Angela Merkel

Image of Angela Merkel
There is a lot that binds Germany to Turkey, and even if we have a difference of opinion on an individual matter, the breadth of our links, our friendship, our strategic ties, is great.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Friendship
Image of Angela Merkel
Let us answer the terrorists by living our values with courage.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Courage
Image of Angela Merkel
The euro is our common fate, and Europe is our common future.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Future
Image of Angela Merkel
It is nonsense to say that Germans are unable to change.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Change
Image of Angela Merkel
We will have to accept a certain degree of legal immigration; that's globalisation... In the era of the smartphone, we cannot shut ourselves away... people know full well how we live in Europe.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Legal
Image of Angela Merkel
Germany has become a country that many people abroad associate with hope.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Hope
Image of Angela Merkel
Whoever decides to dedicate their life to politics knows that earning money isn't the top priority.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Politics
Image of Angela Merkel
Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific islands and the whole of the international community here has to shoulder a responsibility to bring about a sustainable development.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Change
Image of Angela Merkel
The question is not whether we are able to change but whether we are changing fast enough.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Change
Image of Angela Merkel
The willingness to learn new skills is very high.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Education
Image of Angela Merkel
It certainly is dangerous that there are only a few clubs left in Europe that can afford to pay millions. At the end of the day however, the spectators decide the rates of pay - by watching the games and consuming the goods and services advertised on sports TV programmes.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Sports
Image of Angela Merkel
Russia has nothing: no successful politics or economy.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Politics
Image of Angela Merkel
I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example, athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Finance
Image of Angela Merkel
For me, personally, marriage is a man and a woman living together.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Marriage
Image of Angela Merkel
Overcoming the Cold War required courage from the people of Central and Eastern Europe and what was then the German Democratic Republic, but it also required the steadfastness of Western partner over many decades when many had long lost hope of integration of the two Germanys and Europe.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Courage
Image of Angela Merkel
We Germans have a special responsibility to be alert, sensitive, and aware of what we did during the Nazi era and about lasting damage caused in other countries. I've got tremendous sympathy for that.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Angela Merkel
Especially in a very secular world, we should always stress what is common in the Christian religion.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Religion
Image of Angela Merkel
When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a 'life lie.'
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I'm someone who is very supportive of us eliminating all discrimination.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I chose to pursue a career in physics because there the truth isn't so easily bent.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
We have a duty as the state to protect our economy... We are for the protection of intellectual property.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
It's my damn duty and obligation to do everything possible for Europe to find a united path.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Politicians have to be committed to people in equal measures.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I am not an expert in this field but I do try to keep up to date with the Bundesliga. And I do follow World Cups and European Championships more closely.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I will not let anyone tell me we must spend more money. This crisis did not come about because we issued too little money but because we created economic growth with too much money and it was not sustainable growth.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Here we have the Schengen agreement, and the truth is that for years we trusted each other and set border controls on the outer borders of the European Union. And as was the case with the economic and monetary union, with this step, regarding the management of the Schengen area, we did not go all the way in terms of political solutions.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Germany wants peaceful coexistence of Muslims and members of other religions.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
It will not be possible to solve the current crisis with euro bonds.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
At this time - we're in a dramatic crisis - euro bonds are precisely the wrong answer. They lead us into a debt union, not a stability union. Each country has to take its own steps to reduce its debt.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
This multicultural approach, saying that we simply live side by side and live happily with each other has failed. Utterly failed.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
You can much better have an influence on the debate when you sit at the bargaining table and you can give input.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I never felt the GDR was my home country.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I've often made critical comments about settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank and in east Jerusalem, and my position hasn't changed. At the same time, it's equally important to me that the two sides, both Israel and the Palestinians, work towards a durable peace settlement: that's to say a viable two-state solution.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
We feel bound to the Christian image of humanity - that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I believe those that produce the least emissions in autos will also be those who have the greatest success worldwide.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Hatred, racism, and extremism have no place in this country.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
The European Army is our long-term goal. But first we have to strengthen the European Defence Union.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
It is a fact that, if I single out Germany, our rate of growth is too low and we have very high unemployment.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
I have a relatively sunny spirit, and I always had the expectation that my path through life would be relatively sunny, no matter what happened. I have never allowed myself to be bitter.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
More reforms will give more impetus to German industries to invest in India. German companies want to be treated on par with Indian companies, and creation of an equitable market is crucial for investments.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Let me say this on a personal note. Without the United States of America, I would in all probably not be able to stand here before you today.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
If the euro fails, Europe fails.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
We are a country based on democracy, tolerance, and openness to the world.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
We know that our life of freedom is stronger than terror.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Controversial disputes are a part of democratic culture.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
That is why everyone in politics, and we do it, must make sure that they do not depend on one single interest group. A good compromise is one where everybody makes a contribution.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
If you wish to have free access to the single market, then you have to accept the fundamental rights as well as obligation that come from it.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
Sometimes I can't stop myself from buying things just because I see them - even when I don't really need them.
- Angela Merkel
Image of Angela Merkel
When I'm stirring a saucepan, I don't say to myself, 'Now the chancellor is stirring a saucepan.'
- Angela Merkel