Edward Young

Image of Edward Young
Old men love novelties; the last arriv'd Still pleases best; the youngest steals their smiles.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
The spider's most attenuated thread Is cord, is cable, to man's tender tie On earthly bliss; it breaks at every breeze.
- Edward Young
Collection: Happiness
Image of Edward Young
Blest leisure is our curse; like that of Cain, It, makes us wander, wander earth around, To fly that tyrant Thought. As Atlas groan'd The world beneath, we groan beneath an hour.
- Edward Young
Collection: Tyrants
Image of Edward Young
A prince indebted is a fortune made.
- Edward Young
Collection: Made
Image of Edward Young
O let me be undone the common way, And have the common comfort to be pity'd, And not be ruin'd in the mask of bliss, And so be envy'd, and be wretched too!
- Edward Young
Collection: Envy
Image of Edward Young
Ah! what is human life? How, like the dial's tardy-moving shade, Day after day slides from us unperceiv'd! The cunning fugitive is swift by stealth; Too subtle is the movement to be seen; Yet soon the hour is up--and we are gone.
- Edward Young
Collection: Life
Image of Edward Young
Who gives an empire, by the gift defeats All end of giving; and procures contempt Instead of gratitude.
- Edward Young
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Edward Young
When men of infamy to grandeur soar, They light a torch to show their shame the more.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Youth is not rich in time; it may be poor; Part with it as with money, sparing; pay No moment but in purchase of its worth, And what it's worth, ask death-beds; they can tell.
- Edward Young
Collection: Pay
Image of Edward Young
Some wits, too, like oracles, deal in ambiguities, but not with equal success; for though ambiguities are the first excellence of an imposter, they are the last of a wit.
- Edward Young
Collection: Excellence
Image of Edward Young
Death! great proprietor of all! 'tis thine To tread out empire, and to quench the stars.
- Edward Young
Collection: Death
Image of Edward Young
Joys season'd high, and tasting strong of guilt.
- Edward Young
Collection: Strong
Image of Edward Young
Tis immortality, 'tis that alone, Amid life's pains, abasements, emptiness, The soul can comfort, elevate, and fill. That only, and that amply this performs.
- Edward Young
Collection: Pain
Image of Edward Young
A Deity believed, is joy begun; A Deity adored, is joy advanced; A Deity beloved, is joy matured. Each branch of piety delight inspires.
- Edward Young
Collection: God
Image of Edward Young
Nothing but what astonishes is true.
- Edward Young
Collection: Wonder
Image of Edward Young
Who can take Death's portrait? The tyrant never sat.
- Edward Young
Collection: Death
Image of Edward Young
However smothered under former negligence, or scattered through the dull, dark mass of common thoughts - let thy genius rise as the sun from chaos.
- Edward Young
Collection: Dark
Image of Edward Young
The blood will follow where the knife is driven, The flesh will quiver where the pincers tear.
- Edward Young
Collection: Blood
Image of Edward Young
Not all the pride of beauty; Those eyes, that tell us what the sun is made of; Those lips, whose touch is to be bought with life; Those hills of driven snow, which seen are felt: All these possessed are nought, but as they are The proof, the substance of an inward passion, And the rich plunder of a taken heart.
- Edward Young
Collection: Taken
Image of Edward Young
A tardy vengeance shares the tyrant's guilt.
- Edward Young
Collection: Tyrants
Image of Edward Young
In chambers deep, Where waters sleep, What unknown treasures pave the floor.
- Edward Young
Collection: Ocean
Image of Edward Young
Man maketh a death which Nature never made.
- Edward Young
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Young
Age should fly concourse, cover in retreat defects of judgment, and the will subdue; walk thoughtful on the silent, solemn shore of that vast ocean it must sail so soon.
- Edward Young
Collection: Ocean
Image of Edward Young
Revere thyself, and yet thyself despise
- Edward Young
Collection: Despise
Image of Edward Young
They only babble who practise not reflection
- Edward Young
Collection: Reflection
Image of Edward Young
On every thorn, delightful wisdom grows, In every rill a sweet instruction flows.
- Edward Young
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Edward Young
Creation sleeps! 'T is as the general pulse Of life stood still, and Nature made a pause,- An awful pause! prophetic of her end.
- Edward Young
Collection: Life
Image of Edward Young
Angels are men of a superior kind; Angels are men in lighter habit clad.
- Edward Young
Collection: Angel
Image of Edward Young
Woes cluster. Rare are solitary woes; They love a train, they tread each other's heel.
- Edward Young
Collection: Love
Image of Edward Young
Pity swells the tide of love.
- Edward Young
Collection: Love
Image of Edward Young
Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow.
- Edward Young
Collection: Love
Image of Edward Young
To know the world, not love her, is thy point; She gives but little, nor that little, long.
- Edward Young
Collection: Love
Image of Edward Young
Take God from nature, nothing great is left.
- Edward Young
Collection: Nature
Image of Edward Young
And friend received with thumps upon the back.
- Edward Young
Collection: Friendship
Image of Edward Young
Time elaborately thrown away.
- Edward Young
Collection: Time
Image of Edward Young
He sins against this life, who slights the next.
- Edward Young
Collection: Next
Image of Edward Young
Souls made of fire, and children of the sun, With whom revenge is virtue.
- Edward Young
Collection: Children