Chris Christie

Image of Chris Christie
Strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of reassembling the old Soviet empire? What an extraordinarily dangerous lack of judgment.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Dream
Image of Chris Christie
Next in Iran, Hillary Clinton launched the negotiations that brought about the worst nuclear deal in history.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Iran
Image of Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton called President Assad a "reformer". She called Assad a "different kind of leader". There's now 400,000 now dead... think about that.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton: putting big government spending financed by the Chinese ahead of good-paying jobs for middle-class Americans. Is she guilty or not guilty?
- Chris Christie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Christie
Once again, as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategist who has permitted Russia back in as a major player in the Middle East, is Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty?
- Chris Christie
Collection: Player
Image of Chris Christie
Quite frankly, we have seen liberal policies in cities like Chicago, like New York and others, have led to increased crime.
- Chris Christie
Collection: New York
Image of Chris Christie
When I get to the White House, there will be no hesitation from me to make the tough decisions that need to be made because I've been doing it for the last 13 years as a former federal prosecutor and now as the governor of New Jersey.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Years
Image of Chris Christie
I was 32 years old, and I've changed my mind. And the biggest reason that I changed my mind was my seven years as a federal prosecutor. What I learned in those seven years was that we were spending too much time talking about gun laws against law- abiding citizens and not nearly enough time talking about enforcing the gun laws strongly against criminals.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Gun
Image of Chris Christie
She supported a deal that didn't even require this murderous regime to return a cop killer, JoAnne Chesimard, to face justice. See I know about this personally.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Justice
Image of Chris Christie
I think what Donald [Trump] is saying is that it's unacceptable to him that members of the African-American community - and I'm sure he will say this about other communities as well - who live in violence, who are subject of that, or who do not have the educational opportunities that every child in this country should have so they can reach their fullest potential, that that's unacceptable.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
Social Security is meant to be - to make sure that no one who's worked hard, and played by the rules, and paid into the system grows old in poverty in America.
- Chris Christie
Collection: America
Image of Chris Christie
I ran for president. I ran for governor twice. And I've been the governor now for nearly seven years. I find that the people who are my best advisors are the people who are smart enough to give me really good advice and smart enough to keep their mouths shut about what advice they give me. And so if I want advisors that way, that's the kind of advisor I'm going to be for Donald Trump.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Smart
Image of Chris Christie
Dammit, America is a hellhole and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Chris Christie
Collection: America
Image of Chris Christie
He [Doanald Trump] had no business being president of the United States.
- Chris Christie
Collection: President
Image of Chris Christie
I was appointed U.S. attorney by President [George] Bush on September 10th, 2001, and the world changed enormously the next day, and that happened in my state.I will make no apologies, ever, for protecting the lives and the safety of the American people. We have to give more tools to our folks to be able to do that, not fewer, and then trust those people and oversee them to do it the right way.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Apology
Image of Chris Christie
I think Governor Romney cares about all the American people.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chris Christie
The bottom line is that I have a job to do to help get the new administration ready. If there's some role for me that I want to do and the president-elect wants me to do - we've known each other 14 years. We'll talk about it.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Christie
The job of a leader, the job of a governor, the job of a president is to get the people in the room and to bang enough heads together and rub enough arms and cajole enough to have them put the country's and the state's greater interests ahead of their own personal interests.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
I have a job to do. ... If you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics, then you don't know me.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Christie
This type of discourse in the campaign is just unwarranted. But it was started by Ms.[Hillary] Clinton. Ms. Clinton has started the idea of calling Donald Trump those types of names [bigot].
- Chris Christie
Collection: Names
Image of Chris Christie
I have another question: Hillary Clinton, lying to the American people about her selfish, awful judgment in making our secrets vulnerable.Guilty or not guilty?
