
Image of Adyashanti
In liberation, you stand alone. You stand alone because you need no supports of any kind. You need no supports because you have realized that the very notion of a separate you no longer exists, that there is nothing to support, that the whole ego experience was a flimsy illusion. So you stand alone but are never, never lonely because everywhere you look, all you see is That, and you are That.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Lonely
Image of Adyashanti
The willingness to not bypass illusion is very important. We come to nirvana by way of samsara. We come to see the true nature of things by seeing through the illusory nature of things. We don't come to nirvana by avoiding samsara. We don't come to clarity by avoiding confusion.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Confusion
Image of Adyashanti
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. When you start to see the light that you really are, the light waking up in you, the radiance, you realize it has no intention to change you. It has no intention to harmonize. It has no agenda. It just happens. The Truth is the only thing you'll ever run into that has no agenda. Everything else will have an agenda.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Running
Image of Adyashanti
Stop all doing and be still. Let the fire of stillness burn everything and reveal That which is Openness.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Fire
Image of Adyashanti
You are an incredible mystery that you will never figure out. To be this mystery consciously is the greatest joy.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Joy
Image of Adyashanti
The mind wants to land, to fixate, to hold a concept, but the only way you can be really free is by not fixating. That's part of true maturity, and it's one of the hardest things for spiritual people who have had true and powerful revelations to go through - to accept the degree of surrender needed to literally let go of all experience and all self-reference. Even in great revelations, there is almost always something that wants to claim, "I am this." Every time you claim, "I am this", you just claimed another sense perception, thought, emotion, or feeling.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Adyashanti
No matter what spiritual path you've walked or what teachings you've followed, they must lead you back to no path and no teaching. A true teaching is like a blazing fire that consumes itself. The teaching must not only consume you, but consume itself as well. All must be burned to ash, and then the ash must be burned. Then, and only then, is the Ultimate realized.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Adyashanti
One doesn't stay in a state of nirvana by hiding from difficulties. You stay in nirvana by lavishing nirvana on everyone you meet, by giving it away as fast as you receive it.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Giving
Image of Adyashanti
As you peel it back, in the heart of nothing, that is love. You are what you are seeking. Life is a set up so that each of us can actually see in ourselves the truth for ourselves. What gets taken away are all the exterior means we thought we wanted love to come to us. You have the choice to notice the perfect set up to see love is exactly what you are.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Taken
Image of Adyashanti
Nothingness is an absolute infinite potential, not an empty box.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Infinite
Image of Adyashanti
The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Running
Image of Adyashanti
No one can give you the strength of character necessary... Only you can find that passion within that burns with an integrity that will not settle for anything less than the Truth.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Integrity
Image of Adyashanti
If we look at the world around us, we see that we are conditioned to not listen deeply. Because isn't that what silence is? It's a listening, a deep wordless listening.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Silence
Image of Adyashanti
Human beings have a drive for security and safety, which is often what fuels the spiritual search. This very drive for security and safety is what causes so much misery and confusion. Freedom is a state of complete and absolute insecurity and not knowing. So, in seeking security and safety, you actually distance yourself from the freedom you want. There is no security in freedom, at least not in the sense that we normally think of security. This is, of course, why it is so free: there's nothing there to grab hold of.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Adyashanti
When emptiness is still, that is eternity. When it moves, that is love.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Moving
Image of Adyashanti
When we start to suffer, it tells us something very valuable. It means that we are not seeing the truth, and we are not relating from the truth. It's a beautiful pointer. It never fails.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Adyashanti
Enlightenment is, in the end, nothing more than the natural state of being.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Enlightenment
Image of Adyashanti
A meditative mind is at ease because it's not trying to acquire anything.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Mind
Image of Adyashanti
Our own intuition of what we're called to is reality speaking to us individually and perfectly. We have to listen to how the Infinite talks to us and leads us. Reality, Life the Infinite, God, has a way of leading us in just the perfect way, if we will only just listen to it.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Reality
Image of Adyashanti
If we would only see that all limitations are self imposed and chosen out of fear, we would leap at once.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Self
Image of Adyashanti
Life sustains itself. Let go of the ego and life takes care of itself through you.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Life
Image of Adyashanti
When someone says, 'I love you,' he is telling you about himself, not you. When someone says, 'I hate you,' she is telling you about herself, not you. World views are self views-literally.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Love
Image of Adyashanti
Doubt is always accompanied by a pervasive cynicism that unconsciously puts a negative spin on whatever it touches.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Doubt
