Abbas Kiarostami

Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I think that in life, being is nothing but an illusion. If we acknowledge that and accept the fact that we are in between states, that we are moving, and this movement is the nature of our lives, and we stop having aspirations for being in a definite state, we know life better and are able to enjoy it better.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Moving
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
My car's my best friend. My office. My home. My location. I have a very intimate sense when I am in a car with someone next to me. We're in the most comfortable seats because we're not facing each other, but sitting side by side. We don't look at each other, but instead do so only when we want to. We're allowed to look around without appearing rude. We have a big screen in front of us and side views. Silence doesn't seem heavy or difficult. Nobody serves anybody. And many other aspects. One most important thing is that it transports us from one place to another.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Home
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
It's true that the best way of knowing yourself is to put yourself into different situations.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Knowing
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The only thing that I can do is hold a mirror in front of men and women, in front of the viewer in the theater, to reflect. There is nothing but reflection that I could intend to offer the viewer of the film.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Reflection
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
Maybe more than a teller, I am a story listener. I really enjoy listening to stories. I remember them and keep them in my mind. All of my films are a collection of small stories that have been told to me.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Listening
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The experience of life teaches us that being like someone in love is more real, because everything is uncertain.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Real
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
When I'm in the process of making a movie I'm not thinking about the finished result, and whether people have to see it once or more than once, and what the reaction to it will be. I just make it, and then I live with the consequences, some of which may not be as pleasant as I'd like! I know one thing, however. Many viewers may come out of the theater not satisfied, but they won't be able to forget the movie. I know they'll be talking about it during their next dinner. I want them to be a little restless about my movies, and keep trying to find something in them.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Thinking
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I do believe in [Robert] Bresson's method of creation through omission, not through addition.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Believe
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I think being someone in love is so hard to define, so temporary, because retrospectively we often deny the state in which we were in love.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Love Is
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
Good cinema is what we can believe and bad cinema is what we can't believe. What you see and believe in is very much what I'm interested in.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Believe
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I think it was [Jean-Luc] Godard who said that life is nothing but a bad copy of film, but then our ambition must be to make better films and better shapes of forms that are given in life.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Ambition
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
We are nothing but a link between our culture and what we can actually produce.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Culture
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The fact of having this very new context, this unheard-of way of working, for me was very pleasant. I didn't feel that I was working, that I had any kind of burden to wear, to carry. I really was very happy and very lighthearted during the whole process of making the film [Certified Copy], of shooting it.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Shooting
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
In my experience as a director, I think there is obviously something of the way men - maybe that's a common point with Shirin - the way men see women in the film, and the way these two characters see each other.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Character
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
We don't look at each other [in the car], but instead do so only when we want to. We're allowed to look around without appearing rude. We have a big screen in front of us and side views. Silence doesn't seem heavy or difficult.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Views
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
This concept that you refer to in Buddhism is something I've been nurtured with through the history of my country for 700, 800 years - Persian poets and philosophers haven't said anything different with regard to experiencing life in the moment, as opposed to the belief of permanence.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Country
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The Iranian government as a whole has no relationship with my films. They're not particularly interested, perhaps this kind of cinema is not very interesting to them.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Government
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I'm not sure that my films show the reality of life in Iran; we show different aspects of life. Iran is a very extensive and expansive place, and sometimes, even for us who live there, some of the realities are very hard to comprehend.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Reality
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The [Iranian] government grapples with more important issues and we can maybe say that these films don't really exist for them. It's not about whether they like it or don't; it's just not very important to them.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Government
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I'm still very grateful to digital cameras in general, but I didn't have this feeling with the RED one.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Grateful
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
When we start shooting I don't have rehearsals with characters at all. So, rather than pulling them towards myself, I travel closer to them; it's very much closer to the real person than anything I try to create. So I give them something but I also take from them.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Real
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I can only display what I've been nurtured with, which is this worldview which has become my view. If I displayed anything different from it in my work, I wouldn't deserve this heritage.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Views
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The digital camera has given me total freedom and a different way of filming.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Cameras
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
Close-Up has affected later films that I've made.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Film
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
It is a very important film, Life And Nothing More, in that what was filmed was inspired by a journey I had made just three days after an earthquake. And I speak not only of the film itself but also of the experience of being in that place, where only three days before 50,000 people had died.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Journey
