Edward Young

Image of Edward Young
Day buries day; month, month; and year the year: Our life is but a chain of many deaths.
- Edward Young
Collection: Years
Image of Edward Young
Born originals, how comes it to pass that we die copies? That meddling ape imitation, as soon as we come to years of indiscretion, (so let me speak,) snatches the pen, and blots out nature's mark of separation, cancels her kind intention, destroys all mental individuality. The lettered world no longer consists of singulars: it is a medley, a mass; and a hundred books, at bottom, are but one.
- Edward Young
Collection: Book
Image of Edward Young
Who lives to Nature, rarely can be poor ; who lives to fancy, never can be rich.
- Edward Young
Collection: Nature
Image of Edward Young
Procrastination is the thief of time; year after year it steals, till all are fled, and to the mercies of a moment leaves the vast concerns of an eternal state. At thirty, man suspects himself a fool; knows it at forty, and reforms his plan; at fifty chides his infamous delay, pushes his prudent purpose to resolve; in all the magnanimity of thought, resolves, and re-resolves, then dies the same.
- Edward Young
Collection: Procrastination
Image of Edward Young
Where boasting ends, there dignity begins.
- Edward Young
Collection: Dignity
Image of Edward Young
Leisure is pain; take off our chariot wheels; how heavily we drag the load of life!
- Edward Young
Collection: Pain
Image of Edward Young
By night an atheist half-believes in God.
- Edward Young
Collection: God
Image of Edward Young
The future... seems to me no unified dream but a mince pie, long in the baking, never quite done
- Edward Young
Collection: Dream
Image of Edward Young
At thirty, man suspects himself a fool; Knows it at forty, and reforms his plan.
- Edward Young
Collection: Success
Image of Edward Young
The man who consecrates his hours by vigorous effort, and an honest aim, at once he draws the sting of life and Death; he walks with nature; and her paths are peace.
- Edward Young
Collection: Death
Image of Edward Young
How poor, how rich, how abject, how august, How complicate, how wonderful, is man!... Midway from nothing to the Deity!
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
The course of Nature is the art of God
- Edward Young
Collection: Nature
Image of Edward Young
Be wise to-day; 't is madness to defer.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wise
Image of Edward Young
Early, bright, transient, chaste as morning dew, She sparkled, was exhaled, and went to heaven.
- Edward Young
Collection: Morning
Image of Edward Young
Mine is the night, with all her stars.
- Edward Young
Collection: Stars
Image of Edward Young
Men are but men; we did not make ourselves.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Inhumanity is caught from man, From smiling man.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Like our shadows, our wishes lengthen as our sun declines.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wish
Image of Edward Young
What is revenge but courage to call in our honor's debts, and wisdom to convert others' self-love into our own protection?
- Edward Young
Collection: Revenge
Image of Edward Young
The bell strikes one. We take no note of time But from its loss.
- Edward Young
Collection: Time
Image of Edward Young
He mourns the dead who lives as they desire.
- Edward Young
Collection: Life
Image of Edward Young
We push time from us, and we wish him back; * * * * * * Life we think long and short; death seek and shun.
- Edward Young
Collection: Time
Image of Edward Young
What is a miracle?--'Tis a reproach, 'Tis an implicit satire on mankind; And while it satisfies, it censures too.
- Edward Young
Collection: Miracle
Image of Edward Young
Truth never was indebted to a lie
- Edward Young
Collection: Truth
Image of Edward Young
Sense is our helmet, wit is but the plume; The plume exposes, 'tis our helmet saves. Sense is the diamond, weighty, solid, sound; When cut by wit, it casts a brighter beam; Yet, wit apart, it is a diamond still.
- Edward Young
Collection: Cutting
Image of Edward Young
The man of wisdom is the man of years.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Edward Young
'T is greatly wise to talk with our past hours, And ask them what report they bore to heaven.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wise
Image of Edward Young
Titles are marks of honest men, and wise; The fool or knave that wears a title lies.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wise
Image of Edward Young
The qualities all in a bee that we meet, In an epigram never should fail; The body should always be little and sweet, And a sting should be felt in its tail.
- Edward Young
Collection: Sweet
Image of Edward Young
Praise, more divine than prayer; prayer points our ready path to heaven; praise is already there.
- Edward Young
Collection: Prayer
Image of Edward Young
Narcissus is the glory of his race: For who does nothing with a better grace?.
- Edward Young
Collection: Race
Image of Edward Young
The booby father craves a booby son, And by Heaven's blessing thinks himself undone.
- Edward Young
Collection: Father
Image of Edward Young
Wouldst thou be famed? have those high acts in view, Brave men would act though scandal would ensue.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
We nothing know, but what is marvellous; Yet what is marvellous, we can't believe.
- Edward Young
Collection: Believe
Image of Edward Young
What most we wish, with ease we fancy near.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wish
Image of Edward Young
Of man's miraculous mistakes, this bears The palm, "That all men are about to live."
- Edward Young
Collection: Mistake
Image of Edward Young
The soft whispers of the God in man.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Be wise today; 'tis madness to defer. Next day the fatal precedent will plead; thus on, til wisdom is pushed our of life.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wise
Image of Edward Young
Affliction is a good man's shining time.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Each moment has its sickle, emulous Of Time's enormous scythe, whose ample sweep Strikes empires from the root.
- Edward Young
Collection: Time
Image of Edward Young
Think naught a trifle, though it small appear; Small stands the mountain, moments make the year, and trifles life.
- Edward Young
Collection: Life
Image of Edward Young
The first sure symptom of a mind in health Is rest of heart and pleasure felt at home.
- Edward Young
Collection: Heart
Image of Edward Young
Where Nature's end of language is declin'd, And men talk only to conceal the mind.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
An undevout astronomer is mad.
- Edward Young
Collection: Mad
Image of Edward Young
Man wants little, nor that little long.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Ambition! powerful source of good and ill!
- Edward Young
Collection: Powerful
Image of Edward Young
To frown at pleasure, and to smile in pain.
- Edward Young
Collection: Pain
Image of Edward Young
Thoughts shut up want air, And spoil, like bales unopen'd to the sun.
- Edward Young
Collection: Air