Bo Burnham

Image of Bo Burnham
Basically, I don't like to tweet stuff about my life. I only like to tweet jokes.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I always think of myself as a comedy feeder type person, and that feeder lets themselves get out of your comfort zone as opposed to straight stand up; that feels like honing one skill, like honing one point of view.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I enjoy stand up so much because I take time off, and then I'll be excited to go back to it.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
The strength of comedy is I don't have to answer to anybody, but sometimes you want to learn from other people and see your ideas strengthen by other people.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I just have a problem with youth culture.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I didn't want to bash young people. I don't want to bash a kid for dreaming or wanting something or being slightly ambitious - that's not the problem. The actual problem is with the culture surrounding him.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
With 'Words, Words, Words,' that show was me experimenting with something, and then there was a clear direction for me.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
Since I got an audience before I even had a comic voice, my material that really wasn't worthy of an audience somehow got it, slightly unfairly.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I don't really care about capitalizing on momentum.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I'd much rather wait till my material is up to par, in my opinion, than rush it just so I can stay in the limelight a little longer.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
A lot of my fans are really young and seem slightly unsure and nervous about things. Hopefully for young people watching my show, it comes away that I'm pretty weird up there.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I'm clearly doing what I want. I hope kids can see my act and feel like they can be slightly more comfortable in their own skin because I'm being so ridiculously comfortable in mine. I'm not that comfortable in my skin the moment I walk offstage. But I try to project that while I'm on it.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I was being called a shock comic. I hated that. It's so cheap and stupid.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
If a comic is himself, there'll be things he can't do - because he has to adhere to that persona.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
People look at me and go, 'He's only successful because he's got a bunch of 16-year-old girls at his back who don't understand comedy.' Well, they do. In any case, no one hates me more than I do; no one's more self-conscious about that than I am.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I'm left-brained, so I'm all about a mathematical approach to language. I've always been interested in that.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
Meta-comedy is everywhere and always seems so cold and to me is really kinda snarky.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I've kind of stopped valuing laughter as the end-all measurement of what I'm doing.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
It's all about surprising people, and you're not surprising people if you're making them laugh every five seconds.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I'd love to write a song that someone else sings that can actually sing really well.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I like the idea of conceiving a show and putting on a show, and especially when I got to the place where I could play theaters.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
Facebook became ubiquitous when I was 16, so I vaguely formed a sense of myself a little bit. I had kind of learned to think a little bit before the stuff was everywhere.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I don't want to monitor my audience too closely, as that can really drive you crazy.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
I don't worship comedy; at the end of the day, I don't fall to the altar of comedy unquestioningly.
- Bo Burnham
Image of Bo Burnham
Quotes are for dumb people who can't think of something intelligent to say on their own.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
Laughter is the best medicine, y'know, besides medicine.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Laughter
Image of Bo Burnham
What's important is that you stay true to yourself. Because when you enter the real world, the most valuable thing you can bring is all your you-ness. The world doesn't need any more hot chicks or tough guys or smooth talkers - the world needs more you. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Real
Image of Bo Burnham
I stopped and I thought, 'What would Jesus do?' So I didn't exist.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
I love you just the way you are but you don't see you like I do. You shouldn't try so hard to be perfect. Trust me, perfect should try to be you.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Love You
Image of Bo Burnham
If Jesus can walk on water, can he swim on land?
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bo Burnham
Squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under thirteen, just do them in your head.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Numbers
Image of Bo Burnham
Maybe life on earth could be heaven, doesn't just the thought of it make it worth a try?
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Heaven
Image of Bo Burnham
What do you call a kid with no arms and an eyepatch? Names.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Kids
Image of Bo Burnham
No one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Believe
Image of Bo Burnham
If I had a dime for every time a homeless guy asked me for change, I'd still say no.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
All you god damn dirty Catholics can cath-o-lick my balls.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
Where are all the sour patch parents?
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
Was Einstein's theory good? Relatively.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
How old is too old to stop believing in, like, the tooth fairy? Like 12? I've got a cousin who is 18... Yeah, still believes in gay marriage.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bo Burnham
I don't need anything as long as I have my family, friends, millions of dollars, unlimited pussy.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Long
Image of Bo Burnham
I masturbate 'cause I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to f-k me.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Causes
Image of Bo Burnham
The classic comedian says there's nothing that's taboo; if you laugh at one thing you've got to laugh at everything, that comedy is taking people to dark areas and showing them the light.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Dark
Image of Bo Burnham
Poetic talent is really easy to fake when thy sentences doth no f-king sense make.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Kings
Image of Bo Burnham
Do unto others as you would have them do to you, said the rapist.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Bible
Image of Bo Burnham
I actually wrestled in high school. I was only in one match, and I lost... my virginity.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
We're having a traditional Thanksgiving - turkey, mashed potatoes, hat buckles, smallpox, genocide, a blue corn moon, etc.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Moon
Image of Bo Burnham
In the distance, Bo saw a fairy. A fairy so beautiful that he felt proud of being called one in highschool.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Funny
Image of Bo Burnham
I'm happy with what I'm doing. I try not to focus on how I've changed. I just try to focus on what I'm doing now.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Focus