Alexa Chung

Image of Alexa Chung
No one says the word 'quirky' much in England. I guess because people are more naturally eccentric.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
I went out with a 40-year-old when I was 19, and since then, I don't really think much about numbers meaning anything. But I do feel like maybe I've neglected to work on developing emotionally and taking care of myself.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
I'm always helping out girlfriends, and then I'm wondering, who's going to look after me?
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
Music is my sport, and I'm the number-one athlete.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
Tech companies approach you to hold something in a picture and then say, 'This is what I want you to write on your Twitter.' There are people who get away with that and look really cool doing it, but I'm just not one of them.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
Being excitable and passionate is what makes you look good because if you're engaged in what's going on, you radiate youth.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
If I can't even be bothered to brush my hair, I don't think I should start getting face work... I think it would look a bit try-hard.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
A bad outfit can really get me down. If I'm wearing something really normal and boring, it's like torture.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
I just don't like people to be dictated to. I think you should dress however you want.
- Alexa Chung
Image of Alexa Chung
Clothes are about manipulations: how I feel, how I want to feel and how I want others to feel about me.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion
Image of Alexa Chung
Looking effortless takes a lot of effort. When I get new Converse I dedicate some time at home to shoving mud on them so they don't look squeaky clean.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Home
Image of Alexa Chung
I think it's about time people stopped judging women on their appearance and more on their intellect. Like you can appreciate my style without having to appreciate my weight. It's not actually mutually exclusive. I just get frustrated because just because I exist in this shape doesn't mean that I'm like advocating it.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexa Chung
Boys say they don't mind how you get your hair done. But then they leave you for someone with really great standard girl hair and the next thing you know you're alone with a masculine crop crying into your granola.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Girl
Image of Alexa Chung
Looking effortless takes a lot of effort.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Effort
Image of Alexa Chung
I'm terrified of being bored and not learning.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Bored
Image of Alexa Chung
Thank you, Jane Birkin, for providing me with infinite outfit ideas and the confidence to dress like a boy but act like a girl.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Girl
Image of Alexa Chung
The chihuahua and the pink velour track suit. I think it's kind of an iconic look.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Chung
The problem with heartbreak is that nobody can help you when you're heartbroken. Nobody and nothing. Not the films you watch alone desperately searching for a character who feels the way you do, not the glasses or bottles of whisky you keep by your bed and certainly not Instagram.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Heartbroken
Image of Alexa Chung
I just think that whole culture of hatred, and also feeling like it's your right to judge people when you don't know them, is really f***ed up. So I'm pleased I experienced that side of it, so I can learn to be a better person on the other side of it. I'm sure in the past I've been judgmental too ... Self esteem, that's something you've got to work on yourself. I know for me it's different day to day.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Alexa Chung
I mean, props to Paris Hilton because she's doing it really well and for someone that's such a wealthy heiress she doesn't really have to lift a finger at all. She was the first example of really strong branding and is obviously a very clever businesswoman. I remember recently they printed in a British magazine, they compared her to Kim Kardashian in the sales of perfume and all of this other stuff. She still makes huge revenue from all of her different business endeavors.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Strong
Image of Alexa Chung
It's funny because I think that both France and Britain are known for their distinctive styles and everyone says that France is so chic and elegant but I think more than that French women are renowned for dressing in what suits them.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Chung
I don't like it when people don't know the difference between their, they're, there.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Differences
Image of Alexa Chung
Hair is so linked to how we feel and everyone goes for something radical after a break-up, but my advice if you've suffered heartbreak or you’ve broken up with someone is not to touch your hair. It's the first thing women do but you're not in a fit state to make long-term decisions. You'll have to spend four years growing it out. Buy a lipstick instead. Go and kiss loads of other people, but don't f***ing touch your hair.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Kissing
Image of Alexa Chung
Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it'll be okay.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Heart
Image of Alexa Chung
On the same Australian trip, I brought back a pair [of Ugg] for my then boyfriend who was a photographer. He wore them all the time. He used to wear them with Levis twisted jeans and a vintage T-shirt. This is 2002. They looked great on him. I guess it takes a certain kind of man to pull them off but they have other ones that are less typical of this, I think.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Men
Image of Alexa Chung
