Top Years Quotes Collection - Page 106

Discover a curated collection of Years quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 106 provides more Years quotes.

Image of Richelle Mead
You can live a lifetime in two years.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Years
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
She always had a headache, or it was too hot, always, or she pretended to be asleep, or she had her period again, her period, always her period. So much so that Dr. Urbino had dared to say in class, only for the relief of unburdening himself without confession, that after ten years of marriage women had their periods as often as threes times a week.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: Years
Image of Drew Barrymore
I try each day, each month, each year to become a better and better person and to be good to the people I love and let them know how much I appreciate them.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Years
Image of Karl Marx
English law in 1572 decreed that beggars above 14 years of age are to be severely flogged and branded on the left ear unless some one will take them into service for two years; in case of a repetition of the offense, if they are over 18, they are to be executed, unless some one will take them into service for two years; but for the third offence they are to be executed without mercy as felons.
- Karl Marx
Collection: Years
Image of Terence McKenna
There has been no progress in 60,000 years in reducing the psychedelic experience to a known quantity. It is as terrifying, as awesome, as ecstatic, as irreducible to us as it was to them.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Years
Image of Rachel Maddow
[Dan Fried] served six presidents over a 40-year career dating back to the [Jimmy] Carter administration.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Years
Image of Ziggy Marley
It takes years to develop into the kind of human being you want to be.
- Ziggy Marley
Collection: Years
Image of Baron Vaughn
Sometimes I have young comics that ask me, "What should I do when I meet an agent or a manager and they ask me stuff?" And I say, "Well, they always usually ask, 'Where do you see yourself in five years, 10 years, 15 years?' And it's good to have an answer for that."
- Baron Vaughn
Collection: Years
Image of Steve Martin
Whether I'm involved in creating something or not, it's a personal issue of do I respect it. But you can only know that five or ten years later.
- Steve Martin
Collection: Years
Image of Hilary Mantel
So many years of preparation, for what was called adult life: was it for this?
- Hilary Mantel
Collection: Years
Image of John Lydon
I will always pay respect and homage to my early years, because that's what gave me the initial push to go on and do what it is I do. That's where I learned the love and respect for music.
- John Lydon
Collection: Years
Image of William H. Macy
I don't know if it's fair to say that it's a bad time for movies. It seems to me that throughout the entire history of filmmaking, every year there have been about two really wonderful movies, about 10 others that are pretty good, and a whole pile of garbage.
- William H. Macy
Collection: Years
Image of Jennifer Lopez
I did ballet, jazz and flamenco from when I was five years old. And my professional career started with dancing in musicals.
- Jennifer Lopez
Collection: Years
Image of Matthew McConaughey
One of the great pleasures of going to see a Daniel Day-Lewis film: you haven’t seen him in five years. Where have you been? So, it’s a special event, right? Well, if you want to go see a movie that I’m in, it still may be a special event for you, but, you don’t feel like you don’t know where I’ve been.
- Matthew McConaughey
Collection: Years
Image of Demetri Martin
When I trip, I feel like that's the world saying come here for a second. It just pulls me closer for a second, yeah what do you want? I just want to remind you that you're uncoordinated. I'm aware of that, thank you... can I go now? Yeah, you can go, but never ever try to outrun me. Ok, world, see you later. Yeah, I'll see you in about 50 years.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Years
Image of John Masefield
The social states of human kinds Are made by multitudes of minds, And after multitudes of years A little human growth appears Worth having, even to the soul Who sees most plain it's not the whole.
- John Masefield
Collection: Years
Image of John C. Maxwell
By far the hardest decision I've had to manage [was about my health]. Because I had 51 years of doing it wrong.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Years
Image of Christian Louboutin
The red sole was born from red nail polish. I am giving back to beauty what the shoes took from the nails many years ago.
- Christian Louboutin
Collection: Years
Image of Dave Barry
I'm not the only taxpayer who has no idea what he's sending to the IRS. This year, only 28 percent of all Americans will prepare their own tax returns, according to a voice in my head that invents accurate-sounding statistics.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Years
Image of Terence McKenna
Shamanism is not some obscure concern of cultural anthropologists. Shamanism is how religion was practiced for its first million years. Up until about 12,000 years ago there was no other form of religion on this planet. That was how people attained some kind of access to the sacred.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Years
Image of A-Trak
I've been doing it since I was prepubescent when I loved to scratch records and play good music. As it happens, you know I sort of fell into the mix. I really feel like I played a role in bringing dance music to America years ago.
- A-Trak
Collection: Years
Image of Rachel Maddow
These are career non-partisan apolitical staffers with a combined 150 years of experience at the State Department gone, just like that right off the top [right after Secretary Rex Tillerson was sworn in].
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Years
Image of Richelle Mead
A year. We'd known each other only a year, but we'd lived a lifetime in it.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Years
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
In youth we are plagued by desire; in later years, by the desire to feel desire.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Years
Image of Courtney Love
That is something I'm specifically equipped to discuss - how reputation can affect even your capacity to rent a place. Having good credit is irrelevant in the face of something like getting thrown out of court six years ago. I've really thought this out.
- Courtney Love
Collection: Years
Image of Stacy London
Clothes are not Botox. Wearing a miniskirt does not take 10 years off your face.
