
Image of G-Eazy
What inspires me is the desire to be on. The desire to be successful. The desire to reach people through my music and make a living off it and never have to do anything else. Being able to do music full time and travel the world and share this music with everybody. That's the dream.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Dream
Image of G-Eazy
Success is just being able to do what I love for a living, spend all my time doing it, connect with fans, and continue that for a long f - king time.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Kings
Image of G-Eazy
Just wearing all black comes from Johnny Cash. I'm on the road so much that if I wear all black my clothes never get dirty. You can't tell if I've worn the same shirt twice.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Dirty
Image of G-Eazy
I always think I'm going to record a lot on tour but it's always hard to fit it in the schedule, and there's a whole lotta' other extra curricular activities that happen on the road.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Thinking
Image of G-Eazy
Thing is, I wasn't in the library, didn't study too much, didn't get the best grades, but honestly, I didn't party a lot either. I stayed in a lot.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Party
Image of G-Eazy
I'd have to say the best part of being successful is being able to take care of my mom so she never has to worry about anything again and also being able to put my friends and people I care about in positions to win.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Mom
Image of G-Eazy
I've never had a car. Like I can drive, but I'm always at the risk of killing people.
- G-Eazy
Collection: People
Image of G-Eazy
I want to tell every fan that I appreciate them with a retweet or reply but I don't want my account to lose my own tweets. I don't my fans to have to go through a bunch of replies to get to my own tweets right? In the big picture though I do read all of the tweets and I appreciate all of my followers and my fans.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Appreciate
Image of G-Eazy
If you're not putting enough time into the music, there's not gonna be a whole lot of it. So in my eyes, success is just being able to do what I love for a living, spend all my time doing it, connect with fans, and continue that for a long f - king time.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Kings
Image of G-Eazy
I suppose sometimes the lack of privacy can be a little hard to deal with at times.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Littles
Image of G-Eazy
I just always wanted a platform. In the past, I always dreamed of having a following and a fan base - you know, a group of people just listening and paying attention to what I was making. I think the reality kicked in that you have to make a living so that you have enough time to keep creating, you know? 'Cause if you're not making a living at this, then you're making a living working another job, and if you're working another job, you're spending all your time doing that and can't put enough time into the music.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Jobs
Image of G-Eazy
I was 14 years old when I started rapping and I was terrible. I fell in love with it though and when that happens with me I become super passionate and go all the way with it.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Rap
Image of G-Eazy
I just want to make music that matters, that people will remember for a long time.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Long
Image of G-Eazy
I think any time you're at the end of a trip you're usually pretty ready to come home and start working regularly again.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Home
Image of G-Eazy
Whenever I perform I try to connect with the crowd and give off energy so when they walk away from the show its remarkable and its something they talk about it, like 'damn I cant wait to come back to my show.'
- G-Eazy
Collection: Giving
Image of G-Eazy
Sometimes when you meet stars, on one hand you're like, "You're who I'm inspired by, you're who I look up to." On the other hand you're like, "I wanna be in the same kind of shoes that you're in." That's how I've always seen myself. Some of me is star-struck, some of me feels like I'm looking at a peer. They're another person who sees the world the same way I do, who already did it. It's inspiring.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Stars
Image of G-Eazy
I see myself as a hip-hop artist, but I never wanted to make music for a specifically white audience. Thats not what I grew up around.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Artist
Image of G-Eazy
I didnt grow up around all white people; I never wanted to gentrify hip-hop, Ive never wanted to speak to an all-white audience.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Growing Up
Image of G-Eazy
I think it's important to say something. If you're making music it's kinda' like, oh, cool, so is everyone else.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Thinking
Image of G-Eazy
A song or an album is never really done. You can work on it forever, but knowing when to call it a day and knowing when to walk away from it is extremely important.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Song
Image of G-Eazy
The biggest thing for me is the new music. I'm playing a lot of new music that is not released yet on my tours. Seeing the reaction to that is super inspiring.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Reactions
Image of G-Eazy
I've matured as a person and so has the music... It's gotten more sophisticated and interesting I think.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Thinking
Image of G-Eazy
When you're choosing the track list and the sequencing, it's important to make sure that there's some strong concepts on there and that it matters and it says something... that it sticks with people.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Strong
Image of G-Eazy
Anybody can have a great album in themselves but it's not until you bring it out and put it into tangible form and creating it and working on it in the studio that all of that comes to life you know what I mean?
- G-Eazy
Collection: Mean
Image of G-Eazy
If I didn't make a single song in two months, I'm slippin'. You can't just party every night.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Song
Image of G-Eazy
I am involved in every step of the process [musicmaking]. Whether it is the production or the mixing or the visuals and music videos. I'm involved in every step of the way as far as the creative, directing and merchandise . Just making sure everything that falls in line with my brand is portrayed a certain type of way. It all about quality control and attention to detail, and making sure anything you put your name on is on point.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Fall
Image of G-Eazy
A great song can come from anybody. A great performance can come from anybody. It doesn't matter who you are, and that's truly what I believe.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Song
Image of G-Eazy
I don't come to Toronto often, so when I'm there it's always special and rare which I think makes it very exciting for my fans.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Thinking
Image of G-Eazy
I stuck with my education, you know, I really did that for my grandma. It meant a lot to her that I finished school and in the grand scheme of things it was her who had saved and helped provide for me this opportunity to go to school.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Grandma
Image of G-Eazy
Toronto is amazing, it's one of my favourite cities to visit. Toronto and Montreal are just super dope places.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Dope
Image of G-Eazy
It's a really good time for California right now in music.
- G-Eazy
Collection: California
Image of G-Eazy
If you think about rap and how it has become so much easier to record music and release it, and you think about everyone in the world being a 'rapper' these days, it's so much easier. But it's still as hard as ever to break through and truly be successful in this industry.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Rap
Image of G-Eazy
When you put a tour together you really just think about who you'd like on your bill, who would make sense and who you would want to live with basically for a couple months and be around with and work with.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Couple
Image of G-Eazy
In a sense, touring is crazy. You go city to city playing the show over and over again. But there's something magic about being in front of people, so it's not like going through the motions every night. It's a different experience.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Crazy
Image of G-Eazy
I think the special stuff [music] still finds a way to be heard, as long as you pair it with a good release strategy.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Thinking
Image of G-Eazy
There's a crazy energy in Toronto. I think some of that may be from being a border from where I'm from and being so close.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Crazy
Image of G-Eazy
I'm on this raised-platform-stage and I'm put on display, but at the same time I'm just a human. I'm just a regular person at the end of the day and, you know, I just want them to know that I do appreciate every single one of them.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Appreciate
Image of G-Eazy
Music meant more to me than a social life and just hangin out. haha just being tired of repacking my suit case every couple of days, and anytime i wanted to cop some new clothes i would have to throw away something I had to make room in the suitcase.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Couple