Top Fields Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Fields quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Barbara Hambly
I always wanted to be a writer but everyone kept telling me it was impossible to break into the field or make money. I've proven them wrong on both counts.
- Barbara Hambly
Collection: Fields
Image of Gerry Mulligan
The recording industry has changed; they're enjoying such incredible success in the pop field
- Gerry Mulligan
Collection: Fields
Image of Betty White
All creatures must learn to coexist. That's why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Of course, they can't mate or the mice would explode.
- Betty White
Collection: Fields
Image of Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
That prudery which survives youth and beauty resembles a scarecrow left in the fields after harvest.
- Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
Collection: Fields
Image of Robert Andrews Millikan
Willard Gibbs did for statistical mechanics and for thermodynamics what Laplace did for celestial mechanics and Maxwell did for electrodynamics, namely, made his field a well-nigh finished theoretical structure.
- Robert Andrews Millikan
Collection: Fields
Image of Isabel Briggs Myers
ISTPs have a vested interest in practical and applied science, especially in the field of mechanics.
- Isabel Briggs Myers
Collection: Fields
Image of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
I became a documentary filmmaker because I wanted to make socially conscious films. I never studied filmmaking - everything I have learned has been on the field.
- Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
Collection: Fields
Image of Eugenie Scott
Evolution is not controversial in the field of science. It's controversial in the public sphere because public education is highly politicized.
- Eugenie Scott
Collection: Fields
Image of Marv Levy
Sure education is valuable in any respect regardless of what field you are in.
- Marv Levy
Collection: Fields
Image of Ron Atkinson
For me their biggest threat is when they get into the attacking part of the field.
- Ron Atkinson
Collection: Fields
Image of Alexi Lalas
Maurice has been a revelation, on and off the field.
- Alexi Lalas
Collection: Fields
Image of John Clare
I found the poems in the fields And only wrote them down
- John Clare
Collection: Fields
Image of Erwin Chargaff
Outside his own ever-narrowing field of specialization, a scientist is a layman. What members of an academy of science have in common is a certain form of semiparasitic living.
- Erwin Chargaff
Collection: Fields
Image of Steve Bruce
He’s a fantastic talent and the complete footballer, probably the most coveted in the Premiership. It’s a privilege for the rest of us to be on the same field. If i could have anything i wanted for Christmas, i’d take Thierry Henry
- Steve Bruce
Collection: Fields
Image of Gilles Dauve
Communism is the end of the economy as a separate and privileged field on which everything else depends while despising and fearing it.
- Gilles Dauve
Collection: Fields
Image of Erich Ludendorff
A field Marshall is born, not made!
- Erich Ludendorff
Collection: Fields
Image of Donald Luskin
The Internet has leveled the investment playing field.
- Donald Luskin
Collection: Fields
Image of Edward Yourdon
There is nothing in the programming field more despicable than an undocumented program
- Edward Yourdon
Collection: Fields
Image of William Doyle
The [Tumor Treating Fields] patients can undergo all the activities of their daily life. There's none of the tiredness. There's none of what is called the 'chemo head.'
- William Doyle
Collection: Fields
Image of Troy Polamalu
On the field is a place where you can just let it loose and react to everything with violence.
- Troy Polamalu
Collection: Fields
Image of Roger Milla
Johan was more than just a great soccer player. He was a role model who promoted world peace. He brought the values of education into the game of football and proved that on the field, everyone is equal - Jews, Muslims and Christians - that running fast and playing well will lead to victory in spite of discrimination and racism.
- Roger Milla
Collection: Fields
Image of Jacob Barnett
Instead of being a student of a (given) field, I would like you to be the field.
- Jacob Barnett
Collection: Fields
Image of Jeff Corwin
Whether it's exploring the woods around where I grew up, or even today exploring the coastal habitats and environments where I live in New England, or in a remote wilderness we're featuring in one of my series - I love to be in the field and I love to explore.
- Jeff Corwin
Collection: Fields
Image of Jason Jordan
We ask sales managers what they would do if they had an extra hour in their week. They always say they would get out in the field and coach their reps. Yet, they don't.
- Jason Jordan
Collection: Fields
Image of Steve McNair
When I get on the field, I feel unstoppable.
- Steve McNair
Collection: Fields
Image of Sylvia Porter
One of the soundest rules to remember when making forecasts in the field of economics is that whatever is to happen is happening already.
- Sylvia Porter
Collection: Fields
Image of Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Wherever Mathematics is mixed up with anything, which is outside its field, you will find attempts to demonstrate these merely conventional propositions a priori, and it will be your task to find out the false deduction in each case.
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Collection: Fields
Image of Danie Craven
We can change South Africa on the rugby field
- Danie Craven
Collection: Fields
Image of William Goldman
Nobody knows anything...... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one.
- William Goldman
Collection: Fields
Image of Wally Lewis
When the Kiwis ran onto the field we could see the poor bastards were shitting themselves.
- Wally Lewis
Collection: Fields
Image of Stephen Keshi
I remember when Samuel Okwaraji died on the field, I was mute and I didn't even know what I was doing or what I was saying.
- Stephen Keshi
Collection: Fields
Image of Jacques Lacan
The I is always in the field of the Other.
- Jacques Lacan
Collection: Fields
Image of Richard Clayderman
I would also like to mention pianists like Michel Petrucciani or Chick Сorea for whom I have great admiration in the jazz field.
- Richard Clayderman
Collection: Fields
Image of Norman Pearlstine
If our brands are going to be in print and on mobile handsets and in video and events, we have to acknowledge that the playing fields are going to be different than a print-only product or a print product with extensions to it.
- Norman Pearlstine
Collection: Fields
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
I grieved, but a part of me felt a lightening of a burden that I had carried all my life: that I could never be worthy of them, that I would always disappoint or fail them. As an unknown slave in the fields of the baron, I knew the worst was over. I had failed them. At least I could not do so again
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Fields
Image of Robert Southey
The pulpit is a clergyman's parade; the parish is his field of active service.
- Robert Southey
Collection: Fields
Image of W. G. Sebald
... the current of time slowing down in the gravitational field of oblivion.
- W. G. Sebald
Collection: Fields
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The higher culture an individual attains, the less field there is left for mockery and scorn.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Fields
Image of Grover Norquist
Taxes are the killing fields of Democrats.
- Grover Norquist
Collection: Fields
Image of George Will
The reformers' preferred metaphor is "leveling the playing field." They should listen to the logic of their language: fields are leveled by bulldozers.
- George Will
Collection: Fields
Image of Alexander Pope
A field of glory is a field for all.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Fields
Image of Rumi
Beyond the rightness or wrongness of things there is a field, I'll meet you there
- Rumi
Collection: Fields
Image of Tom Brady
I love Serena [Williams]. Seeing what Serena's done in her field has been incredible.
- Tom Brady
Collection: Fields
Image of Freddy Adu
When I'm out on the field, I'm not scared of anyone.
- Freddy Adu
Collection: Fields
Image of Ludwig von Mises
In many fields of the administration of interventionist measures, favoritism simply cannot be avoided.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: Fields
Image of Bill Murray
Totie Fields is one of my benchmarks for a lot of things. There was a standard of show business.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Fields
Image of Simone Elkeles
Oh, and just so you know, before we go out to the field we all get into a huddle and yell 'Go Queers!' really loud.
- Simone Elkeles
Collection: Fields
Image of William Shakespeare
Up and down, up and down I will lead them up and down I am feared in field in town Goblin, lead them up and down
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Fields
Image of Terrell Owens
You have not seen my face go across the screen for any off the field problems, period.
- Terrell Owens
Collection: Fields