- Chris Christie
Collection: Lying
Image of Chris Christie
You see, Mr. President - real leaders don't follow polls. Real leaders change polls.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Real
Image of Chris Christie
What is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton done to this country? That the most basic responsibility of an administration is to protect the safety and security of the American people.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
We talk about our military being degraded over time, and yet we've had folks who've been a part of Congress who have participated in sequester; who participated in the degrading of this military over time.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Military
Image of Chris Christie
Everybody in America has to be part of a shared sacrifice to create opportunity for greatness again for our people and our country.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
We need to support our police officers and make sure that community policing becomes something that becomes the standard across the country.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
The first thing we need to do to make America stronger is to strengthen our military.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Military
Image of Chris Christie
We are not hiding things from the American people, but China everyday is conducting business in a way that hides things from their people.
- Chris Christie
Collection: People
Image of Chris Christie
I never wrote a check to Planned Parenthood.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Parenthood
Image of Chris Christie
If I cannot trust someone's judgment, I cannot ask others to do so, and I would not place him at the head of my political operation.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Political
Image of Chris Christie
I spent seven years of my life in the immediate aftermath of September 11th doing this work, working with the Patriot Act, working with our law enforcement, working with the surveillance community to make sure that we keep America safe.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Seven Years
Image of Chris Christie
We're telling small-business owners that not only are we going to raise their costs by a buck and a quarter, but we're also going to raise it with these cost-of-living adjustments. Here's what's going to happen: They're going to have to lay people off.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Cost Of Living
Image of Chris Christie
Governor Romney has been successful. I think, that's what we want in a President of the United States.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Successful
Image of Chris Christie
I believe that American engagement, through our embassy, our businesses, and most of all through our people, is the best way to advance our interests and support for democracy and human rights.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Believe
Image of Chris Christie
I think that when you have any folks in our population who live under the threat of violence, who live under the threat of crime, who don't have the opportunity that others have because the schools in our urban areas are a dreaded failure, because of the positions that Hillary Clinton has taken and the people who support her, that I think any candidate should speak out to say that that type of thing is unacceptable.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Taken
Image of Chris Christie
America has been betrayed. We've been betrayed by the leadership that Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton have provided to this country over the last number of years. Think about just what's happened today.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Country
Image of Chris Christie
We cannot promote someone to Commander-in-Chief who has made the world a more violent and dangerous place with every bad judgment Hillary Clinton has made.
- Chris Christie
Collection: World
Image of Chris Christie
Only in America, where someone like me could have the opportunity to seek the highest office the world has to offer. Not only can all of us achieve whatever dream we want to achieve because of the place where we live and the opportunities it gives us, but that we not only can do it together, but we have to do it together!
- Chris Christie
Collection: Dream
Image of Chris Christie
I'm a former federal prosecutor, I've fought terrorists and won and when we get back in the White House we will fight terrorists and win again and America will be safe.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Christie
In the eight years before I became governor, there was zero net private sector job growth in New Jersey. Zero. For eight years.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Christie
These esoteric, intellectual debates-I want them to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Intellectual
Image of Chris Christie
People have the absolute right to preach and to think and to say whatever they believe, and at the same time those beliefs can't be used as the basis for denying other people their equal rights and their equal freedom.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Believe
Image of Chris Christie
If you want a candidate who agrees with you 100 percent of the time, I'll give you a suggestion: Go home and look in the mirror. You are the only person you agree with 100 percent of the time. You'll always know who I am, you'll always know what I believe and you'll always know where I stand.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Believe
Image of Chris Christie
We need to take on the teachers' union once and for all.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Teacher
Image of Chris Christie
No parent at home is saying my gosh, if we can just get a higher minimum wage, all of our aspirations have been realized.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Christie
Never be easy for any president to deal with any Congress. But republicans got to work together. We got to get things done.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Working Together
Image of Chris Christie
I would rather die than be in the United States Senate. I would be bored to death. Could you imagine me, banging around that chamber with 99 other people, asking for a motion on the amendment in the subcommittee? Forget it...You'd watch me just walk out and walk right into the Potomac River and drown. That would be it.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chris Christie
I feel passionately about issues, and I don't hide my emotions from people. I am not a focus group-tested, blow-dried candidate or governor. Now that has always made some people, you know, uneasy. Some people like that style, some people don't. [...] But I am not a bully.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Party