Eric Church

Image of Eric Church
I signed a baby's head one time, which I thought was an odd situation. I had a guy show me a tattoo one time, and he wanted me to sign the tattoo. So I signed the tattoo, and he went across the street and had the signature tattooed.
- Eric Church
Image of Eric Church
When we go out there, I want to be the act that, no matter who's in that crowd, they've never seen a better act than me. I'm gonna empty the tank.
- Eric Church
Image of Eric Church
I'm not a big TV guy, but I love either 'Auction Hunters' or those repo shows on truTV. It's really just glorified 'Jerry Springer' is all it is. Every now and then, it's just mindless entertainment. We'll be on the bus, and we'll laugh at it. Those are my guilty pleasures.
- Eric Church
Image of Eric Church
The Wall Street Dow Jones up and down thing that's moving when the stock market's open? That thing freaks me out. It's up, it's down, it's just maddening to me. I guess I'm such a super-focused kind of person that I get distracted really easy. I'll watch that thing, and it's like I'm losing money, I'm getting money. It's just crazy.
- Eric Church
Image of Eric Church
I really love pizza after midnight.
- Eric Church
Image of Eric Church
I wouldn't be the man I am today, If not for those I've loved along the way
- Eric Church
Collection: Men
Image of Eric Church
Funny how a melody sounds like a memory.
- Eric Church
Collection: Memories
Image of Eric Church
Stay young and wild as long as you can
- Eric Church
Collection: Long
Image of Eric Church
I'd trusted my fan base, I'd trusted the my gut, and I'd trusted the music. ...the real experts are out there in front of you every night. They're the ones buying the tickets and coming to the shows. They're the professionals in this business, and they're the only ones who can tell you which songs have the ability to move them.
- Eric Church
Collection: Song
Image of Eric Church
It's always the roughest path, but I think it's got the most reward at the end.
- Eric Church
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Church
I come from a long line of Sinners like me
- Eric Church
Collection: Long
Image of Eric Church
I think too many people, if you are 46 you want to look 36, and if you're 36 you want to look 26. I didn't want to do that. I've earned the gray hairs. So I wanted to show that level of honesty.
- Eric Church
Collection: Honesty
Image of Eric Church
The evolution of the music is what allows it to survive.
- Eric Church
Collection: Evolution
Image of Eric Church
Now me and my brother go to see him some times but he don't have much to say anymore. So we sit on his headstone with a fifth of Jack D. Here's to a long line of sinners like me.
- Eric Church
Collection: Brother
Image of Eric Church
The best advice I've been given is kind of the "dance with the one who brought you" thing. You got here on what you do so don't change that.
- Eric Church
Collection: Advice
Image of Eric Church
We're all given a window of opportunity, I think all artists are, of any genre. A window when you're truly relevant, the spotlight's on you and people are watching what you do.
- Eric Church
Collection: Artist
Image of Eric Church
Country fans are the best fans out there because of the loyalty, and the way that they apply your music to every aspect of their life.
- Eric Church
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Eric Church
Man, if anybody knew the path that we've been on, no one in their right mind would ever try to duplicate it. That's something Nashville always tries to do, though. If something is successful, they try to repeat it by telling other people, "Hey, do what that guy did." I just don't think it works that way. The first one who gest there, the one that cuts the path ... it's always the roughest path but I think it's got the most reward at the end.
- Eric Church
Collection: Music
Image of Eric Church
There's just a lot of people that hold on to what country means to them. I love fiddle, I love steel, but I don't think it should be a rule that it has to be used in every song. I think that's not what defines or makes country music.
- Eric Church
Collection: Country
Image of Eric Church
I'm not a guy who can go in and go, "Hey, are we doing right or wrong?" I just do it. And whatever it is, it is.
- Eric Church
Collection: Guy
Image of Eric Church
If I was concerned about my legacy, there’s no way I would ever sit there [and be a reality-show judge]. Once your career becomes about some¬thing other than the music, then that’s what it is. I’ll never make that mistake.
- Eric Church
Collection: Mistake
Image of Eric Church
I've always thought, it's the artist that write the songs and make the records. And it's our responsibility to set the tone for what's happening in the industry. And I take that seriously.
- Eric Church
Collection: Song
Image of Eric Church
In the digital age we're in now, with satellite radio and Pandora and stuff like that, it's not about, "I listen to this kind of music." It's about, "I listen to good music and bad music."
- Eric Church
Collection: Age
Image of Eric Church
When I first started, you could go to a college campus and it was not cool to wear a country artist's shirt on campus. It was taboo, and there was a stigma involved. In the time from then till now, I'm amazed at how much things have changed. It's young now, it's cool, it's hip
- Eric Church
Collection: Country
Image of Eric Church
The biggest thing is to continue to do what you do. A lot of people, when they get to a certain level, start thinking about it too much and they change what they do.
- Eric Church
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Church
I think a lot of times, artists and albums can become formulaic. You're known for a certain thing, and you continue to do that. You just change the subject matter, but it's the same song. And that's what you do.
- Eric Church
Collection: Song
Image of Eric Church
When you play the bars, you pay your dues. It does matter that you know those things [songs]. And the great thing for me, too, is that I draw on that stuff as influences. It's also stuff that you put in the tank that you pull from to make records.
- Eric Church
Collection: Song