Daniel Craig

Image of Daniel Craig
There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Craig
It doesn't matter whether you have the happiest upbringing... the young Joe Scot had the most dysfunctional family there could be but it's still a family and it's a really good, strong family. But in spite of that he runs away from home. I relate to all of those things very directly. I hit 40 this year but I still think about being a teenager and hopefully I will for the rest of my life. They are important years.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Running
Image of Daniel Craig
Doing a film and saying, I've done a really dark film and now I have to do a comedy... That's not me. If a script comes along and it's dark I'll absolutely do it and take the consequences. I'm not fussed about the image that goes along with it.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Dark
Image of Daniel Craig
Some stalkers are quite benign, but finding someone in your garden at three o’clock in the morning with a meat cleaver and a hard-on can’t be much fun.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Morning
Image of Daniel Craig
I don't want to be a celebrity because that sucks. It's just madness.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Want
Image of Daniel Craig
I love vodka martinis. I know it's a cliché.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Vodka
Image of Daniel Craig
Literally, the piece at the end is where the universe is cracked apart, it's a big moment. Basically, they, the filmmakers, have directed the story earlier in the book. It happens, it's called adapting a book, you have to make decisions about things. It's not unusual having to cut out scenes.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Book
Image of Daniel Craig
The character I play has all these revolutionary ideas. I think the classic thing is that majority people who are criticising it probably have never read the books, and need to. And I'm sure that the Catholic Church, which is being directed as you know, can handle it.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Book
Image of Daniel Craig
Philip is being very vocal about it. For me, I don't think the story isn't at all anti-religious in any way. I think what's it more against is the control and the misuse of power that any organised religion, or any political organisation exercises over the people they're supposed to represent. I think that, for me, is what's important in the movie.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Religious
Image of Daniel Craig
It's not my cause in life to be filthy rich. Being comfortable is enough.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Causes
Image of Daniel Craig
I'd like to see (the films) go back to the books. I think (the films) need to be dirtier. I think that you should feel the man playing Bond could die at any moment. You don't feel that any more.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Book
Image of Daniel Craig
Shakespeare has way too many lines. My ideal theatre piece is about 40 minutes long with no interval.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Long
Image of Daniel Craig
There is also a distinct possibility that there are other actors ? whose names have not leaked to the press ? who may stand just as good a chance of landing the part.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Names
Image of Daniel Craig
What I like about Layer Cake is its intelligent through-line. First of all, I think it's very close to the truth; I think this is what successful drug dealers are like. They don't drive around in flashy cars, they don't show off, they behave very quietly, they get on with their job and they earn lots of money. And it goes up and up and up and up the scale. Secondly - and selfishly - I like the moral aspect of the movie, which is that violence has consequences, and you feel emotionally involved with the violence.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Craig
As far as I'm concerned, the sexiness, the sex symbol, it's not a consideration.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Sex
Image of Daniel Craig
I watched every single Bond movie three or four times, taking in everything I could about how the character had been portrayed in the past, then threw all that away once I started doing the role.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Character
Image of Daniel Craig
I genuinely was just such a fan of the books. When I heard that this was on the cards, I've got to do this; I've got to get involved with this. I'm such a Philip Pullman fan and actually his philosophies, morals and the way he looks at the world. He does what he does brilliantly as a writer. He writes children's stories with major adult themes and major ideas about making the right choices.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Children
Image of Daniel Craig
If I was being perfectly honest, which I'm not going to be, I think the movie touches on a lot of things that we all went through... the first kiss, which was more than a first kiss for Harry [Eden], and those electrifying moments when you're a teenager that form who you are as a human being. I think those, for me, are what Baillie captured so well.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Teenager
Image of Daniel Craig
You know, I think the film business is its own worst enemy, because it sells movies on 'behind the scenes' footage. It's seeing the secrets of how the movies are made, and now it's a real struggle trying to keep storylines and plots a secret.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Business
Image of Daniel Craig
Action movies live and die by the story that you're trying to tell. It's hard. It's very difficult to do an action movie that stays engaging.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Trying
Image of Daniel Craig
If money comes along I will take it. I just want good scripts that try to make you think. I've been offered lots of money in the past but I just know that I would abuse it and get drunk.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Past
Image of Daniel Craig
It doesn't matter if you look a million dollars but everybody has their flaws. So that's why it had to be that way. He was living the life, he would stay out for three days probably, get drunk and do whatever he was doing and then hit the gym for two days. But that's the craziness of that lifestyle - you're damaging yourselves in more ways than one.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Live Life
Image of Daniel Craig
The last thing on earth I wanted was to make a Bond movie.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Earth
Image of Daniel Craig
I don't see the world in sexual divisions.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Division
Image of Daniel Craig
I always wanted to be an actor. I had the arrogance to believe I couldn't be anything else.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Believe
Image of Daniel Craig
I'm not averse to earning someone; in fact I'd love to earn some money. But also my choices of movies don't tend to make money but I get to make interesting films. But it doesn't mean I don't want to earn shitloads of cash.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Craig
It’s not the job of an actor to judge your character.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Craig
Every movie I get involved with I get involved in as big a level as I possibly can, but this has been a very much more personal journey for me, so bringing it here tonight there's a sense of relief, there's a sense of just amazement that got here... because it's been a struggle. But this is a good way to launch it and there couldn't be a better way of celebrating this movie than bringing it to the West End.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Struggle
Image of Daniel Craig
If you invite someone into your front room you can't be surprised when there are suddenly people outside your windows with cameras.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: People
Image of Daniel Craig
I'm not James Bond. There's your headline! It's very clear to me that he's the furthest from my character that it's possible to be. It's somebody I play.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Character
Image of Daniel Craig
I never had any boyhood ambitions.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Ambition
Image of Daniel Craig
I try not the count chickens, and I really do because there's no point because you go crazy. I'm very happy with the way this is working out. If they do another movie I'd love to do, and we'll fit in it.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Crazy
Image of Daniel Craig
Privacy is important. Anybody who doesn't think that, they're crap. But I know I'm going to lose some of that and that's something I'll have to deal with.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Craig
Nothing is stopping me from doing anything. I haven't got a golden handcuff.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Stopping
Image of Daniel Craig
I'm quite good at leaning against a bar.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Bars
Image of Daniel Craig
Well the thing is, once you have a snow leopard it's difficult to go back. Everything is going to be slightly disappointing. It's very telling what your choice would be. Because that's probably how you see yourself. We used to play that game as kids and you'd say if you were animal what would you be and it'd usually be the opposite of what it should be. But all animals have got their virtues. You know, cockroaches got virtues.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Kids
Image of Daniel Craig
I’m potentially worth a lot of money, but I’ve got to go and make something that’s worth a lot of money.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Lots Of Money
Image of Daniel Craig
We are kidding ourselves if we don't think of the drug business as a legitimate business. It's what funds governments. It's too much money to ignore.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Craig
There are things about guys who are in the army. They're very particular, they have to be.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Army
Image of Daniel Craig
hen Baillie [Walsh, writer and director] wrote the movie for me I wasn't doing what I'm doing today, so when we actually came to make the movie it seemed silly to change it. But who knows? That's the way things go. What was interesting for me - and what was always interesting in the script - was that you've got someone who appears to have everything, or at least has the opportunity to have everything, and he's f**ked it up, or lost it.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Silly
Image of Daniel Craig
When you read a novel, your own imagery is the most important. It’s what makes reading such a wonderful thing.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Reading
Image of Daniel Craig
Action movies live and die by the story that you’re trying to tell. It’s hard. It’s very difficult to do an action movie that stays engaging.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Stories