Bruce Lee

Image of Bruce Lee
Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Bruce Lee
Sorrows are our best educator. A man can see further through a tear than a telescope.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Broken Heart
Image of Bruce Lee
Humility forms the basis of honor, just as the low ground forms the foundation of a high elevation.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Humility
Image of Bruce Lee
Give up thinking as though not giving it up. Observe techniques as though not observing.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Bruce Lee
One will never get any more than he thinks he can get. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. Look back and see your progress - damn the torpedo, full speed ahead!
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bruce Lee
Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Bruce Lee
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. I'll not willingly offend, nor be easily offended.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Trouble
Image of Bruce Lee
Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Skills
Image of Bruce Lee
Using no way as a way, having no limitation as limitation.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Way
Image of Bruce Lee
I did what I came here to do. What I've done I've done with sincerity and to the best of my ability. You can't expect much more from life.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Expectations
Image of Bruce Lee
You need emotional content.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Emotional
Image of Bruce Lee
When one has reached maturity in this art, one will have the formless form. It is like the dissolving or thawing [of] ice into water that can shape itself to any structure. When one has no form, one can be all forms; when one has no style, one can fit in with any style.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Bruce Lee
One should be in harmony with, not in opposition to, the strength and force of the opposition. This means that one should do nothing that is not natural or spontaneous; the important thing is not to strain in any way.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Lee
To live is to express oneself freely
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Oneself
Image of Bruce Lee
Prosperity is apt to prevent us from examining our conduct; but adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is beneficial to us.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Adversity
Image of Bruce Lee
To reach me, you must move to me. Your attack offers me an opportunity to intercept you.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Moving
Image of Bruce Lee
The future looks extremely bright indeed, with lots of possibilities ahead -- big possibilities. Like the song says, We've just begun.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Song
Image of Bruce Lee
To see is to be decieved. To hear is to be lied to. To FEEL is to believe.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Believe
Image of Bruce Lee
The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Art
Image of Bruce Lee
A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences of his own doing.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Art
Image of Bruce Lee
Training for strength and flexibility is a must. You must use it to support your techniques. Techniques alone are no good if you don't support them with strength and flexibility.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Support
Image of Bruce Lee
A good fighter must sense rather than perceive his chance to strike.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Chance
Image of Bruce Lee
It is better to live as a broken piece of jade, than to live as a useless clay.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Broken
Image of Bruce Lee
The ideal is unnatural naturalness, or natural unnaturalness. I mean it is a combination of both. I mean here is natural instinct and here is control. You are to combine the two in harmony. Not if you have one to the extreme, you'll be very unscientific. If you have another to the extreme, you become, all of a sudden, a mechanical man No longer a human being. It is a successful combination of both. That way it is a process of continuing growth.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Lee
Jeet Kune Do does not beat around the bush. It does not take winding detours. It follows a straight line to the objective. Simplicity is the shortest distance between two points.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Distance
Image of Bruce Lee
I'm not a master. I'm a student-master, meaning that I have the knowledge of a master and the expertise of a master, but I'm still learning. So I'm a student-master. I don't believe in the word 'master.' I consider the master as such when they close the casket.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Bruce Lee
Go toward self-actualization rather than self-image actualization... Search within... for honest self- expression.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Self
Image of Bruce Lee
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality-in your own mind.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Bruce Lee
Evaluation by others is not a guide for me.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Evaluation
Image of Bruce Lee
Fluidity is the way to an empty mind. You must free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Art
Image of Bruce Lee
Learning is definitely not mere imitation, nor is it the ability to accumulate and regurgitate fixed knowledge. Learning is a constant process of discovery - a process without end.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Discovery
Image of Bruce Lee
Have no rigid system in you, and you'll be flexible to change with the ever changing.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Flexible
Image of Bruce Lee
You will never get any more out of this life than you expect.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: This Life
Image of Bruce Lee
If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Moving
Image of Bruce Lee
Since life is an ever evolving process, one should flow in this process and discover how to actualize and expand oneself.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Flow
Image of Bruce Lee
I don't believe in getting something for nothing.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Believe
Image of Bruce Lee
We have more faith in what we imitate than in what we create
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Standing Alone
Image of Bruce Lee
Let the spirit out - Discard all thoughts of reward, all hopes of praise and fears of blame, all awareness of one's bodily self. And, finally closing the avenues of sense perception, let the spirit out, as it will.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Self
Image of Bruce Lee
Everybody has to think for himself. A right way for a big man may not be a right way for a small man. A right way for someone who is slow may not be a right way for someone who is quick. Each person must understand his weaknesses and his strengths.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Men
Image of Bruce Lee
The More we value things, the less we value ourselves
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Bruce Lee
One must be truthful and honest in his approach; a constant independent inquiry and not blindly following a certain blue print laid down by others
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Independent
Image of Bruce Lee
All knowledge leads to self-knowledge.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Self
Image of Bruce Lee
People fear what they do not understand.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: People
Image of Bruce Lee
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Blank Mind
Image of Bruce Lee
Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Bruce Lee
In order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Motivational
Image of Bruce Lee
What Is, is more important than What Should Be.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Powerful
Image of Bruce Lee
Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Love
Image of Bruce Lee
When one has no form, one can be all forms.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Mma