Brian Tracy

Image of Brian Tracy
The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Mark
Image of Brian Tracy
I believe the happiest moments of your life are yet to come.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Believe
Image of Brian Tracy
Most of your happiness will come from your relationships with others. Handle them with care.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Happiness
Image of Brian Tracy
One of the most important rules of personal effectiveness is the 10/90 rule.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Effectiveness
Image of Brian Tracy
The first quality of courage is the willingness to launch with no guarantees. The second quality of courage is the ability to endure when there is no success in sight.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Sight
Image of Brian Tracy
Always focus on accomplishments rather than activities.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Accomplishment
Image of Brian Tracy
You are 100% emotional in everything you think, feel and decide. You decide emotionally and justify logically.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Emotional
Image of Brian Tracy
Being happy requires that you define your life in your own terms and then throw your whole heart into living your life to the fullest. In a way, happiness requires that you be perfectly selfish in order to develop yourself to a point where you can be unselfish for the rest of your life.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Life
Image of Brian Tracy
If you have two frogs, eat the ugliest one first.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Two
Image of Brian Tracy
You always think in terms of customer benefit. You always think, "How could I really benefit people at such a high level that they would love to buy my product or service and recommend it to others?"
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brian Tracy
Your solution for a customer has to be either amazingly valuable to someone who will pay an enormous amount of money for it or has to be valuable to an enormous number of people who pay a small amount. And also the person you're talking to-especially if you want to raise capital or raise support-has to personally say, "I want that. I like that. That sounds really great. I want that for myself."
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Talking
Image of Brian Tracy
There's an interesting study that says wealthy people get up three hours before their first outside appointment.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People
Image of Brian Tracy
And I love to speak - I am very good at it. And if you love to do something, you're very good at it, and also you are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you stop?
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Speak
Image of Brian Tracy
Network marketing itself is always one-on-one. It's also called relationship marketing. You can't recruit en masse through thousands of e-mails.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Marketing
Image of Brian Tracy
How often does the tightrope walker balance when walking across the tightrope? All the time! It is the same thing if you really want to have a successful career, and you want to have a happy home life. It is a matter of balance.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Home
Image of Brian Tracy
My favorite word is clarity...clarity...clarity. And the critical clarity is what is the transformation that is going to take place in the customer's life or work when they buy and use your product? And how profound is that? How important is that? You know the old saying, "If you could come up with a cure for cancer you'd be a billionaire by the end of the week" because of that profound result.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Cancer
Image of Brian Tracy
I work with people who come up with an idea and people throw money at it. They say, "Geeze, can I give you some money? Can I get a piece of that?" So, if your concept is good everything else becomes much easier. If your concept is unclear, then everything else is harder
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Ideas
Image of Brian Tracy
The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Tracy
If you consistently and persistently do the things that other successful people do, nothing in the world can stop you from being a big success also.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Successful
Image of Brian Tracy
Self-acceptance begins in infancy, with the influence of your parents and siblings and other important people. Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life. Your attitude toward yourself is determined largely by the attitudes that you think other people have toward you. When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance and self-esteem goes straight up. The best way to build a healthy personality involves understanding yourself and your feelings.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Attitude
Image of Brian Tracy
If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Morning
Image of Brian Tracy
Proper business planning demands that you focus on the self-interest of the customer at all times.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Self
Image of Brian Tracy
Develop a benovolent world view;look for the good in the people and circumstances around you.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Views
Image of Brian Tracy
Any system or blueprint for success is better than none at all. Think on paper.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Motivational
Image of Brian Tracy
Spouses should spend at least one full hour each day talking together about subjects that have nothing to do with their work or business. Children need at least ten minutes of face-to-face contact with their parents each day.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Children
Image of Brian Tracy
The solution to the problems of marriage and parenting is simple. Spend more time with the people you care about the most.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Simple
Image of Brian Tracy
Learn from the experts; you will not live long enough to figure it all out by yourself.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Long
Image of Brian Tracy
To improve your life, be prepared to make new choices and decisions.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Choices
Image of Brian Tracy
Never criticize, condemn or complain in a conversation with a customer or prospect.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Complaining
Image of Brian Tracy
Your customer is anyone who depends on you, or who you depend on for success.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Customers
Image of Brian Tracy
If you associate with turkeys, you will never fly with the eagles.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Eagles
Image of Brian Tracy
If you don't actively and decidedly choose to be the best, you automatically default to the lower 80% in your field.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Fields
Image of Brian Tracy
This powerful, practical book, based on years of proven and profi table experience, shows you how to leverage your special talents to maximize the opportunities surrounding you. The Compound Effect is a treasure chest of ideas for achieving greater success than you ever thought possible!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Powerful
Image of Brian Tracy
The reason for living is to have great relationships, to have people you love and respect and who love and respect you.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People
Image of Brian Tracy
In every company which I have done strategic planning, the number-one value people choose is always integrity. The second values may be quality of products and services, caring about people, excellent customer service, profitability , innovation, entrepreneurship, and others. But integrity always comes first.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Integrity
Image of Brian Tracy
The only thing we know about the future is that it will be faster changing and more unpredictable than the present.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Faster
Image of Brian Tracy
Write while the heat is in you. The write who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with. He cannot inflame the minds of his audience. To achieve something you've never achieved before, you must become someone you've never been before.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
I believe the greatest achievements of your life lie ahead of you.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Lying
Image of Brian Tracy
The effective leader recognizes that she is more dependent on her people than they are on her. Walk softly.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
Worry is a sustained form of fear caused by indecision
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Fear
Image of Brian Tracy
Success can lead to complacency, and complacency is the greatest enemy of success.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Enemy
Image of Brian Tracy
Every study of high achieving men and women proves that greatness in life is only possible when you become outstanding at your chosen field.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Men
Image of Brian Tracy
What activities, behaviors, or decisions have been most responsible for your success in life? Do more of them.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Decision
Image of Brian Tracy
Women are complex and subtle. Men are simple and direct.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Simple
Image of Brian Tracy
Everything in business is to get you face to face with people to respond to your offer. You have to realize the Internet is merely a door opening, and it has to be followed up by aggressive sales activity by the business owner.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Doors
Image of Brian Tracy
I believe each person has far more intelligence than they have ever used.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Believe
Image of Brian Tracy
The people running the business have to be people of good character. They have to have good Internet support. You can't be struggling to get payments. It has to be properly organized. You can only beat that horse of good and easy money so many times before it eventually dies.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Running
Image of Brian Tracy
The important thing is the 80/20 rule: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This means that if you're doing ten tasks, two are going to be vastly more important than others.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Mean