Garrison Keillor

Image of Garrison Keillor
... I never was one to get upset about a few scratches on a motor vehicle, it is meant to be used, not saved.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Motor Vehicles
Image of Garrison Keillor
Your car, comfort though it be, this little den and dining room on wheels, is a prison that deadens your senses, and to feel wholly alive you must go for a walk.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Car
Image of Garrison Keillor
A person does feel sheepish picking on journalists, a class already so richly despised that if a planeload of them crashed in flames, most people would smile from pure reflex.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Flames
Image of Garrison Keillor
The mass of men lead lives of shallow happiness; the superior man exults in his gloom.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Happiness
Image of Garrison Keillor
To the cheater, there is no such thing as honesty, and to Republicans the idea of serving the public good is counterfeit on the face of it — they never felt such an urge, and therefore it must not exist.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Honesty
Image of Garrison Keillor
Minnesota is a state of public-spirited and polite people, where you can get a good cappucino and eat Thai food and find any book you want and yet live on a quiet tree-lined street with a backyard and send your kids to public school. When a state this good hits the jackpot, it can only be an inspiration to everybody.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Book
Image of Garrison Keillor
If you can't trust a Methodist with absolute power to arrest people and not have to say why, then whom can you trust?
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: People
Image of Garrison Keillor
Some of us have a relentless urge to attempt what we can never be good at and neglect our true calling.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Calling
Image of Garrison Keillor
Possessing the ideal makes a person nervous: you sense the inevitable decline just ahead.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Perfection
Image of Garrison Keillor
Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Age
Image of Garrison Keillor
We thank you [the soldiers recently returned from the middle east] for your service.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Soldier
Image of Garrison Keillor
You now have learned enough to see That Cats are much like you and me And other people whom we find Possessed of various types of mind. For some are sane and some are mad And some are good and some are bad And some are better, some are worse — But all may be described in verse.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Cat
Image of Garrison Keillor
A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Christmas
Image of Garrison Keillor
Winter: It’s not just a season, it’s who we are.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Winter
Image of Garrison Keillor
I like to sing and it’s just really fun to sing, and I don’t get too much. And at my house I’m not allowed to because, you know, your children can’t stand it when you sing at home.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Fun
Image of Garrison Keillor
Boys, the first drink is a boon, the second is a gamble, the third is poor judgment, and then the rate of descent gets steep.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Firsts
Image of Garrison Keillor
I don’t have a great eye for detail. I leave blanks in all of my stories. I leave out all detail, which leaves the reader to fill in something better.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Stories
Image of Garrison Keillor
In romance, as in life, you only learn when you’re losing.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Romance
Image of Garrison Keillor
There’s so many people who move around our country and lose track of their own ancestry. It’s nice to know where you come from.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Country