fribbles and counter-coxcombs, I own I find refreshing!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Men
Image of Georgette Heyer
Do you know, I think that of all your idiosyncrasies that choke you give, when you are determined not to laugh, is the one that most enchants me.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Georgette Heyer
It has always seemed to me that if one falls in love with any gentleman one becomes instantly blind to his faults.But I am not blind to your faults, and I do not think that everything you do or say is right! Only—Is it being—not very comfortable—and cross—and not quite happy, when you aren’t there?” “That, my darling,” said his lordship,taking her ruthlessly into his arms,“is exactly what it s!” “Oh—!” Frederica gasped, as she emerged from an embrace which threatened to suffocate her. “Now I know! I am in love!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Georgette Heyer
Randall laid his hand on Stella's, but only to remove it from his sleeve. "My precious, you really must have some regard for my clothes," he said with gentle reproach. "Much as I love you, I cannot permit you to maul this particular coat.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Love You
Image of Georgette Heyer
Do you forget that I am your sister?” “No; I’ve never been granted the opportunity to forget it.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Georgette Heyer
My dear girl, you don't consent to an abduction! You consent to an elopement, and I knew you wouldn't do that.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
She succumbed to the eternal feminine passion for bargains.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Passion
Image of Georgette Heyer
Eccentricity may be diverting, Mama, but it is out of place in a wife: certainly in my wife!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Wife
Image of Georgette Heyer
And now I wish I hadn’t been civil, because he says he shall not despair! He is as stupid as Endymion!” “No, no!” said Alverstoke soothingly. “Nobody could be as stupid as Endymion!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Stupid
Image of Georgette Heyer
Depend upon it, you are just the sort of girl a man would be glad to have for his sister! You don't even know how to swoon, and I daresay if you tried you would make wretched work of it, for all you have is common sense, and of what use is that, pray?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
I wish you did return my regard," he said. "More than I have ever wished anything in my life! Perhaps you may yet learn to do so: I should warn you that I don't easily despair!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Wish
Image of Georgette Heyer
Oh, 'tis not my qualities they object to! 'Tis my lack of vice.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Quality
Image of Georgette Heyer
I comfort myself with the reflection that your wife will possibly be able to curb your desire--I admit, a natural one for the most part--to exterminate your fellows.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Reflection
Image of Georgette Heyer
Remind me one day to teach you how to achieve a sneer, Hugh. Yours is too pronounced, and thus but a grimace. It should be but a faint curl of the lips.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: One Day
Image of Georgette Heyer
Well, you have the right to make a sacrifice of yourself, but I'll be damned if I'll let you sacrifice me!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Georgette Heyer
The society of my relatives can only be enjoyed with frequent intervals.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Enjoyed
Image of Georgette Heyer
[...]if you talk any more flummery to me, Frederica, I shall give you one of my—er—icy set-downs!”(Alverstoke)
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Georgette Heyer
Spread the glad tidings that it will not disappoint Miss Heyer's many admirers. Judging from the letters I've received from obviously feeble-minded persons who do so wish I would write another These Old Shades, it ought to sell like hot cakes. I think myself I ought to be shot for writing such nonsense, but it's questionably good escapist literature and I think I should rather like it if I were sitting in an air-raid shelter, or recovering from flu. Its period detail is good; my husband says it's witty---and without going to these lengths, I will say that it is very good fun.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Witty
Image of Georgette Heyer
I feel an almost overwhelming interest in the methods of daylight abduction employed by the modern youth.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Modern Youth
Image of Georgette Heyer
My dear girl, don't talk nonsense to me! You're lazy, that's all that's wrong with you. Why don't you take up social work?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
Will you marry me, vile and abominable girl that you are? Yes, but, mind, it only to save my neck from being wrung!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
Your fate is writ clear;you will be murdered. I cannot conceive how it comes about that you were not murdered long since! How odd!Charles himself once said that to me, or something like it! There is nothing odd in it; any sensible man must say it!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Fate
Image of Georgette Heyer
The charm of your society, My Sparrow, lies in not knowing what will you say next - though one rapidly learns to fear the worst!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Lying
Image of Georgette Heyer
She stretched out her hand, saying, “Vernon! My dear, what a delightful surprise!” “What’s surprising about it?” he enquired, lifting his black brows. “Didn’t you ask me to come?” The smile remained pinned to Lady Buxted’s lips, but she replied with more than a touch of acidity: “To be sure I did, but so many days ago that I supposed you had gone out of town!” “Oh, no!” he said, returning her smile with one of great sweetness.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Hands
Image of Georgette Heyer
Oh, yes, she's unusual!' he said bitterly. 'She blurts our whatever may come into her head;she tumbles from one outrageous escapade into another;she's happier gromming horses and hobnobbing with stable-hands than going to parties; she's impertinent; you daren't catch her eye for fear she should start to giggle; she hasn't any accomplishments; I never saw anyone with less diginity; she's abominable, and damnably hot at hand, frank to a fault, and-a darling!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Horse
Image of Georgette Heyer