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
This [the earthquake] was a very big influence on me, and the issue of life and death from then on does recur in my films.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Earthquakes
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I had intended to make another film, called Pocket Money, which was to be about children at a school. I was very much intrigued by the story [of Close Up] - it came into my dreams and I was very much influenced by it. So I called my producer and asked that we put aside Pocket Money and start something else, and he agreed.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Dream
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I have somewhat lost my enthusiasm in the last years. Mainly because film students using digital video these days have not really produced anything which is more than superficial or simplistic; so I have my doubts.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Years
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
Despite the great advantages of digital video and the great ease of using the medium, still those who use it have first to understand the sensitivities of how to best use the medium.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Video
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The starting point and the ending point are nothing but two arbitrary choices. You make them as in soccer games, where they chose that it's 90 minutes, not less and not more. But the choices are the responsibility of the filmmaker. You have to choose to join the story at an arbitrary point, and you leave it at an arbitrary point.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Soccer
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
If we're not going to take full advantage of digital, then 35mm is a better medium. Especially for shooting dramas - I have no problem with 35mm.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Drama
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I think I'm no different to my friends who are doctors or businessmen or architects - we all started watching films of the golden age together. But whether I'm making films or writing poetry or doing photography, it's very much rooted in my sense of unease. And that's really where everything goes back to.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Photography
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I don't have very complete scripts for my films. I have a general outline and a character in my mind, and I make no notes until I find the character who's in my mind in reality.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Character
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The kind of sleep that I had during my own film [Certified Copy] screening in Cannes is different. It's not because of the specificity of the film. It was because of my relationship as an author to this film. Usually when I take my films to festivals, I feel incredibly anxious about them. I wonder how it will be received, how the audience will react. I feel deeply responsible for them. Whereas this time, I didn't have that responsibility on my shoulders.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Sleep
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
Having an international voice is not really about whether we speak Persian or any other language.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Voice
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
If I do continue to have the opportunity to work in Iran, that's very much what I'd prefer to do.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
My last experience of film-making was Tickets, a three-episode film in Italy, the third of which is directed by myself. It's not for me to judge whether it's a good film or a bad film, but what I could say is that nobody had a cultural or linguistic issue with what was produced.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Issues
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I never intended to write poems, nor to be a photographer, nor to be a film-maker. I just took many, many pictures and I would put them in an album, and then some years later I decided to show them and suddenly I was called a photographer. Same thing with my poetry. They're notes that I'd written in a book and it may be considered poetry.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Book
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
When the film [Certified Copy] was in the Cannes Festival, I realized that the fact of having it shot in a different culture, in a different language, in a different setting, that wasn't mine and that I didn't belong to, gave me a totally different relationship to the film. When I was sitting in the audience during the official screening in Cannes, I didn't feel that it was my film.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Different
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I have received the digital camera as a blessing. It has really changed my life as a filmmaker, because I don't use my camera anymore as a camera. I don't feel it as a camera. I feel it as a friend, as something that doesn't make an impression on people, that doesn't make them feel uncomfortable, and that is completely forgotten in my way of approaching life and people and film.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Blessing
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
In my opinion the man looks at the relationship in a more bitter fashion and the woman still holds great hopes.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Fashion
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I thought that choosing a non-professional was a condition for me, because it would allow Juliette to have a less-professional way of acting. It would challenge her performance as a professional actress.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Challenges
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I thought that I had been asked every kind of question possible.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Kind
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
There were years when Hitchcock was like a master to me, but now I think he's so artificial. I can watch films and say how technically beautiful they are, but I'm not impressed by any technicality.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I don't ask my students to have studied film or any education in general. What I ask them is to come and sit and tell me a story, and the way they choose it and tell it, for me, the best criteria for whether they are right for making films. There's nothing more important than being able to tell your story orally.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Important
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
It was a film that I knew, that I had seen, that I was familiar with, but I wasn't anxious about it at any point during the screening. I snoozed twice, and this is something I couldn't have imagined that I would feel detached, as I did with this film [Certified Copy].
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Film
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
I saw this French woman, this English man in Italy. It was a film [Certified Copy] I knew well, but I had already seen it, and I was familiar with it, and I had no feeling of anxiety or responsibility toward it.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
It's very true that non-actors feel more comfortable in front of a digital camera, without the lights and the large crowd around them, and we arrive at much more intimate moments with them.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Light
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
The one-word cinema wasn't possible for me anymore. I'd hit a wall, a dead end. Therefore I thought I'd turn back.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Wall