I would say probably Paris [Hilton]. Because to me that's her in character and she kind was always sort of winking at the camera. There was satire I think involved in what she was doing. I like to think there was.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Character
Image of Alexa Chung
I actually found out about Ugg on a trip to Australia, which I guess is where they were born themselves. Everyone was wearing them there, kind of slightly ahead of when they caught on globally. This was in 2002 or so. Just after I left sixth form I was modeling and my best mate was Australian so I went over there to visit her. That was my introduction to the brand.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Uggs
Image of Alexa Chung
I think modeling is interesting, it's obviously nice to take on a character and go through the process. I'm very lucky that I've been able to do that but I think the challenges that come with the responsibility of art directing something is something that appeals to me. I've done it before in collaboration with other people but it's the first time someone's literally handed it over and been like, "What do you want?" It was really fun to kind of dream up a concept and then execute it with all my friends.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Dream
Image of Alexa Chung
I think as I get older that's an area that I'd like to explore more. Going from being in front of the lens to behind it.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Chung
We've had distressed edges. We've had culottes. We've had high waisted jeans, we've seen the heralding of the new bootcut back again. I'm so sorry to say this to you, but the only way forward is ultra-hipsters, you know? Like super-low cut, low-rider jeans, to the extreme.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Sorry
Image of Alexa Chung
It was genuinely horrible. I stopped using Twitter for a while because I got so much s**t about being anorexic. And Im not.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Horrible
Image of Alexa Chung
I was at school when Britney Spears' 'Baby One More Time' came out. I changed my uniform to look like hers. I just looked slutty after that, so thank you, Britney.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion
Image of Alexa Chung
When I was going to Paris for Paris Fashion Week, I'd often walk down the street and go into all the different shops that we didn't necessarily have in the UK and Maje was definitely one of the ones that stood out for me.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion
Image of Alexa Chung
I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Bullying
Image of Alexa Chung
I do date quite small men. And one large man! Just one.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Men
Image of Alexa Chung
Listen, the idea that I might be a fashion soothsayer is very flattering but completely inaccurate.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion
Image of Alexa Chung
My relationship with sartorial news is only what I like.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: News
Image of Alexa Chung
People get intimidated because they think I have everything, but it's just not true.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Chung
The idea of giving someone something that I got, that makes me feel sad.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Ideas
Image of Alexa Chung
I think the challenges that come with the responsibility of art directing something is something that appeals to me.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Art
Image of Alexa Chung
As soon as that was kind of green-lit, it became very obvious to me what I wanted to do and it was an instinctive reaction to my relationship with how I wear my Ugg boots. Which is in London and in New York, I wear them as soon as I get in basically.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: New York
Image of Alexa Chung
I think Maje typifies that French vibe where it's simple items that are very practical, very wearable but also like incredibly chic and expensive-looking.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Simple
Image of Alexa Chung
I think because I do model for brands but it's never without input, ever. With AG I front their campaign, and obviously designed the collection for them. I did the same back in the day with Madewell. Even with Longchamp, there's a certain amount of collaboration on deciding on photographers and stuff like that. It's something that I'm accustomed to doing behind the scenes.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Chung
DJing for people is fun until someone comes up with a phone screen that has 'PLAY SOME RIHANNA' written on it. I prefer to play older songs because they're the ones I personally enjoy dancing and singing along to and modern dance music bores my brains out.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Song
Image of Alexa Chung
My mother isn't particularly vain. Growing up with a parent who put emphasis on personality over looks was important.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Mother
Image of Alexa Chung
It's shot by Ben Rayner who I think is very talented at doing portrait photography as well as fashion photography. His images never look like a model. You know, it doesn't look like a faceless model just wearing whatever. There's always personality that comes through. That was quite important for me to capture.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Photography
Image of Alexa Chung
I think there's more room for different representations of women within fashion imagery.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion
Image of Alexa Chung
English suspenders not American. Could you imagine? Just a pair of knickers and some suspenders. I don't know. How would you wear that? I think this is kind of a cute first date look. A mini sixties Ossie Clark inspired mini dress with a pair on your trotters.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Cute
Image of Alexa Chung
I think Ugg went out of being something that Kate Moss and Sienna Miller were wearing in high fashion circles and then they were embraced by everyone. Once something reaches that tipping point of mass popularity then suddenly the fashion world is a bit like, "Wah." As you say, you see them less kind of everywhere now so maybe it's time to bring them back.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Fashion