[...]my memory is reasonably good—unlike yours, dear sir!” “Mine is erratic,” he said imperturbably. “I remember only what interests me.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Memories
Image of Georgette Heyer
And don’t you say that it is very kind and obliging of him, sir, like Jessamy, because if you don’t like a person, you don’t wish to be obliged to him!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Wish
Image of Georgette Heyer
You are an atrocious person! Since the day I met you I have become steadily more depraved.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Mets
Image of Georgette Heyer
Don't you dare call me arrogant!If ever I had any at all-which I deny!- how much could I possibly have left after having been ridden over rough-shod by you and Thomas, do you imagine?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Arrogant
Image of Georgette Heyer
I do not want a boy. I only want Monseigneur!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Boys
Image of Georgette Heyer
I don't know what you may have seen fit to tell her, Venetia, but so far as I understand it you could think of nothing better to do than to beguile her with some farrago about wishing Damerel to strew rose-leaves for you to walk on!" Damerel, who had resumed his seat, had been staring moodily into the fire, but at these words he looked up quickly. "Rose-leaves?" His eyes went to Venetia's face, wickedly quizzing her. "But my dear girl, at this season?" "Be quiet, you wretch!" she said, blushing.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
This, said Damerel wrathfully, is the second time you have walked in just as I am about to propose to your sister!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Said
Image of Georgette Heyer
Perhaps,” murmured his lordship, “I yielded to a compassionate impulse.” “A what?” gasped his best friend. “Oh, did you think I never did so?” said his lordship, the satirical glint in his eyes extremely pronounced. “You wrong me! I do, sometimes—not frequently, of course, but every now and then!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Eye
Image of Georgette Heyer
As for the fan, she agreed that it was a most amusing trifle: just what she would wish to buy for herself, if it had not been so excessively ugly!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Wish
Image of Georgette Heyer
Miss Grantham's sense of humour got the better of her at this point, and, tottering towards a chair, she sank into it, exclaiming in tragic accents:'Oh Heavens! I am betrayed!' His lordship blenched; both he and miss Laxton regarded her with guilty dismay. Miss Grantham buried her face in her handkerchief, and uttered one shattering word: 'Wretch!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Missing
Image of Georgette Heyer
Miss Grantham gave a shriek. 'You have trifled with me!' she said, into the folds of her handkerchief. 'You promised me marriage, and now you mean to cast me off for Another!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Georgette Heyer
My dearest goose, why didn't you trust me, when I assured you that you might?' he countered. 'I have cherished throughout the believe that you would confide in me, and you see I was quite right.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Georgette Heyer
And that reminds me, Mama! I have just intercepted another of that puppy’s floral offerings to my sister. This billet was attached to it.” (Charles)
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Offering
Image of Georgette Heyer
I will not listen to your verse on an empty stomach!" declared the Vicomte. "You have no soul," said Philippe sadly. "But I have a stomach, and it cries aloud for sustenance." "I weep for you," said Philip. "Why do I waste my poetic gems upon you?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Soul
Image of Georgette Heyer
Nevertheless, she did not weep, because, for one thing, it would have made her eyes red, and another, it would be of very little use.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Eye
Image of Georgette Heyer
Did you imagine that you would make me believe ill of Sophy with your foolish and spiteful letter!' he demanded. 'You have tried to set me against her from the outset, but you over-reached yourself today, my girl! How dared you write in such terms to me! How could you have been so crassly stupid as to suppose that Sophy could ever need your countenance to set her right in the eyes of the world, or that I would believe one word of slander against her?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Georgette Heyer
The Marquis believed himself to be hardened against flattery. He thought that he had experienced every variety, but he discovered that he was mistaken: the blatantly worshipful look in the eyes of a twelve-year-old, anxiously raised to his, was new to him, and it pierced his defences.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Eye
Image of Georgette Heyer
I am relieved. May I now have the truth?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: May
Image of Georgette Heyer
You’ve no more for me than I have for you.” Considerably disconcerted by this direct attack, she stammered: “How can you say so? When I am sure I have always been most sincerely attached to you!” “You deceive yourself, sister: not to me, but to my purse!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Purses
Image of Georgette Heyer
I was under the impression that I warned you that in London country ways will not do, Frederica!” “You did!” she retorted. “And although I can’t say that I paid much heed to your advice it so happens that I am accompanied today by my aunt!” “Who adds invisibility to her other accomplishments!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Country
Image of Georgette Heyer
There is a worse tyranny than that of ill-treatment. It is the tyranny of tears, vapours, appeals to feelings of affection and of gratitude!
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Georgette Heyer
I comfort myself with the reflection that your wife will possibly be able to curb your desire – I admit, a natural one for the most part – to exterminate your fellows.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Romance
Image of Georgette Heyer
A voice that to Dominica’s fancy seemed to hold all the sunshine and the salt wind of fine days at sea smote her ears.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Romance
Image of Georgette Heyer
Those fine eyes of hers had a disconcertingly direct gaze, and very often twinkled in a manner disturbing to male egotism. She had common-sense too, and what man wanted the plainly matter-of-fact, when he could enjoy instead Sophia’s delicious folly?
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Romance