- Stacy London
Collection: Years
Image of Max Lucado
I spent the better part of a week trying to figure out how to organize these stacks of 30 years of conversations and dialogues. I finally began clustering them in these different categories, and I ended up with the ones you listed.It's interesting to me the kinds of questions I haven't been called to wrestle with. For example, I don't know what this says, but I'm not asked a lot of political questions.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Years
Image of Dave Barry
At certain times each year, we journalists do almost nothing except apply for the Pulitzers and several dozen other major prizes. During these times you could walk right into most newsrooms and commit a multiple axe murder naked, and it wouldn't get reported in the paper because the reporters and editors would all be too busy filling out prize applications.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Years
Image of George Lopez
D.C. is a great place. The music, jazz, has always been great here, the restaurants have always been fantastic here. And there's been a lot of changes in this city over the last 30 years, and all for the better.
- George Lopez
Collection: Years
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you're not doing something with your life, then it doesn’t matter how long you live. If you're doing something with your life, then it doesn't matter how short your life may be. A life is not measured by years lived, but by its usefulness. If you are giving, loving, serving, helping, encouraging, and adding value to others, then you're living a life that counts!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Years
Image of Bela Lugosi
I've been using narcotics for 20 years.
- Bela Lugosi
Collection: Years
Image of Brian McKnight
I've always been serious about music. After you've done it for so many years, you get back to the basics.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Years
Image of Larry McMurtry
I don't see how being married could be any worse than listening to you talk for twenty years, but that still ain't much of a recommendation for it.
- Larry McMurtry
Collection: Years
Image of James M. Barrie
Next year he did not come for her. She waited in a new frock because the old one simply would not meet, but he never came. "Perhaps he is ill," Michael said. "You know he is never ill." Michael came close to her and whispered, with a shiver, "Perhaps there is no such person, Wendy!" and then Wendy would have cried if Michael had not been crying.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Years
Image of Richard Louv
In every bio-region, one of the most urgent tasks is to rebuild the community of naturalists - so radically depleted in recent years, as young people have spent less time in nature, and higher education has placed less value on such disciplines as zoology……The times are right for the return of the amateur, twenty-first-century, citizen naturalist. To be a citizen naturalist is to take personal action, to both protect and participate in nature.
- Richard Louv
Collection: Years
Image of Adel al-Jubeir
We want to have good ties with the Iranians, but if they want good ties with us, then I tell them: Don't keep attacking us as you have done for the last years.
- Adel al-Jubeir
Collection: Years
Image of George R. R. Martin
I was a novelist first. But in the mid 80s, I did work in television for ten years. And yes, that was frequently the reaction to my scripts. People would say, you know, George, this is great. We love it, a terrific script, but it would cost five times our budget to shoot this.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Years
Image of Demi Lovato
The only thing I could see myself doing is music - songwriting or producing or something. I've never seen myself being in any other business, I've been working in this one since I was 5 years old! I could do other things, but I wouldn't want to.
- Demi Lovato
Collection: Years
Image of David Lynch
These growth hormones, where can I get a bunch of them? Is there some way that, with electricity, you could stimulate your own growth hormones? Plug yourself in for five minutes, there'd be a little jolt, but you'd get used to it. It wouldn't be bad at all; in fact, you'd get to enjoy it, probably. Then away you'd go, and youth wouldn't be wasted on the young anymore. You'd be 25, with a 95-year-old mind. Granddad would start breaking into liquor stores and staying out late. Hope we have it soon!
- David Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Todd Barry
I must have done everything I had. You go through years where you go through everything you've ever written
- Todd Barry
Collection: Years
Image of Todd Barry
It was actually 3 years between albums. That seems like a long time to me
- Todd Barry
Collection: Years
Image of Terence McKenna
We are the damaged heirs of a damaged cultural style which has been practiced now for about seven thousand years.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Years
Image of Angela Merkel
Our bilateral relations are very good, they’re very close. In the areas of business, of the economy, the United States of America last year were our most important trading partner.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Years
Image of Og Mandino
Many years ago, when I was just about as complete a failure as one can become, I began to spend a good deal of time in libraries, looking for some answers. I found all the answers I needed in that golden vein of ore that every library has.
- Og Mandino
Collection: Years
Image of Demetri Martin
After going through years of litigation to get royalties due to him, the guy who coined the term 'happily ever after' lived reasonably well for a while.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
I talk to hundreds of companies a year and spend hour after hour in heady pow-wows with CEOs, financial analysts and my colleagues in the mutual-fund business, but I stumble onto the big winners in extracurricular situations, the same way you do.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
Absent a lot of surprises, stocks are relatively predictable over twenty years. As to whether they're going to be higher or lower in two to three years, you might as well flip a coin to decide.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
I spend about fifteen minutes a year on economic analysis.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of John Adams
A single assembly is apt to grow ambitious, and after a time will not hesitate to vote itself perpetual. This was one fault of the Long Parliament; but more remarkably of Holland, whose assembly first voted themselves from annual to septennial, then for life, and after a course of years, that all vacancies happening by death or otherwise, should be filled by themselves, without any application to constituents at all.
- John Adams
Collection: Years