Denis Waitley

Image of Denis Waitley
Motivation is an inner force that compels behavior. Your inner drives will propel you further and faster than external perks.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Motivation
Image of Denis Waitley
Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Determination
Image of Denis Waitley
The primary success factor is knowing how to learn from others and rely on yourself.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Knowing
Image of Denis Waitley
You must feel love within, before you can share it.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Denis Waitley
Don't wait for mentors to seek you out. Don't ever wait for your phone calls to be returned, your letters to be answered, your faxes to be responded to. Keep going out and asking question.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Asking Questions
Image of Denis Waitley
Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Denis Waitley
The greatest choice we have is to think before we act and then take action toward our life goals every day. Our problems result not only from our lack of action, but from our action without thought.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Thinking
Image of Denis Waitley
The majority of people consider their work a means to an end. People who work for money only come to the end faster than people who are involved in their life’s purpose every day.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Mean
Image of Denis Waitley
Habits start out as off-hand remarks, magazine advertisements, friendly hints, experiments - like flimsy cobwebs with little substance. They grow with practice, layer by layer - thought on thought - fused with imagination and emotion until they become like steel cables - unbreakable. Habits are attitudes which grow from cobwebs into cables that control your everyday life. Self-discipline alone can make or break a habit. Self discipline alone can effect a permanent change in your self image and in you. Self-discipline achieves goals. Self discipline is not 'doing without,' it is 'doing within.'
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Sports
Image of Denis Waitley
The confidence you need is belief in your potential. If you see world-class potential in yourself, you'll put in the effort. If you don't see the potential, you won't put in the effort and you'll wait for the performance, and the performance always follows the belief in self.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Self
Image of Denis Waitley
Live each day as if was your last, not in the future, not in the past. You may not get what you want, but, in the long run, you will get what you expect.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Running
Image of Denis Waitley
Close your eyes and visualize the person you really want to be, who fits your own concepts of self-respect. If you can see the person clearly in the mirror of you mind, you surely will become that person.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Eye
Image of Denis Waitley
Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Life
Image of Denis Waitley
The truly successful person inspires others to do more than they have thought possible for themselves.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Successful
Image of Denis Waitley
Success is a process that continues, not a status that you reach. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Lessons To Be Learned
Image of Denis Waitley
The easiest thing to do in the world is to neglect the important and give in to the urgent.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Denis Waitley
Don't 'take care', take a risk!
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Risk
Image of Denis Waitley
Better to seek change by inspiration, than out of desperation.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Denis Waitley
The trouble with most of us is that we stop trying in trying times.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Criticism
Image of Denis Waitley
Real success comes in small portions day by day.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Real
Image of Denis Waitley
Listening without bias or distraction is the greatest value you can pay another person.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Motivational
Image of Denis Waitley
Don't wait for an employer, friend, or mentor to show appreciation for your work. Take pride in your own efforts on a daily basis.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Denis Waitley
Understand that you, yourself, are no more than the composite picture of all your thoughts and actions. In your relationships with others, remember the basic and critically important rule: If you want to be loved, be lovable. If you want respect, set a respectable example!
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Love
Image of Denis Waitley
The first best-kept secret of total success is that we must feel love inside ourselves before we can give it to others.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Best Kept Secrets
Image of Denis Waitley
You become that to which you are most exposed.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Relationship
Image of Denis Waitley
Self-esteem is that deep-down inside the skin feeling you have of your own self-worth.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Denis Waitley
Habits are like submarines; they run silent and deep.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Running
Image of Denis Waitley
When you kill time, you kill your opportunities for success.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Denis Waitley
Stop stewing and start doing!
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Denis Waitley
Always give more in service, than you receive in payment, and customers will beat a path to your door.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Doors
Image of Denis Waitley
Positive self-esteem is the quality of simply saying thank you and accepting any value that is attributed to you by others.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Denis Waitley
A winner concentrates on that which is goal achieving rather than tension relieving.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Goal
Image of Denis Waitley
Success always has a price; success, with integrity, is the real bottom line.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Integrity
Image of Denis Waitley
You've got more potential than you could use in a thousand lifetimes, I see world class potential in you? But one of the secrets, is you're as good as the best ? you don't have to be better than the rest.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Class
Image of Denis Waitley
The reason so many individuals fail to achieve their goals in life is that they never really set them in the first place
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Goal
Image of Denis Waitley
Goals are like stepping-stones to the stars. They should never be used to put a ceiling or a limit on achievement
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Stars
Image of Denis Waitley
Time is the ultimate equal opportunity employer.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Denis Waitley
Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Denis Waitley
We don't get what we want, we get what we expect.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Want
Image of Denis Waitley
Winners believe in their worth in advance of their performance.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Believe
Image of Denis Waitley
You must get money to chase you, but never let it catch up.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Money
Image of Denis Waitley
Motivation is motive in action.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Motivation
Image of Denis Waitley
Decide to be happy, knowing it's an attitude, a habit gained from daily practice, and not a result or payoff.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Happiness
Image of Denis Waitley
No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire today.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Procrastination
Image of Denis Waitley
The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Motivational
Image of Denis Waitley
Unless what you say benefits the other person, don't say it.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Benefits
Image of Denis Waitley
Pessimists see a problem behind every opportunity. Optimists see an opportunity behind every problem.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Opportunity