George Lopez

Image of George Lopez
Whoever is my relative, I will not be nice to them.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
When things are bad, it's the best time to reinvent yourself.
- George Lopez
Collection: Best
Image of George Lopez
It's a great day in America when white people, black people and Latinos can all come together and pick on another minority.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
The thing that upsets me the most is the entitlement of people that will stand with a flag and say to some other people that they need to go back to where they came from. When, in fact, they also would need to go back to where they came from, because you need to go all the way back to the beginning.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
Freddie Prinze was my idol, and he died, and there is not much of his stuff to look at. But now, your comedy can live on forever.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
When I look at the Gospel, I see how it is speaking to me at this time. I see how to be to others and it helps.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
The first night was awful because I was so afraid, and I was never more afraid because it was going out of my character to be outgoing and to be vulnerable and to be out there and onstage. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't swallow, and I drank a bottle of wine to calm my nerves.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I can't pay her back, but what I can do is make her as happy as she thought I would when we first got married.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
When you go to cable, there are no stations and no affiliates and they allow you to do your show.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I believe that there are certain things that could be taken care of that you don't need a strong political background in.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I've spent days in cinemas answering questions from the audience, in interviews, travelling abroad, and all they do is thank me nicely.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
In life, there's a ying and a yang and a balance. And when you don't have balance, you have comedy.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
Everything will be seen on your computer or BlackBerry or whatever devices we will be seeing in the future. Comedians will put their content on whatever server and send it to you specifically. We may even lose the live performance.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I didn't come from a background where I saw a lot of loving couples. All my aunts and uncles were either split up or fighting all the time. The only healthy relationships I saw were on TV.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
If this country wants to elect someone with no political experience who is racially insensitive and golfs... In my first 100 days, I will make Taco Tuesday the law.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I love comedy and I would write things to myself as an exercise in writing. I didn't do well for years, and I quit. I started to break down why I was afraid and started to look at people I admired, like Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Freddie Prinze, George Carlin and all.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I had a very difficult childhood. I was surrounded by people who had both parents, which made me feel different. Having a bit of a rougher existence early on, it made me appreciate the work ethic that my grandparents instilled in me.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
David Letterman is the best late-night talk show host right now, hands down, and has been since he first took the desk.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
So I started to relax and would work on my act eight hours a day, sitting at a desk writing at my grandmother's house, and I would put on Richard Pryor Live on Long Beach and would play it like a loop and think and write.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
It's not even about black and white anymore, because so many people are from mixed backgrounds and mixed ethnicities, and it's just a great time to be able to pull all that together.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
It was June 4, 1979, the first time I went on stage. I didn't know I could do it but I knew I couldn't not do it. I quit everything in my life and this was the one thing I couldn't quit.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I never realized I could love people as much as I do now.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
If the worst thing that can happen is that nobody laughs, then I can deal with that, because the worst thing that can happen at the factory is that I could lose a limb or be crushed by a huge machine.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I didn't want to be nobody, and that was the only way I could be somebody was to do stand-up.
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
I don't know if the art of stand-up will survive. Stand-up seems dated. Now you can do a mini-movie or a short with a beginning, middle, and end. A guy standing there seems a little old - especially when you can go on the Internet and see 'Funny or Die.'
- George Lopez
Image of George Lopez
No particular race is the enemy. Ignorance is the enemy.
- George Lopez
Collection: Ignorance
Image of George Lopez
One time, I was so hungry, I ate the beans in a bean bag chair.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
We're Mexi-cans not Mexi-can'ts.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
Life is moments going by, but if you don't grab them, they're gone. For a long time, the only moments that were available were bad ones. So now I make sure to grab the good ones.
- George Lopez
Collection: Long
Image of George Lopez
By the time I was 11, I wanted to be a comedian. So all those years later, I've managed to achieve my dream as a kid, and it wasn't easy. I'm on the [Hollywood] Walk of Fame and I'm one of the 25 most influential Hispanics in America, according to Time Magazine. I think my duty is to go back and tell kids, 'Whatever color you are, wherever you come from, anything and everything is possible.' And I'm living proof.
- George Lopez
Collection: Dream
Image of George Lopez
When I was 10 there wasnt trampolines and cartoon charaters, I never went to Chuck E Cheese! My mom said 'You wanna see a mouse pull the refrigerator Out!'
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
Laughter survives... it has to survive.
- George Lopez
Collection: Laughter
Image of George Lopez
I used to be ashamed by the way that I grew up. I tried to lie my way through better times, but when you think that honesty and truth is really your best weapon you embrace it and put it behind you. In the end, it drives you and motivates you to do good work. No one should be ashamed about where they come from as long as you desire to be a compassionate and decent person.
- George Lopez
Collection: Honesty
Image of George Lopez
You know how Mexican restaurants always have "border" in the name: Border Grill, Border Cafe. You wouldn't do that to black people: Kunta's Kitchen or Shackles. They don't do it to white people. You don't see the Honkey Grill, the Cracker Barrel... oh, nevermind.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
Sometimes when you win, you think you're going to get everything to go your way.
- George Lopez
Collection: Thinking
Image of George Lopez
We need to get better at voting and be a voice for the people who do not have one.
- George Lopez
Collection: Voice
Image of George Lopez
I think we all feel the same things most of the time, we just don't know how to put it into words. When I'm on stage, I say it. The truth makes people laugh.
- George Lopez
Collection: Truth
Image of George Lopez
I grew up not having a father. Golf is the father I never had. It taught me honesty and respect and discipline and it taught me to control my temperament.
- George Lopez
Collection: Honesty
Image of George Lopez
Obama is the closest thing to a Latino that we have. Barack. Everybody wants to see his birth certificate too.
- George Lopez
Collection: Want
Image of George Lopez
Marijuana brownies are amazing. Very simple to make, too. Just get some Duncan Hines brownie mix and cook the weed right in there. Drop it right in with the butter. I don't know who came up with this idea first, but it's sheer genius.
- George Lopez
Collection: Weed
Image of George Lopez
This is L.A. You wanna learn Spanish? Take the bus.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
I'm not afraid to take on somebody or say something that somebody will find offensive because unfortunately in comedy, you can't say anything really good without offending somebody.
- George Lopez
Collection: Offending
Image of George Lopez
Immigration is an issue of global significance in America. And if you look at the terrorist alerts and attacks, Latinos [as a group] are not in the top five list [for] terror alerts.
- George Lopez
Collection: America
Image of George Lopez
Y'know, if those pews reclined, and the priests gave the Raiders scores I'd go to church every Sunday.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
As long as you're a tax deduction, you'll always be safe in my house.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
When I first heard about Beverly Hills Chihuahua, I thought, no. This, this is ridiculous. And then you read the script and you close the script and you go, "They aren't going to be able to do that with real dogs. How are they going to do that?" You're going to see the strings. But they did.
- George Lopez
Collection: Dog
Image of George Lopez
So I started to relax and would work on my act eight hours a day, sitting at a desk writing at my grandmother's house, and I would put on Richard Pryor Live on Long Beach and would play it like a loop and think and write
- George Lopez
Collection: Beach
Image of George Lopez
I've gotten in trouble with every race you can imagine.
- George Lopez
Collection: Race
Image of George Lopez
Presents? We already bought you a lot of things. Member when we were at the market and I bought you gum? You'member.
- George Lopez
Collection: Funny
Image of George Lopez
I actually graze at several of the homes while Im playing. There a lot of food going on. I drink and eat and use the restrooms in a lot of the houses. What better way to really get closer to the fans than to steal their soap from the restrooms as they allow you to enter their homes?
- George Lopez
Collection: Home