Image of Adyashanti
All delusions begin in the mind. All delusions are based on various ways we’re talking to ourselves and then believing what we are saying.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Believe
Image of Adyashanti
Enlightenment is the natural state of consciousness, the innocent state of consciousness, that state which is uncontaminated by the movement of thought, uncontaminated by control or manipulation of mind.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Mind
Image of Adyashanti
Whatever you can become will ultimately be destroyed. Only what you already are can't be taken away.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Taken
Image of Adyashanti
Love causes us to be deeply connected in an unspoken way. It happens when we're really available, really open.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Way
Image of Adyashanti
Now don't think that awakening is the end. Awakening is the end of seeking, the end of the seeker, but it is the beginning of a life lived from your true nature.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Life
Image of Adyashanti
When we're in our true being, the purpose of life is to feel that every moment is the purpose.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Purpose
Image of Adyashanti
Meditation is not something restricted to times of formal seated meditation; it is most fundamentally an attitude of being-a resting in and as being. Once you get the feel of it, you will be able to tune into it more and more often during your daily life. Eventually, in the state of liberation, meditation will simply become your natural condition.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Attitude
Image of Adyashanti
Our illusions-the beliefs we hold on to-are the very doorways to our freedom. We simply have to enter through them without grasping or pushing away. We must not believe them, but we must not run away from them either. We need to see each moment of apparent bondage as an invitation to freedom. Then it becomes an act of love, an act of compassion, to stop running away.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Running
Image of Adyashanti
The joke of it all is that you are looking from your true nature right now without knowing it. If you would stop being fascinated with the contents of your mind, you would experience what I am saying. Feel your way into what I am saying rather than thinking about it. Only a self-concept looks and longs for God. Drop your self-concept and there is only God meeting God. Enlightenment is the restoration of cosmic humor.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Thinking
Image of Adyashanti
Gratitude is the appreciation of what is, of life, of existence, of anybody and anything, for just the way it is.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Adyashanti
The proof of the depth and embodiment of your realization will be seen in your love relationship. That's where the proof is in the pudding. If it all collapses in your relationship, you have some work to do. And people do have a lot of difficulties in their relationships.
- Adyashanti
Collection: People
Image of Adyashanti
When you begin to become conscious, more aware, when your eyes begin to open, the first thing you see is how deluded you are and how much you're holding onto that which makes you suffer. This is, in many ways, the most important step: Are you willing to be aware?
- Adyashanti
Collection: Eye
Image of Adyashanti
Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when reality is for the realizing right now?
- Adyashanti
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Adyashanti
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. There is no sense that anything needs to change, but it does change.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Light
Image of Adyashanti
True love has nothing to do with liking someone, agreeing with him or her or being compatible. It is a love of unity, a love of seeing God wearing all the masks, and recognising itself in them all. With this love you can feel the walls of opposition come down naturally in the acknowledgement of deep connection. Not only do the walls of opposition fall, but love is felt for every human being and for life itself.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Wall
Image of Adyashanti
The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Adyashanti
A quiet mind married to integrity of heart is the birth of wisdom.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Integrity
Image of Adyashanti
To be free of fear is to be full of Love.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Love
Image of Adyashanti
Reality is always true to itself. When you're in harmony with it, you experience bliss. As soon as you are not in harmony with it, you experience pain. This is the law of the universe; it is the way things are. Nobody gets out of this law.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Pain
Image of Adyashanti
When you rest deeply in the Unknown without trying to escape, your experience becomes very vast. As the experience of the Unknown deepens, your boundaries begin to dissolve. You realize, not just intellectually but on a deep level, that you have no idea who or what you are. A few minutes ago, you knew who you were-you had a history and a personality-but from this place of not knowing, you question all of that.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Ideas
Image of Adyashanti
Awareness isn’t something we own; awareness isn’t something we possess. Awareness is actually what we are.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Awareness
Image of Adyashanti
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced the whole of your experience in each moment that arose?
- Adyashanti
Collection: Meditation
Image of Adyashanti
Most human beings spend their lives battling with opposing inner forces: what they think they should do versus what they are doing; how they feel about themselves versus how they are; whether they think they’re right and worthy or wrong and unworthy. The separate self is just the conglomeration of these opposing forces. When the self drops away, inner division drops away with it.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Thinking
Image of Adyashanti
You can't lose what you serve. That's the secret. What you serve, you can't lose. What you don't serve and what you try to hold onto, you can't hold onto. It's always slipping out of your fingers.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Secret