George R. R. Martin

Image of George R. R. Martin
What is dead may never die, but rises again, stronger and harder.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Ice
Image of George R. R. Martin
The sea is never weary. I must be as tireless.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Sea
Image of George R. R. Martin
You'll find truth in your looking glass, not on the tongues of men.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Truth
Image of George R. R. Martin
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Reading
Image of George R. R. Martin
Not all men were meant to dance with dragons.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Love
Image of George R. R. Martin
He had found over the years that silence sometimes yielded more than questions. And so it was this time.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Years
Image of George R. R. Martin
In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Real
Image of George R. R. Martin
Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Pain
Image of George R. R. Martin
It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Inspirational
Image of George R. R. Martin
Sleep is good, he said, And books are better.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Book
Image of George R. R. Martin
Men have scars, women mysteries.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
Some gave me soft words and some blunt, some made excuses, some promises, some only lied. In the end words are just wind.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Wind
Image of George R. R. Martin
Every flight begins with a fall.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Fall
Image of George R. R. Martin
A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Book
Image of George R. R. Martin
No fight is hopeless till it has been fought.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Fighting
Image of George R. R. Martin
I have been despised by better men than you.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
Give a thing a name and it will somehow come to be.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Names
Image of George R. R. Martin
Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Summer
Image of George R. R. Martin
A dead enemy is a joy forever
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Joy
Image of George R. R. Martin
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Song
Image of George R. R. Martin
A craven can be as brave as any man, when there is nothing to fear. And we all do our duty, when there is no cost to it. How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor. Yet soon or late in every man's life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he must choose. (Maester Aemon)
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
Of course you know him. Everyone knows a pear-shaped man.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
How I have yearned for the sound of your sweet voice,” Tyrion sighed to her. “How I have yearned to have that eunuch’s tongue pulled out with hot pincers,” Cersei replied.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Sweet
Image of George R. R. Martin
Courage and folly are cousins, or so I’ve heard.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Cousin
Image of George R. R. Martin
A bag of dragons buys a man's silence for a while, but a well-placed quarrel buys it forever.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Men
Image of George R. R. Martin
A harp can be a dangerous as a sword, in the right hands.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Hands
Image of George R. R. Martin
I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Wall
Image of George R. R. Martin
she would die as she had lived, with an axe in her hand and a laugh upon her lips.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Hands
Image of George R. R. Martin
Clean hands, Sansa. Whatever you do, make certain your hands are clean." ~ Lord Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Hands
Image of George R. R. Martin
The years leech at a man's memories, even those he has vowed never to forget.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Memories
Image of George R. R. Martin
You could make a poultice out of mud to cool a fever. You could plant seeds in mud and grow a crop to feed your children. Mud would nourish you, where fire would only consume you, but fools and children and young girls would choose fire every time.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Girl
Image of George R. R. Martin
She should be on a hill somewhere, under a fruit tree, with the sun and clouds above her and the rain to wash her clean.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Nature
Image of George R. R. Martin
Will holding a secret in your heart make it any less true? If you never tell, never speak of it, will it become only a dream, less than a dream, a nightmare half-remembered? Oh, if only the gods would be so good. (Catelyn)
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Dream
Image of George R. R. Martin
Viserys sold my mother's crown, and men called him a beggar. I shall keep this one, so men will call me a queen. (Daenerys)
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Mother
Image of George R. R. Martin
Do dead man dream? The dead themselves are silent on the matter
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Dream
Image of George R. R. Martin
Sweet smells are sometimes used to cover foul ones.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Sweet
Image of George R. R. Martin
I've lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister won this war.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Brother
Image of George R. R. Martin
[as for evolution]....cutting out the sections [on the subject] is preferrable if the portions are not thick enough to cause damage to the spine of the book as it is opened and closed in normal use. When the sections needing correction are too thick, paste the pages together being careful not to smear portions of the book not intended for correction.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Book
Image of George R. R. Martin
I've been very lucky. There were times when I was afraid I would never sell another book, but I never doubted I'd write another book.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Book
Image of George R. R. Martin
I was always intensely Romantic, even when I was too young to understand what that meant.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Young
Image of George R. R. Martin
Catelyn had never liked this godswood. She had been born a Tully, at Riverrun far to the south, on the Red Fork of the Trident. The godswood there was a garden, bright and airy, where tall redwoods spread dappled shadows across tinkling streams, birds sang from hidden nests, and the air was spicy with the scent of flowers.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Flower
Image of George R. R. Martin
I stayed sober for this?
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Sober
Image of George R. R. Martin
I'm a strong believer in telling stories through a limited but very tight third person point of view. I have used other techniques during my career, like the first person or the omniscient view point, but I actually hate the omniscient viewpoint. None of us have an omniscient viewpoint; we are alone in the universe. We hear what we can hear... we are very limited. If a plane crashes behind you I would see it but you wouldn't. That's the way we perceive the world and I want to put my readers in the head of my characters.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Strong
Image of George R. R. Martin
Will you make a song for him?' the woman asked. 'He has a song,' the man replied. 'He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Song
Image of George R. R. Martin
He drew the dagger and laid it on the table between them; a length of dragonbone and Valyrian steel, as sharp as the difference between right and wrong, between true and false, between life and death.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Differences
Image of George R. R. Martin
Ser Jaime?" Even in soiled pink satin and torn lace, Brienne looked more like a man in a gown than a proper woman."I am grateful, were well away. Why come back?" A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. "I dreamed of you," he said.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Grateful
Image of George R. R. Martin
Life is not a song, sweetling. Someday you may learn that, to your sorrow.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Song